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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Chapter Title: Luffy's Dream
- Luffy reveals his Dream to the crew and we get to see their reaction
- Sabo continues his call with dragon
- He mentions being in Lulucia Kingdom and having seen a person sitting on the empty throne
- Imu is seen with a map that has Lulucia kingdom crossed out
- In the skies of Lulucia Kingdom dark clouds start to gather and lightning is striking left and right
- An object is seen falling down from the sky onto the country
- Lulucia Kingdom is destroyed
- The straw hats meet Jewelry Bonney with a bounty of 320mil at the end of the Chapter
Bölüm adı: Luffy'nin Hayali
- Luffy tayfadakilere hayalinden bahsetmiş, herkes şok olmuş.
- Sabo, Lulucia Krallığı denen bir yerdeymiş ve Boş Taht'ta oturan birini gördüğünü söylemiş.
- Im'in önünde bir harita varmış ve Lulucia Krallığı'nın üzeri çarpıyla işaretlenmiş durumdaymış.
- Lulucia Krallığı'nın gökyüzü kara bulutlarla kaplanmış ve etrafa yıldırımlar düşmeye başlamış.
- Aniden gökyüzünden bir nesne düşmüş ve Lulucia Krallığı tamamen yok olmuş.
- Bölümün sonunda Hasır Şapkalar, Jewelry Bonney ile karşılaşıyormuş. Bonny'nin ödülü 320 milyonmuş.
Source 5ch.

Robin is reading the newspapers
The crew comes to understand the world situation (Sabo killing Cobra) while they were in Wano Kuni.
Luffy says the newspaper must be wrong because Sabo just wants to free everybody.
He then talks about his dream.
"This is the end of my dream...."
He reveals it to the crew but we are not shown what his dream is

WSJ Cover is Luffy as Nika (Gear 5)
Son düzenleme:
- Robin gazete okuyormuş.
- Tayfa kendileri Wano'da iken dünyada neler olduğunu öğrenmiş. (Sabo'nun Cobra'yı öldürdüğü haberini de okumuşlar.)
- Luffy haberin yanlış olduğunu çünkü Sabo'nun herkesi özgürleştirmek istediğini söylemiş.
- Bunun ardından tayfaya hayalini anlatmış. Ama biz hayalinin ne olduğunu görmüyormuşuz.
First page:

Luffy: It's definitely a lie!! There is no way he would have killed Vivi's dad!! Sabou wouldn't do that!!

Robin: Of course... I think the same... The revolutionary army's enemy are the "World nobles" not the kings...

[The "Revolutionary Army" declares ware against the celestial dragons. The chief of staff, Sabo has murdered the king of Alabasta, Cobra. And his daughter, the princess Vivi is missing]

Reactions page:

Zoro: Huh?

Jinbei: Hm? What... did you say?

Nami: Eehh??

Brook: Yohoho♪ That's so fun!!

Usopp: Hey, no no, you that's...!!

Franky: Wahaha, that's nice, it's the best!!

Sanji: Dahahaha, hey Chopper examine his head!!

Chopper: Waah~

Luffy: That's the "end of my dream"
From redon on Pirate King forums:

Something gigantic appears above the island, above the clouds (we can't see it). It starts shooting laser beams (or something similar) over the island, producing a huge explosion in the form of a sphere. But the sphere is the product of the impact of the laser beams on the island.

Although it is not confirmed in the chapter, I think it is clear that Imu controls the Ancient Weapon "Uranus", which is a kind of flying ship capable of destroying entire islands.

There are more reactions on the next page to what has been posted so far. After the initial shock of hearing Luffy, Nami and Jinbe are also with their captain (in fact, Nami says "It's typical/expected of you, Luffy").

All that part with the band is very emotional, I have been moved reading it because it is very One Piece
Son düzenleme:
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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