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Yabancı bir forumda Dragon hakkında bir teori okudum da detaylı çeviri yapmaya çok üşeniyorum;

Teori kısaca şöyle bir şey diyordu;

Dragon eskiden bir denizciydi ve öyle sıradan bir koramiral falan da değildi. Garp'ın özoğlu olarak ismini duyurmuş ve amiralliğe kadar yükselmeyi başarmış genç bir isimdi. (ya da geleceğin amirali olarak görülüyordu) Muhtemelen kendisinin gelmiş geçmiş en güçlü denizci olacağı düşünülüyordu. Fakat Dragon, zamanla orada burada yapılan katliamları, dünya hükümetinin denizcileri kullanarak kendi işlerine geldiği gibi hareket etmesini gördükçe görevini sorgular oldu. Son olarak Roger'dan kayıp yüzyılla ilgili bilgiler aldıktan sonra kararını verdi, Roger'ın idam edildiği gün donanmadan istifa etti. Kısa süre sonra da devrim ordusunu kurdu.

Dragon'un eski bir denizci olması, dünya hükümetinin o'nun ne denli güçlü olduğunu bilmesi, korsanlıkla ilgisi olmadan direkt dünya hükümetini yıkmak üzere bir ordu kurması sebebiyle, dünyanın en çok aranan adamı ünvanına sahip oldu. Tüm bunlara ek olarak, 4. kitabenin ya da en az onun kadar önemli bir şey denizcilerin elindeydi ve Dragon istifa ettikten sonra giderken onu da yanında götürdü (yani çaldı).
Öyle bir şey olsa oda bence direk eski denizci olarak tanıtırdi bu adamı.Tutmaz bu teori.Sonuçta bjr supernova bile rutbesi ne kadar düşük olsada taa kizaru tarafindan taniniyor.
Fake filan ama son kısım tutsa efsane olurdu. Çok mesaj silinirdi :D

"One Piece 867 : Charlotte Linlin The Four Emperors"

- Caramel sacrifices herself to beg pardon for Linlin.
- She believed that someday Linlin will become the one who change the world, she tell the words to the childern of orphanage.
- She asked everyone a favor not to tell Linlin that Caramel was dead for her.
- Linlin didnt remember anything about incident and found everyone still cry about Caramel.
- The former slaves boy and the giant girl tell everything but the death of Caramel.
- The orphanage was dismissed, the childern starting become someone with strong influence in new world.
- As Linlin growing, she realized what happened back day when she sailed to Elbaf.
- Connecting the message to change the world and Caramel's sacrifice, she decided the only way to obtain her legacy is to become a pirate king.
- She gained her Emperor status when She won against Kaido, make him badly wounded and captured by Marine.
- Charlotte Linlin's bounty is 3.400.000.000 belly.
Fake filan ama son kısım tutsa efsane olurdu. Çok mesaj silinirdi :D

"One Piece 867 : Charlotte Linlin The Four Emperors"

- Caramel sacrifices herself to beg pardon for Linlin.
- She believed that someday Linlin will become the one who change the world, she tell the words to the childern of orphanage.
- She asked everyone a favor not to tell Linlin that Caramel was dead for her.
- Linlin didnt remember anything about incident and found everyone still cry about Caramel.
- The former slaves boy and the giant girl tell everything but the death of Caramel.
- The orphanage was dismissed, the childern starting become someone with strong influence in new world.
- As Linlin growing, she realized what happened back day when she sailed to Elbaf.
- Connecting the message to change the world and Caramel's sacrifice, she decided the only way to obtain her legacy is to become a pirate king.
- She gained her Emperor status when She won against Kaido, make him badly wounded and captured by Marine.
- Charlotte Linlin's bounty is 3.400.000.000 belly.
Analar Kaido'dan bile güçlüdür lafı yerini bulur :D 3,4 milyar uygun bence bir imparator için. Bir de şu kadının adını öğrenemediler. Carmel'e herkes Caramel diyor.
Fake filan ama son kısım tutsa efsane olurdu. Çok mesaj silinirdi :D

"One Piece 867 : Charlotte Linlin The Four Emperors"

- Caramel sacrifices herself to beg pardon for Linlin.
- She believed that someday Linlin will become the one who change the world, she tell the words to the childern of orphanage.
- She asked everyone a favor not to tell Linlin that Caramel was dead for her.
- Linlin didnt remember anything about incident and found everyone still cry about Caramel.
- The former slaves boy and the giant girl tell everything but the death of Caramel.
- The orphanage was dismissed, the childern starting become someone with strong influence in new world.
- As Linlin growing, she realized what happened back day when she sailed to Elbaf.
- Connecting the message to change the world and Caramel's sacrifice, she decided the only way to obtain her legacy is to become a pirate king.
- She gained her Emperor status when She won against Kaido, make him badly wounded and captured by Marine.
- Charlotte Linlin's bounty is 3.400.000.000 belly.
Önce Carmel'i tuttursun spoiler sonra .
Fake filan ama son kısım tutsa efsane olurdu. Çok mesaj silinirdi :D

"One Piece 867 : Charlotte Linlin The Four Emperors"

- Caramel sacrifices herself to beg pardon for Linlin.
- She believed that someday Linlin will become the one who change the world, she tell the words to the childern of orphanage.
- She asked everyone a favor not to tell Linlin that Caramel was dead for her.
- Linlin didnt remember anything about incident and found everyone still cry about Caramel.
- The former slaves boy and the giant girl tell everything but the death of Caramel.
- The orphanage was dismissed, the childern starting become someone with strong influence in new world.
- As Linlin growing, she realized what happened back day when she sailed to Elbaf.
- Connecting the message to change the world and Caramel's sacrifice, she decided the only way to obtain her legacy is to become a pirate king.
- She gained her Emperor status when She won against Kaido, make him badly wounded and captured by Marine.
- Charlotte Linlin's bounty is 3.400.000.000 belly.
Böyle bir bölüm gelse olacakları düşünemiyorum:oleyo2:
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