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[Spoiler] 1027 Spoiler Metin Ve Resimleri

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Chapter 1,027: "Danger Beyond Imagination".
- Luffy asks Yamato to help Momonosuke.
- Yamato understands Luffy's intentions, he wants to fight a 1 on 1 with Kaidou.
- Yamato: "Dragons don't fly, they run through the sky grabbing the clouds they create. These clouds are called “Flame Clouds”".
- We see rocks falling from Onigashima. Yamato believes that Kaidou's power is weakening and that his “Flame Clouds” are unstable.
- Momonosuke must create his own “Flame Clouds” to hold Onigashima and prevent that Onigashima falls on the Flower Capital.
- Zoro Vs. King.
- King transforms and attacks both enemies and allies.
- Zoro breaks King's mask with an attack called "Ultra Tiger Hunt" and we can see part of King's face.
- King takes Zoro out of the castle, he almost fell off the island.
- Zoro: "At least let me die with a sword or I won't forgive you."
- King: "I won't forgive you either."
- No break next week.

Luffy Yamato'dan Momo'ya yardım etmesini istemiş.

Yamato Luffy'nin içinden geçenleri anlamış, Luffy 1vs1 istiyormuş.

Yamato ejderhaların uçamadığını, etraftaki bulutları manipule ederek uçarmış gibi bir etki yarattıklarını anlatıyor. Flame bulutları deniyormuş, çevirme denemesi yapmadım.

Onigashima'dan taş maş düşüyormuş, Yamato Kaido'nun gücünün zayıfladığını ileri sürmüş, durum pek olağan görünmüyormuş.

Daha önce öne sürdüğüm şey gerçek oluyor gibi: Momo kendi flame bulutlarını meydana getirmeliymiş.

Zoro vs. King

King dönüşüm geçirip sağa sola, dost düşman demeden saldırıyormuş.

Zoro Ultra Kaplan Avcısı saldırısıyla King'in maskesini düşürüyormuş, böylelikle King'in yüzünün bir kısmını görüyormuşuz.

Zoro büyük ihtimalle King tarafından adanın sınırına kadar götürülmüş. Zoro neredeyse adadan düşecekmiş.

Zoro "En azından kılıçla ölmeme izin ver, yoksa seni affetmem" demiş.

King: Ben seni her halükarda affetmeyeceğim...

Ara yok.
- Momonosuke creates clouds on his legs, grabs them and thanks to them he can fly.
- These clouds are called "clouds of flames" (Homuragumo).
- Zoro uses the attack "Ultra Tiger Hunt" to stop King (although it is not the 100% correct name, the Japanese who has published the text has misspelled it).
- Then use a 2-sword style attack called “Clearance” to return to the island (he propels himself with it in the air).
- King's attack is called "Tankyudon" (again it is an error of the Japanese who has published the text, it is not exactly called that).
- The Japanese who publishes the text does not know if King uses his hybrid form or not, since he moves at great speed.
- King's skin is a little dark.
-Momonosuke ayaklarının altında yarattığı bulutlara tutunarak uçuyormuş.
-Bu bulutlara "Homuragumo" (=Ateş Bulutları) deniliyormuş.
-Zoro, King'i durdurmak için "Ultra Tiger Hunt" adlı saldırıyı kullanmış.
-Sonra adaya dönebilmek için "Clearance" adlı saldırıyı kullanmış. - Kendini saldırının gücü ile havada ittirmiş.
-King'in saldırısının adı "Tankyudon"muş.
-King'in hibrit açıp açmadığı kesin değilmiş. - Spoiler'ı veren kişi King çok hızlı hareket ettiği için anlayamamış.
-King esmermiş.
Not: Saldırı isimleri Japonca transkripsiyon sorunları nedeni ile kesin değil.
Zoro meets Franky, who offers his help. Zoro tells him that there is no need and to escape.
- Kaidou's power is weakening and Onigashima may fall.
- Even if he is defeated, Onigashima could fall on the Flower Capital.
- Onigashima has a lot of weapons and gunpowder, therefore it is a huge bomb.
- The only way to stop Onigashima is for Momonosuke to create "clouds of flames" more powerful than Kaidou's.
-Franky, Zoro ile karşılaşmış ve yardım teklif etmiş. Fakat Zoro teklifi kabul etmemiş ve Franky'e kaçmasını söylemiş. (Cümlenin orijinali kötü bir İngilizce ile yazılmış. Kaçmak kısmı için Zoro kaçmama gerek yok demiş de olabilir.)
-Kaido'nun gücü zayıfladığından Onigashima düşebilirmiş.
-Kaido yenilse bile Onigashima düşebilirmiş.
-Onigashima'da bir sürü silah ve barut olduğundan düştüğü zaman bir patlamaya sebep olabilirmiş.
-Onigashima'yı durdurmanın tek yolu, Momonosuke'nin Kaido'nun bulutlarından daha güçlü bulutlar yaratmasıymış.
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,027: "Danger Beyond Imagination".

