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[Spoiler] 1107 Spoiler Metin ve Resimleri

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Bölüm adı: Seni Arıyordum

- Kashii ve Oimo da Dev Korsanlar'ın üyeleriymiş.
- Usopp, Dev Korsanları'nı görünce şaşırmış. Jinbe halen Zoro ve Lucci kavgasını durdurmaya gidiyormuş.
- Luffy, Bonney'ye neden ağladığını sormuş. Bonney de her zaman için onu aradığını söyleyince, Luffy onca zamandır onun yanında olduğunu söyleyerek gülmüş.
- Luffy, Bonney'ye yaptığı saldırının güçsüz olduğunu ve o saldırının aslının nasıl olduğunu göstereceğini söylemiş. Ardından Dawn Gattling isimli yeni bir saldırıyla Saturn'e vurmuş.
- Kizaru geri dönmüş, doğruca Bonney ve Vegapunk'ı öldürmek için saldırmış. Sanji onun saldırısını durdurmuş. Franky ve Kizaru onun bu yaptığına şaşırınca, Sanji sevginin ışıktan daha güçlü olduğunu söylemiş.
- Saturn, Luffy'nin yumruğunu yedikten sonra geriye uçmuş ve düştüğü yerde Karasakal Korsanları'nı görmüş (Catarina Devon ve Van Augur). İkili Teach, Teach'in özel ırkı ve amacı hakkında konuşuyormuş. Saturn, Teach'in ırkını biliyormuş.
- Saturn onlara saldırmaya yeltenmiş, ancak Van Augur mevyesinin gücünü kullanarak kendilerini başka yere ışınlamış. Sonrasında da görevin tamamlandığını söyleyerek geri dönmeleri gerektiğinden bahsetmiş.
- Caribou onlara yaklaşmış ve Teach'e hayran olduğunu söyleyerek kendisini de yanlarında götürmelerini istemiş. En büyük hayalinin Teach'in tayfasına katılmak ve onu bizzat görmek olduğunu söylemiş.
  • Chapter of 17 pages
  • Chapter 1107: "I have been looking for you!!"
  • Reader request in the cover: Law and Bepo are napping with a snow leopard in a mountain
  • Chapter starts where last one ended. In an amazing double page, we can see "Giant Warrior Pirates" in all its splendor.
  • Oimo and Kashii are with Dorry and Brogy. There are other giants too, all of them are destroying more Marine battleships
  • Usopp is in tears seeing Dorry and Brogy through a binoculars (he's with Nami, Chopper and Robin). We can see a recap panel about Little Garden arc events
Usopp: "I thought I'd never see you in Elbaf!!"
  • Thousand Sunny is about to go over the cliff. Jinbe is still flying towards where Zoro is.
  • Zoro and Lucci are still fighting. Lucci is mocking Zoro, saying he will drag other down at this point since they can't leave Egghead without Zoro.
  • Cut to Vice Admiral "Red King" (the guy with many chins). His name is based on a Kaiju that appeared in "Ultraman" (a Japanese TV series).
  • Around 30 small and middle level ships are already sunk, so Red King orders all smaller ships to stay back. Larger battleships will approach Egghead and will fire at Pacifistas.
  • Cut to Luffy and Bonney. Bonney is in tears so Luffy asks her why is she crying.
Bonney: "I've been looking for you, Nika!!"
Luffy: "Why? I've been here with you all the time. And... What is a Nika?"
  • Luffy just realized that Vegapunk is injured and looks furious at Saturn.
Luffy: "How dare you hurt my friend..."
  • Luffy says he saw Bonney's attack, but it was super weak. Bonne yasks Luffy to show her real Nika's punch
  • Saturn attacks Luffy with his eye power. Luffy's head was blown back but he withstands the attack.
Luffy: "Bonney, I will show you how it works!! 'Gomu Gomu no Dawn Gatling' (White Gatling)!!!!"
  • In an epic panel, Luffy punches Saturn many times in his face. Saturn is sent flying and he crushes into buildings again.
  • Kizaru shoots a laser beam at Bonney and Vegapunk, but Sanji blocks it with his kick
  • Kizaru makes a shocked face that we haven't seen before on him. Franky makes an "Enel face".
Franky: "I can't believe it!! Wasn't that a laser beam!?"
Sanji: "Love shines brighter than light!!"
Kizaru: "If it works like that, then we wouldn't need 'physics'...!!"
  • Franky, Bonney, Kuma and Atlas fly away to the coast first. Vegapunk refuses to move since he knows from his medical knoweldge, that if they move him now, he will die.
  • Sanji and Luffy stand to block Kizaru.
  • Cut to Saturn, he's emerging from the rubble. Suddenly, someone appears in front of him: the yare Catarina Devon and Van Augur. Catarina looks at Saturn stunned.
Catarina Devon: "I wonder what kind of power is that... Murufufufu. I have never heard of a case where one of the "Five Elders" would descend on earth themselves..."
  • Catarina Devon touches one of Saturn's leg with her hand. Saturn looks at her very angry.
Catarina Devon: "Either way, it makes things easier for us. Mission accomplished."
Saturn: "Why are you here..? Catarina Devon... Never would I have thought the fearsome criminals of 'Level 6' would submit to someone"
Catarina Devon: "Fufu... Because Teach is special."
Saturn: "... His bloodline as well."
Catarina Devon: "Oh, you already know?"
Saturn: "Your crew has been taking nothing but strange actions... What exactly are your goal?"
Catarina Devon/Van Augur: "THE WORLD!!!!"
  • Saturn attacks them but Van Augur warps Devon and himself away
  • Catarina Devon and Van Augur are preparing to leave Egghead in their ship, but suddenly Caraibou appears in front of them.
  • Caribou is crying out of happiness (like Bartolomeo when he is near to Luffy). He has a special request...
Caribou: "Please allow me to meet Blackbeard just one time!! He's my idol!! I want to work for him!! I became a pirate just because of him!!"
  • End of the chapter, NO BREAK NEXT WEEK. Jump cover and Color Spread in Chapter 1108
Sanji's eyebrows were switched when he blocked Kizaru's attack

Rough Zoro/Lucci Dialogue

Zoro: "You're quite tough! I'm in a hurry here..!"

Lucci: "That line is for the one who wins at the end, Roronoa! Not for the nuisance that's making his comrades wait, am I wrong? As long as you're still surviving, your comrades can't make a move..."

Zoro: "You say that like you're the one who's controlling the time of the fight here, Rob Lucci !"

Rough Sanji/Kizaru Dialogue

Kizaru: "My reputation is on the line here, I need to at least bring your heads in..."

Sanji: "Then I'll guess you'll just have to write an apology letter !"
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