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[Spoiler] 1054 Öngörüş

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- Chapter 1054: Forest God
- New cover page is about Shichibukai. In each episode we will see what happens to them. The first one is Edward Weevil but i will not give more details.
- The chapter is a continuation of the previous one, Aramaki keeps walking. This time we see he soloed Marco and Nine Red Scabbards.
- It's unclear if Marco is dead, but one samurai is dead.
- Yamato says if I eat the most meat, take me to your crew. Luffy says yes and they are competing to bet who will eat the most meat.
- Brook supports Yamato, while Usopp and Chopper cheer for Luffy.
- Law teleported himself and the Kid to Robin's side. They want information for the Poneglyph.
- While Aramaki is at the gate of the capital, Zoro and Sanji appear before him. Aramaki turns into a tree. His fruit is a Logia: Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Forest God.
- On the last page, Aramaki takes out his black sword, saying, "I smell alcohol and food from you, can't wait to taste you."
Sololar demeseydin yemiştim bunu :hhh:
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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