In the cover, we see Gol D. Roger running away from a furious lion while he cries with laughter. Roger painted lion's face while it was sleeping. In the background, we can see Shanks and Buggy in the top of a tree, they are still scared by the anger of the lion.

Chapter starts with Nekomamushi, who has returned to his normal form by covering his eyes from the moonlight. Perospero is KO on the ground, Carrot hugs Nekomamushi and Wanda also walks up to him.

Nekomamushi: "Be careful or you will transform into Sulong.
For some reason, the moon showed up again in the sky..."

We can see Onigashima in the sky while the clouds are separating more and more. Yamato and Momonosuke look up at the sky as Luffy and Kaidou are face to face after their collision.

Yamato: "I read it in the journal...!!"
When Roger and Shirohige clashed, the sky also splited!!!"

The impact of Luffy and Kaidou's clash was so powerful that shaked the entire island. We can see some rocks falling inside Onigashima's castle.

Yamato starts bleeding from his head.

Yamato: "Ah...
“Raimei Hakke”...
Although I tried to defend myself against it, it was completely impossible to block all of its power."

Luffy tells Yamato to go help Momonosuke, who is on the edge of the island unable to jump because he doesn't know how to fly yet. Yamato jumps on his head and tells Momonosuke that he is going to help him. Kaidou goes after them.

Kaidou: "Hey Yamato!! Momonosuke...
Where do you think you are going!!!"

Momonosuke freaks out when he sees Kaidou going after them. Then he thinks about the last moment he saw Kinemon before Kaidou attacked him. Momonosuke asks Kinemon for help from within. At that moment Kaidou reaches them but Yamato blocks his attack.

Luffy comes up from behind, stretches his legs and wraps Kaidou's neck with them to stop him.

Luffy: "Yamao!!"

Yamato: "I understand!!
You wanna fight alone, right!!?"

Luffy answers with a smile.

Luffy: "Yes!!!"

Momonosuke finally falls the cliff screaming in fear.

Momonosuke: "Aaaahh, I'm going to die!!!"

Yamato: "Momonosuke-kun!!
Grab the sky!!"

Momonosuke: "Grab!?"

Yamato: "“Dragons” don't fly!!"

Momonosuke: "Huh!?"

Yamato: "Create a cloud.
Grab the cloud!!"

As Yamato says this, we see how Momonosuke creates a cloud next to his claw and then grabs it strongly and propels himself with it.

Yamato: "Walk in the sky!!!
That is what “dragons” do!!!"

Momonosuke: "I'm flying!!!"

Yamato: "These clouds are called “Flame Clouds” (Homuragumo)!!!"

Suddenly, some rocks fall from the bottom of Onigashima. Yamato destroys them without problem. However more and more rocks are falling from the island.

Yamato: "The island is starting to collapse!!!"

Momonosuke: "Huh!!?"

Yamato: "It's not possible...
Kaidou's power... is weakening...!?
“Flame Clouds” are unstable."

Momonosuke: "It's very dangerous!!"

