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Şueişa'nın başlattığı kampanya devam ediyor. Bu hafta, 745. sayıdan 11 sayfa paylaşıldı. Aşağıya bırakıyorum.

Sayıyla alakalı birkaç bilgi:

- Sabo and Robin greeting to each other.
- Law says the Bird Cage started.
- The truth of this country will be revealed, but before that, it will kill everyone on the island.
- Trebol & Diamante side: Now two top officers are here (also protecting the SMILE factory), no one can break this iron wall.
- Robin says to Sabo & Koala who seem to be her good friends that Usopp is her nakama.
- Viola: It's my first time seeing Dofla using this technique.
- Doraemon: Get out of my way.
- Zoro is looking for Stone Man.
- Dofla: That tragedy 10 yrs ago was simply small-scale, and it will happen again now.
- He also tells Pica to keep everyone else out of the royal palace.

Doflamingo: "Let me show you... how to really cut someone's head off!!"

Doflamingo: "I don't need to kill you five individuals personally, because literally everyone on the island is about to die."

...and birdcage really is a plan to kill everyone on the island, "before the secrets get out," at least according to Law.
Soldiers: What are we going to do?! The ex Toys are gonna come to us. They don't have the key so the won't be able to enter the room! For young master, this factory is his life. It's made of SeaStone so we should be fine. Moreover, those 2 are protecing the entrance, who is possibly going to break it?

Koara: Robin San!
Robin: Koara, Sabo, Hack! Did you meet Luffy? It's my Nakama Usopp.
Usopp: I'm Usopp.
Sabo: Let him rest!
Kinemon: Sorry but open the way!
Zoro: Something is happening down there. Where did that Stone Man go?!

Doflamingo: We need to take action asap!
Kyros: Disgusting!!! Why are you still living?
DD: I can teach you how to cut off a neck.
Luffy: Soldier!
Viola: Kyros!
DD: That's how you do it!

King Riku: Kyros!!!

DD: Straw Hat
Baby 5: There're 2 young masters!!

Kyros: Sorry, I was careless!!
Luffy: Yes!!! Gomu Gomu
Luffy: Jet Gatling!!!! Ahh!!!

Kyros: Luffyland!!! What's that clone?
Luffy: That hurts
Viola: It's a doll made of stings. I've never seen such movement from him.

DD: King Riku! You remember the feeling from 10 years ago? The moment where all your beloved citizens were in vain?
King Riku: I still dream about it. What are you trying to say?
Citizens: Someone kill him!!
DD: What happens from now on, it's going to be way worse!
King Riku: Don't say bullshit. Such thing can't happen again.
DD: I let you guys escape from here. Pica!!! Throw those guys out!

King Riku: Donflamingo... Please don't hurt the citizens anymore!!!

Luffy:We're thrown to the Garden...
King Riku: As long as Pica is there, we can't reach to Donflamingo!!
Law: It has begun! The Bird Cage! ???: Before the truth of this country is exposed, they're trying to kill everybody.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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