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861 Spoiler Metin Ve Resimleri

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861 - Aktris

Vito, korka korka partiyi gözlüyor.
Perespero: 1. oğul. Şeker bakanı
Compote: 1. kız. Meyve bakanı
Katakuri: 2. oğul
Daifuku: 3. oğul
Oven: 4. oğul.
Smoothie: 14. kız.

Vito: Müttefiklerin yanında kendimi güvende hissederim sanmıştım ama hepsinin düşmanımız olduğunu hatırladım-rero.

Carmel'in fotoğrafı masadaki yerini almış.
İlk defa bir misafir Big Mom'a, Carmel ile aralarındaki ilişkiyi sorma cüreti göstermiş. Big Mom da geçmişinin yoklamasına dellenmiş. Bir ton hediye ile Big Mom'u sakinleştirmeye çalışmışlar.

Haftaya ara var.
sandman; Arlong park
Chapter title can be translated as "Persons who are good at acting" (演技派), which might refer not only to Pudding but also Sanji and so on.

Perhaps Sanj is just pretending as if he is still falling in love with Pudding. Otherwise, she would doubt Sanji.
Bu da Oro Jacksondan
Ch 861 Acting Skills

Vito is trembling while spying the state of the tea party.
From the leaders from across the world, there are monsters such as the eldest son and Candy Minister Perospero, eldest daughter and Fruits Minister Compote, second son Katakuri, 14th daughter Smoothie, 3rd son Daifuku, and the 4th son Oven.

Vito: "I thought I felt reassured with our allies, but I shudder that the thought of being surrounded by all these enemies-rero"

On the table lies a picture of Carmel.
A first time guest inquires about the relationship between Big Mom and Carmel, and she gets furious about someone trying to encroach on a person's memory.
The bosses give a mountain of presents in an attempt to put her into a good mood.

In front of the venue, Bege's men report that they've blocked all the routes to the venue.
They also report that they've completed jamming all communications with the horned den den mushi. Bege produces from his body the mirror that they will use with Caesar to escape.
He sees everyone fast asleep when he looks into his body to confirm Luffy's condition.
Jinbe communicated to him to wake everyone up ten minutes before the operation began.
An annoyed Caesar once again goes back inside his body, and Bege continues on by himself.

In the bride and groom waiting room, Pudding approaches Sanji.
Even though he knows it's all a lie, he goes heart eyes for the show.
Sanji and Pudding enter the venue.
The wedding ceremony begins.

No chapter next week

Translated By @Zoro4Prez2016
Source: 2ch
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