Momonosuke hits the lower area of Onigashima island with his head, but gets nothing.

Momonosuke: "I won't let this dangerous thing reach the “Flower Capital”!!!"

Yamato: "It's impossible, you won't be able to do anything this way Momonosuke-kun!!
We don't have time!!
It's too close!!!
The island will arrive in less than 5 minutes!!"

They both look at Onigashima thinking what to do.

Yamato: "The “Flame Clouds” are disappearing!!
The only way to stop the island is to push it with more powerful “Flame Clouds”!!!"

Momonosuke: "It's crazy!! I can't create something like that!!
I don't have the same strength as Kaidou!!"

Yamato: "You should be able to do it!!"

Yamato says that the situation is worse than he had imagined. If Onigashima lands as Kaidou had planned, there will be many victims in the city.

Yamato: "The worst will happen if Kaidou is defeated.
“Flame Clouds” will disappear and Onigashima will fall down before it reaches the capital!!
There's a massive amount of weapons and explosives in Onigashima!!!
The island itself is a giant bomb!!
If the island falls...!! Enemies and allies will be annihilated!!!"

Momonosuke: "Eh...
Then we need to warn Luffy...!!"

Yamato hits Momonosuke's head with his kanabo.

Yamato: "Idiot!!!"

Momonosuke: "Wah!!"

Yamato: "Luffy is the one carrying everything on his back...!!
Right now he is fighting alone!!!"

As Yamato speaks we see that Luffy and Kaidou are preparing another attack using their Color of the Supreme King Haki.

Yamato: "You can't defeat Kaidou without Luffy!!
So you can't give him more to worry about!!
You must to stop this yourself!!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor” in Onigashima's castle. We can see that King is attacking people all over the floor with cutting wind blades (both samurais and members of the Beast Pirates). Zoro is hit by King's attack, he tries to stop it with his swords but the attack is so powerful that Zoro flies through the wall.

We see that King is transformed into his hybrid form (although it's not confirmed in the chapter). His body remains human form but his arms turn into Pteranodon wings (the ones that he used to attack everyone) and there's a Pteranodon crest on his head.

King's attack has been so strong that Zoro flies through one of the corridors near to the “Live Floor”. Franky is there and manages to stop Zoro and stops his flight. Zoro says King is strong, Franky offers to help but Zoro says he's OK.

On the “Live Floor” we see that Queen is arguing with King.

Queen: "Damn King!!!
Stop with your indiscriminate attacks!!
You almost cut my ass!!"

King: "Too bad I didn't cut your neck."

Queen: "Ahh!!?"

Some Beast Pirates' subordinates speak about King's anger.

Subordinates: "Pirate Hunter Zoro...
he has managed to damage King's mask!!
No surprise he's angry ...
Since no one has ever seen how King is like under his mask!!"

As they say this, we see how King gets closer to Zoro and Franky. Indeed, Zoro has managed to cut one of the spikes of King's mask (the one on the left side).

Zoro: "Franky, it's better you leave this place...!!"

Franky: "Good luck!!"

King jumps and flies at high speed towards Zoro using a new attack.

King: "“Tankyudon” (Vermilion Imperial Bow - 丹弓皇 (タンキュウドン))!!"

Zoro defends himself.

Zoro: "“Santouryuu”...!!
“Tora Gari”!!!"

“Santouryuu: Ul Tora Gari” = Three Swords Style: Ultra Tiger Hunt (三刀流: 極虎狩り (ウルトラがり)).

Zoro stops King's flap and even manages to hit King's head. But King's attack is very powerful and Zoro is thrown away again. This time he goes through several walls and finally he's blown outside of Onigashima's castle. Zoro spits blood from his mouth.

King doesn't stop and attacks Zoro again (Zoro is surprised). The blow takes Zoro off Onigashima Island but Zoro reacts in time and manages to return to the island by propelling himself with a new attack called "Nitouryuu: Clearance/Clear Lance" (Two Swords Style: Celestial Tanuki Spear - 二刀流: 空狸槍 (クリアランス)).

