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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

nerede kızıl gökyüzümüz. bu arkadaş anlatımda iyi de çizimlerine can veremiyor.
Enryuu, biz niye sabırsızlıkla bekledik, bu bölümdeki yapacağı şovdan dolayı ama kendi adıma cık olmamış. Hayal kırıklığına uğradım, özenmesi değil aşırı özenmesi lazım böyle sahnelere.
Az çıkart şu bölümü(bu konuda efsane gerçekten diğer webtoonlara göre baya uzun soluklu çıkartıyor sağolsun) ama o sahnelerinde hakkını ver.
Androssi'nn o partideki enfes çiziminden sonra karakterlere vurgu yapabiliyor isteyince mis gibi ama hala böyle can alıcı atmosferlerden bi haber.

Enryuu rehberci filan ama öyle emir kulu filan da değil
Yoksa usluca Baamı beklerdi lakin abimiz çoşturmuş ortalığı. :D
acaba açıklandı mı bilmiyorum ama bunun efendisi usluca baamı beklemedi diye kendisi mi cezalandırmış ki, adam çok rahat yendi gardiyanı filan.
Diken parçaları birleşince bu Enryuu'nun artık nerdeyse uyandıracak tetikleyici olacaktır. Ve asıl diken hala Enryuu dadır. Bu diken sadece asılın küçük bir parçası çıkar. Enryuu salak değilse o dikeni bırakıp gitmez. hangi akla mantığa bu gücü ortalığa dağıtacak? tabii zorla bırakmaz zorunda kalmadıysa.

Bir dakika Enryuu niye asırlar önce geliyor ki Kuleye? demek ki baam o ara kulede. Ama bulamıyor ve sonra kopuyor bu iğrenç düzeni görünce.
Ama neden bulamıyor? Çünkü zahard buluyor önce yaşlı baamımızı ve bir mağaraya kapatıyor. Bundan dolayı o mağarada zahard sembolü var. Peki niye öldürmüyor, çünkü baam ölümsüz.
OLaydan sonra Enryu öyle bir düzen kuruyor ki(bence o kuruyor) seviyeci gelemiyor kata korkmadan.Seviyeciler bile için tehtidse kat bir şeyler var demektir.Yani kata adam akıllı giremeyen adamlar dikeni mi arayacaklar.Dikkat edersen yüzyıllar geçmiş hala diken bulunamamış.Belki Enryu bizzat bekliyor.Gelenide indiriyor.Al sana diken için savunma :D
Kata ruhunu vermeden giremiyorsun, bir şekilde girdin diyelim bir haftadan fazla kalamıyorsun. Ruhunu versen de kolay kolay geri alıp dışarı çıkamıyorsun, Hockney'den belli.

Katın iki kralı var gibi. Birisi Garam, diğeri Hell Joe. Hell Joe'nun güçlü olduğunu düşünüyorum. Eğer öyle olmasa hem Garam tüm kata hükmederdi hemde bizim zeki kızıl rehberimiz Hell Joe'yu indirme işini Yuri'den istemezdi.

Yani öyle seviyeci değil yüksek seviyeci bile olsan birşeyleri feda etmeden girip çıkabileceğin biryer değil bence bu kat. Fug bile o kadar istediği halde kendi girmeyip Hell Joe'ya aratıyor dikeni. Ayrıca kolay girilip çıkılan biryer olsaydı Baam'daki dikenin peşine o kadar koşmak yerine Karaka diğer parçaları arardı yıllardır.
Öncelikle Enryu tanrının gazabı oluyor. Anlayacağınız yıkım olarak geldi ve gitti.
Ben seride tekrar görüneceğini düşünmüyorum. Görünse dahi çooook sonraları olacaktır bu yada diken birleştirildikten sonra ufak bir sahnede kendine yer bulabilir ve Baama kendisi hakkında bir şeyler anlatabilir.
Son düzenleme:


Arlen konusunda bir sorum var idi. Bölüm 127 de heykele ''Arlen'in Eli'' diyorlar. Bir bağlantısı var mıdır acaba hani Tanrıya dua etti falan mı acaba ?
Sanchez : It would've be good if you left entry to me.

