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[Spoiler] 1053 Öngörüş

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Spoilerlar gelmiş.

- Color Spread is dedicated to One Piece Odyssey videogame.

- The new bounties of Luffy, Law and Kid are 3 billion Berries each. The image on Luffy’s Wanted poster is Gear 5.

- Hitetsu is revealed to be Kozuki Sukiyaki. Robin talks with him and says that Pluton is in the Land of Wano.

- Ryokugyu’s real name is Aramaki, he can create plants and he can absorb people’s nutrients, we saw him using this against King and Queen.

- There’s a big party in Flower Capital, there’re fireworks.

- Kid arrives at the party and shows Luffy the newspaper.

- The 4 new Emperors are revealed: Shanks, Teach, Luffy and Buggy.
Chapter 1053: “The New Emperors”
- Color Spread is dedicated to One Piece Odyssey videogame.
- The new bounties of Luffy, Law and Kid are 3 billion Berries each. The image on Luffy’s Wanted poster is Gear 5.
- Hitetsu is revealed to be Kozuki Sukiyaki. Robin talks with him and says that Pluton is in the Land of Wano.
- Ryokugyu’s real name is Aramaki, he can create plants and he can absorb people’s nutrients, we saw him using this against King and Queen.
- There’s a big party in Flower Capital, there’re fireworks.
- Kid arrives at the party and shows Luffy the newspaper.
- The 4 new Emperors are revealed: Shanks, Teach, Luffy and Buggy.
WG'de Etenboby diye biri demiş :This chapter was peak fiction for admiral fans

Hadi yine iyisiniz amiralciler. 5 yılda bir gerçekleşen geleneksel amiral gücünü abartme etkinliği bu bölümde fazlasıyla gerçekleşecek.:D
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