Zoro: "Hah, hah...!!
That was dangerous...!!
At least let me die with a sword...!!
Or I won't forgive you!!!"

King: "I won't forgive you either...!!!"

We can see a close-up of King's face. As we saw before, Zoro's attack managed to hit King's head and broke a piece of his mask, the part above his left eye. We see that King has light colored hair (combed back) and slightly dark skin. It also seems that he has an elaborated mark or tattoo above his eye ...

End of chapter. No break next week.
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,027: "Danger Beyond Imagination".

In the cover, we see Gol D. Roger running away from a furious lion while he cries with laughter. Roger painted lion's face while it was sleeping. In the background, we can see Shanks and Buggy in the top of a tree, they are still scared by the anger of the lion.

Chapter starts with Nekomamushi, who has returned to his normal form by covering his eyes from the moonlight. Perospero is KO on the ground, Carrot hugs Nekomamushi and Wanda also walks up to him.

Nekomamushi: "Be careful or you will transform into Sulong.
For some reason, the moon showed up again in the sky..."

We can see Onigashima in the sky while the clouds are separating more and more. Yamato and Momonosuke look up at the sky as Luffy and Kaidou are face to face after their collision.

Yamato: "I read it in the journal...!!"
When Roger and Shirohige clashed, the sky also splited!!!"

The impact of Luffy and Kaidou's clash was so powerful that shaked the entire island. We can see some rocks falling inside Onigashima's castle.

Yamato starts bleeding from his head.

Yamato: "Ah...
“Raimei Hakke”...
Although I tried to defend myself against it, it was completely impossible to block all of its power."

Luffy tells Yamato to go help Momonosuke, who is on the edge of the island unable to jump because he doesn't know how to fly yet. Yamato jumps on his head and tells Momonosuke that he is going to help him. Kaidou goes after them.

Kaidou: "Hey Yamato!! Momonosuke...
Where do you think you are going!!!"

Momonosuke freaks out when he sees Kaidou going after them. Then he thinks about the last moment he saw Kinemon before Kaidou attacked him. Momonosuke asks Kinemon for help from within. At that moment Kaidou reaches them but Yamato blocks his attack.

Luffy comes up from behind, stretches his legs and wraps Kaidou's neck with them to stop him.

Luffy: "Yamao!!"

Yamato: "I understand!!
You wanna fight alone, right!!?"

Luffy answers with a smile.

Luffy: "Yes!!!"

Momonosuke finally falls the cliff screaming in fear.

Momonosuke: "Aaaahh, I'm going to die!!!"

Yamato: "Momonosuke-kun!!
Grab the sky!!"

Momonosuke: "Grab!?"

Yamato: "“Dragons” don't fly!!"

Momonosuke: "Huh!?"

Yamato: "Create a cloud.
Grab the cloud!!"

As Yamato says this, we see how Momonosuke creates a cloud next to his claw and then grabs it strongly and propels himself with it.

Yamato: "Walk in the sky!!!
That is what “dragons” do!!!"

Momonosuke: "I'm flying!!!"

Yamato: "These clouds are called “Flame Clouds” (Homuragumo)!!!"

Suddenly, some rocks fall from the bottom of Onigashima. Yamato destroys them without problem. However more and more rocks are falling from the island.

Yamato: "The island is starting to collapse!!!"

Momonosuke: "Huh!!?"

Yamato: "It's not possible...
Kaidou's power... is weakening...!?
“Flame Clouds” are unstable."

Momonosuke: "It's very dangerous!!"

Momonosuke hits the lower area of Onigashima island with his head, but gets nothing.

Momonosuke: "I won't let this dangerous thing reach the “Flower Capital”!!!"

Yamato: "It's impossible, you won't be able to do anything this way Momonosuke-kun!!
We don't have time!!
It's too close!!!
The island will arrive in less than 5 minutes!!"

They both look at Onigashima thinking what to do.

Yamato: "The “Flame Clouds” are disappearing!!
The only way to stop the island is to push it with more powerful “Flame Clouds”!!!"

