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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Bizim tayfanın f6 ile savaşması zaten belli ediyodu f6'nın yeteri kadar güclü olmadığnı hayal kırığlığı oldu.
Yamato da mı var bölümde? :utan::utan:
Olması lazım
We pass Yamato and Momonosuke. Yamato captures a rat (who has a paper with the drawn eye on his face) that was prowling the room. Yamato explains that those are Kaidou's spies called "Marries" (or "Merries", in Japanese it is メ ア リ ー ズ). They are cyborgs that have been released throughout the island, sending images and signals to the human "Marries".

Kaidou's subordinates now know where they are hiding, so they go after them. Yamato and Shinobu join forces to fight them while Momonosuke hides in Yamato's shirt
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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