Momonosuke: "It's crazy!! I can't create something like that!!
I don't have the same strength as Kaidou!!"

Yamato: "You should be able to do it!!"

Yamato says that the situation is worse than he had imagined. If Onigashima lands as Kaidou had planned, there will be many victims in the city.

Yamato: "The worst will happen if Kaidou is defeated.
“Flame Clouds” will disappear and Onigashima will fall down before it reaches the capital!!
There's a massive amount of weapons and explosives in Onigashima!!!
The island itself is a giant bomb!!
If the island falls...!! Enemies and allies will be annihilated!!!"

Momonosuke: "Eh...
Then we need to warn Luffy...!!"

Yamato hits Momonosuke's head with his kanabo.

Yamato: "Idiot!!!"

Momonosuke: "Wah!!"

Yamato: "Luffy is the one carrying everything on his back...!!
Right now he is fighting alone!!!"

As Yamato speaks we see that Luffy and Kaidou are preparing another attack using their Color of the Supreme King Haki.

Yamato: "You can't defeat Kaidou without Luffy!!
So you can't give him more to worry about!!
You must to stop this yourself!!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor” in Onigashima's castle. We can see that King is attacking people all over the floor with cutting wind blades (both samurais and members of the Beast Pirates). Zoro is hit by King's attack, he tries to stop it with his swords but the attack is so powerful that Zoro flies through the wall.

We see that King is transformed into his hybrid form (although it's not confirmed in the chapter). His body remains human form but his arms turn into Pteranodon wings (the ones that he used to attack everyone) and there's a Pteranodon crest on his head.

King's attack has been so strong that Zoro flies through one of the corridors near to the “Live Floor”. Franky is there and manages to stop Zoro and stops his flight. Zoro says King is strong, Franky offers to help but Zoro says he's OK.

On the “Live Floor” we see that Queen is arguing with King.

Queen: "Damn King!!!
Stop with your indiscriminate attacks!!
You almost cut my ass!!"

King: "Too bad I didn't cut your neck."

Queen: "Ahh!!?"

Some Beast Pirates' subordinates speak about King's anger.

Subordinates: "Pirate Hunter Zoro...
he has managed to damage King's mask!!
No surprise he's angry ...
Since no one has ever seen how King is like under his mask!!"

As they say this, we see how King gets closer to Zoro and Franky. Indeed, Zoro has managed to cut one of the spikes of King's mask (the one on the left side).

Zoro: "Franky, it's better you leave this place...!!"

Franky: "Good luck!!"

King jumps and flies at high speed towards Zoro using a new attack.

King: "“Tankyudon” (Vermilion Imperial Bow - 丹弓皇 (タンキュウドン))!!"

Zoro defends himself.

Zoro: "“Santouryuu”...!!
“Tora Gari”!!!"

“Santouryuu: Ul Tora Gari” = Three Swords Style: Ultra Tiger Hunt (三刀流: 極虎狩り (ウルトラがり)).

Zoro stops King's flap and even manages to hit King's head. But King's attack is very powerful and Zoro is thrown away again. This time he goes through several walls and finally he's blown outside of Onigashima's castle. Zoro spits blood from his mouth.

King doesn't stop and attacks Zoro again (Zoro is surprised). The blow takes Zoro off Onigashima Island but Zoro reacts in time and manages to return to the island by propelling himself with a new attack called "Nitouryuu: Clearance/Clear Lance" (Two Swords Style: Celestial Tanuki Spear - 二刀流: 空狸槍 (クリアランス)).

Zoro: "Hah, hah...!!
That was dangerous...!!
At least let me die with a sword...!!
Or I won't forgive you!!!"

King: "I won't forgive you either...!!!"

We can see a close-up of King's face. As we saw before, Zoro's attack managed to hit King's head and broke a piece of his mask, the part above his left eye. We see that King has light colored hair (combed back) and slightly dark skin. It also seems that he has an elaborated mark or tattoo above his eye ...

End of chapter. No break next week.
Bütün özet için Arlong park forunlarından redon'a teşekkür ederiz.

Sayı 1027: "Hayallerin ötesinde tehlike"

Kapakta, Gol d. Roger'in öfkeli bir aslandan ağlarcasına gülmekle kaçtığını görüyoruz. Roger, aslanın yüzünü o henüz uykudayken boyamış. Arkaplanda ise, Şanks ve Buggy'yi, kızgın bir aslandan korktukları halde, ağaç üzerinde görüyoruz.

Sayı Nekomamushi'nin gözlerini ayışığından örterek normal formuna dönmesiyle başlar. Peros yerde nakavt olmuş, Carrot, Neko'ya sarılır ve Wanda da onlarla beraber yürüyordur.

Nekomamushi:" Dikkatli ol yoksa Sulong formuna dönüşeceksin. Bazı nedenlerden ötürü, ay gökyüzünde tekrar gözüktü."

Gökyüzünde Onigaşima adasını, bulutlar birbiri ardınca ayrılırken görüyoruz. Çarpışmalarının ardından Luffy ve Kaido yüz yüze gelirken, Yama ve Momo gökyüzüne bakıyorlar.

Yamato: "Bunu günlükte okudum...!!"
Roger ve Beyazbıyık çarpıştıkları zaman da gökyüzü bölünmüş!!!"(aynı gün BM ve Kaido çarpıştıklarında da bölünüyordu güzel kız)

Luffy ve Kaidou'nun çarpışmasının etkisi o kadar güçlüydü ki tüm adayı sarstı. Bazı kayaların Onigaşima'nın içine doğru düştüklerini görüyoruz.

Yamato'nun başı kanamaya başlar.

Yamato: "Ah... "Raimei Hakke"... Kendimi ona karşı savunmaya çalışsam da, tüm gücünü engellemek tamamen imkansızdı."

Luffy, Yamato'ya adanın kenarındaki Momonosuke'ye yardım etmesini söyler çünkü henüz uçmayı bilmediği için zıplayamaz. Yamato, Momo'nun başının üzerine atlar ve Momonosuke'ye ona yardım edeceğini söyler. Kaidou onların peşinden gider.

Kaidou: "Hey Yamato!! Momonosuke... Nereye gittiğinizi sanıyorsunuz!!!"

Momonosuke, Kaidou'nun peşlerinden gittiğini görünce çıldırır. Sonra Kaidou ona saldırmadan önce Kinemon'u son gördüğü anı düşünür. Momonosuke, Kinemon'dan içeriden yardım ister. O anda Kaidou onlara ulaşır ama Yamato saldırısını engeller.

Luffy arkadan gelir, bacaklarını uzatır ve Kaidou'yu durdurmak için boynuna sarar.

Luffy: "Yamato!!"

Yamato: "Anlıyorum!! Tek başına savaşmak istiyorsun, değil mi!!?"

Luffy gülümseyerek cevap verir.

Luffy: "Evet!!!"

Momonosuke sonunda korkudan çığlıklar atarak uçurumdan düşer.

Momonosuke: "Aaaahh, öleceğim!!!"

Yamato: "Momonosuke-kun!! Gökyüzünü tut!!"

Momonosuke: "Tut!?"

Yamato: ""Ejderhalar" uçmaz!!"

Momonosuke: "Ha!?"

Yamato: "Bir bulut oluştur. Bulutu tut!!"

Yamato'nun söylediği gibi, Momonosuke'nin pençesinin yanında nasıl bir bulut oluşturduğunu ve ardından onu nasıl güçlü bir şekilde yakalayıp kendisini onunla ittiğini görüyoruz.

Yamato: "Gökyüzünde yürü!!! "Ejderhaların" yaptığı işte budur!!!"

Momonosuke: "Uçuyorum!!!"

Yamato: "Bu bulutlara "Alev Bulutları" (Homuragumo) deniyor!!!"

Aniden, Onigashima'nın dibinden bazı kayalar düşer. Yamato onları sorunsuzca yok eder. Ancak giderek daha fazla kaya adadan düşüyor.

Yamato: "Ada yıkılmaya başlıyor!!!"

Momo: "huh!!?"

Yamato: "Bu mümkün değil...
Kaido'nun gücü... zayıflıyor...!?
" Ateş Bulutları " dengesiz."

Momo: "Bu çok tehlikeli!!"

Momonosuke, Onigashima adasının alt bölgesine kafasıyla vurur, ancak hiçbir sonuç alamaz.

Momonosuke: "Bu tehlikeli şeyin "Çiçek Başkenti"ne ulaşmasına izin vermeyeceğim!!!"

Yamato: "Bu imkansız, bu şekilde hiçbir şey yapamazsın Momonosuke-kun!! Zamanımız yok!! Çok yakın!!! Ada 5 dakikadan daha kısa sürede ulaşacak!!"

İkisi de ne yapacaklarını düşünerek Onigashima'ya bakarlar.

Yamato: ""Alev Bulutları" kayboluyor!!
Adayı durdurmanın tek yolu, onu daha güçlü “Alev Bulutları” ile itmek!!!"

Momonosuke: "Bu çılgınca!! Böyle bir şey yaratamam!!
Kaidou ile aynı güce sahip değilim!!"

Yamato: "Bunu yapabilmelisin!!"

Yamato, durumun tahmin ettiğinden daha kötü olduğunu söylüyor. Onigashima, Kaidou'nun planladığı gibi inerse şehirde çok sayıda kurban olacaktır.

Yamato: "Kaidou yenilirse en kötüsü olacak.
"Alev Bulutları" kaybolacak ve Onigashima daha başkente ulaşmadan aşağı düşecek!!
Onigashima'da muazzam miktarda silah ve patlayıcı var!!!
Adanın kendisi dev bir bomba!!
Ada düşerse...!! Düşmanlar ve müttefikler yok edilecek!!!"

Momonosuke: "Eee...
O zaman Luffy'yi uyarmalıyız...!!"

Yamato, kanabo ile Momonosuke'nin kafasına vurur.

Yamato: "Aptal!!!"

Momonosuke: "Vah!!"

Yamato: "Her şeyi sırtında taşıyan kişi Luffy...!!
Şu anda tek başına savaşıyor!!!"

Yamato konuşurken, Luffy ve Kaidou'nun Kral Haki'nin Rengini kullanarak başka bir saldırıya hazırlandıklarını görüyoruz.

Yamato: "Luffy olmadan Kaidou'yu yenemezsin!!
Bu yüzden ona endişelenecek daha fazla şey veremezsin!!
Bunu kendin durdurmalısın!!!"

Sahne Onigaşima kalesinin "Live Floor"'a geçer. King'in rüzgar slaşları atarak bütün insanları(hem samuraylar hem de Canavar Korsanları üyeleri) kestiği saldırıyı görürüz. Zoro, King'in saldırısına uğrar, kılıçlarıyla durdurmaya çalışır ama saldırı o kadar güçlüdür ki Zoro duvardan uçar.

King'in melez formuna dönüştüğünü görüyoruz (sayıda doğrulanmasa da). Vücudu insan formunda kalır ama kolları Pteranodon kanatlarına dönüşür (herkese saldırdığı kanatlar) ve kafasında bir Pteranodon arması vardır.

King'in saldırısı o kadar güçlüydü ki Zoro “Live Floor”un yanındaki koridorlardan birinden uçup gitti. Franky oradadır ve Zoro'yu durdurmayı başarır ve uçuşunu durdurur. Zoro King'in güçlü olduğunu söylüyor, Franky yardım etmeyi teklif ediyor ama Zoro iyi olduğunu söylüyor.

“Live Floor”'da Queen'in King ile tartıştığını görüyoruz.

Queen: "Lanet King!!!
Ayrım gözetmeyen saldırılarını durdur!!
Neredeyse kıçımı kesiyordun!!"

King: "Ne yazık ki boynunu kesmedim."

Queen: "Ahh!!?"

Bazı Canavar Korsanları'nın astları King'in öfkesinden bahsediyor.

Astları: "Korsan Avcısı Zoro...
King'in maskesine zarar vermeyi başardı!!
Kızmasına şaşmamalı...
Hiç kimse King'in maskesinin altında nasıl olduğunu görmedi!!"

Bunu söylerken King'in Zoro ve Franky'ye nasıl yaklaştığını görüyoruz. Gerçekten de Zoro, King'in maskesinin sivri uçlarından birini (sol taraftaki) kesmeyi başarmıştır.

Zoro: "Franky, burayı terk etsen iyi olur...!!"

Franky: "İyi şanslar!!"

King, yeni bir saldırı kullanarak yüksek hızda Zoro'ya doğru zıplar ve uçar.

Kral: "“Tankyudon” (Vermilion İmparatorluk Yayı - 丹弓皇 (タンキュウドン))!!"

Zoro kendini savunuyor.

Zoro: "“Santouryuu”...!!
"Tora Gari"!!!"

“Santouryuu: Ul Tora Gari” = Üç Kılıç Stili: Ultra Kaplan Avı (三刀流: 極虎狩り (ウルトラがり)).

Zoro, King'in kanat çırpmasını durdurur ve hatta King'in kafasına vurmayı başarır. Ancak King'in saldırısı çok güçlüdür ve Zoro tekrar dışarı atılır. Bu sefer birkaç duvardan geçer ve sonunda Onigashima'nın kalesinin dışına uçar. Zoro ağzından kan tükürür.

King durmaz ve tekrar Zoro'ya saldırır (Zoro şaşırır). Darbe Zoro'yu Onigashima Adası'ndan çıkarır ama Zoro zamanında tepki verir ve "Nitouryuu: Clearance/Clear Lance" (İki Kılıç Stili: Celestial Tanuki Spear - 二刀流: 空狸槍) adlı yeni bir saldırı ile adaya geri dönmeyi başarır.クリアランス)).

Zoro: "Hah, hah...!!
Bu tehlikeliydi...!!
En azından bir kılıçla ölmeme izin ver...!!
Yoksa seni affetmem!!!"

Kral: "Ben de seni affetmeyeceğim...!!!"

King'in yüzünü yakından görebiliriz. Daha önce gördüğümüz gibi, Zoro'nun saldırısı King'in kafasına çarpmayı başardı ve maskesinin bir parçasını, sol gözünün üst kısmını kırdı. King'in açık renkli saçları (arkaya taranmış) ve hafif koyu teni olduğunu görüyoruz. Ayrıca gözünün üstünde ayrıntılı bir işaret veya dövme var gibi görünüyor ...

Sayı sonu. Önümüzdeki haftaya ara yok.
Queen: King you fcker~!!!
Queen: Stop attacking indiscriminately!!
Queen: That shit grazed my ass!! (lit. That cut my ass!!)
King: Would've been super if it cut ur neck instead
Queen: What did you say!!?
Fodder: Zoro, the Pirate Hunter...
Fodder: ...he just had to go and damage King-san's mask!!
Fodder: Yh...(figures why he lost it/figures why he's so pissed)
Fodder: King-san's face...
Fodder: ...no one has ever seen it before...

Zoro: Sorry Franky, get far away from here!
Franky: Roger that! Give it your all!/I'm rooting for you!
King: "Tankyu"!!
Zoro: "Santoryu"!!
King: "Don"!!!
Zoro: "Ul"...
Zoro: ..."Tora gari"!!!
King: !?
Zoro: !!

Zoro: I'm falling!!
Zoro: "Nitoryu"
Zoro: "Clear Lance"!!
Zoro: Ugh
Zoro: huff..huff!!
Zoro: huff...huff...wheeze...wheeze
Zoro: That was close...!!
Zoro: Hey! At least let me die by a sword...!/At least kill me with a sword...! ()
Zoro: U're so dead!!!
King: Likewise!!!
Editor's note: What is that face...!?
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