I don't remember his name 2 : But you're spear bearer, Sanchez. // Sanchez : It doesn't matter. We're not gonna die anyway.

Never off the guard....hmm? Something's coming!!

Sanchez : What the hell?? (The rambling rose...!?) It's going up to the castle!!


Sachi : This is all i can do. Is that enough?

Aye : Yup!


HR : So Sachi has begun. When she ignites, we'll get into the castle through Bongbong.

An hour ago-

Yuri : Good. We're going to head to his castle. Right now.

Evan : Princess Yuri!! // Yuri : But we promised already, didn't we? And we also have to find Baam.

Yuri : By the way, I have something to know before we leave.

HR : What is it?

Yuri : According to your saying, they're immortal. How can i get rid off them all?

As you know, i couldn't even kill a single stag beetle. Even if i'm strong enough, it's still impossible to deal with those things.

HR : ...Of course. But there's a reason i'm asking this job to you, not to rankers of FUG.

Unlike 10 heads their immortality is not complete. 10 heads made contract with the admins,

while your enemies used their souls as parameter. Their immortality is nothing more than an output of the sorcery.

So only if you have weapon to break the spell, you can kill them.

Such as - your 13 month series.

Yuri : My 13 month series would be capable of killing those things..?

HR : Yes. You may not know about spells because Zahard considers them as taboo.

But spell is the power that has existed from the beginning of the time. There are some kinds of rules in that power.

First, You should never break the rule after making it.

Second, You need help from powerful parameter or the god-like absolute.

Third, Superiority of power depends on the being that gave you help.

So some spell can be invalidated with another superior spell. In that sense, 13 month is one of the most powerful item.

Even the admin cannot break the spell of 13 month. If you ignite it, you'll be able to break the spells of enemies and kill them.

Someone who can kill immortals showing up. If that happens, those in the castle will be in panic.

We'll use that moment in collapsing the guard of Hell Joe and letting Gran Desa out.


Sachi : Let's go! // Aye : Yup!

I don't remember his name1 : Sanchez!! The intruders are coming out!!


Yuri : ( If i ignite the 13 month and kill them, they'll be frightened. Then the kids will free the former ruler Desa and attack Hell Joe.

But. The fact is that... I've never... succeeded in igniting the 13 month...! )

Evan : What are you doing princess!! All the regulars have come out!! Hurry...!!

That's the only way to drag their attention!!

Yuri : Alright... ( Evan... by the way... He thinks that i have succeeded in igniting 13 month.)


??? : You're just kid who cannot even ignite, dumbass.

Yuri : Shut...up!! I did it not long ago!! // ??? : Really?!

( I lied... because of sisters calling me brat who wasn't even accepted by 13 month...

On that instant Evan heard it by accident and spread the rumor... Nahhh!! I'm totally ruined! My lie created another lie!!

I couldn't even say 'sorry i was dumbass who cannot even ignite..' But they think i'm super strong high ranker princess dammit!!)

I don't remember his name1 : Ha!! So you're just running away after dropping in!! Then i'll treat you as my true form!!

Evan : Princess!! // Yuri : ( Naahh! Whatever! It'll be better than doing nothing...)

( Yuri takes out green april and black march. )

I don't remember his name1 : ( What... is that weapon...?)

Yuri : IGNITE ( Plez... I don't care if either of you wakes up!! )

I don't remember his name1 : (Smoke?)

Black march : I've been feeling something close all along... So what, you're being with her?

Yuri : Black march!! Green april?!

Green april : So this time... she's our princess... She looks dumb // Yuri : Hi!

Black march : Hey! Stop saying hi with swinging me..! I think there are two more guys out of us?

Green april : So are they.

Black march : Those two must belong to Garam... But no way... Is the day coming? But we have to play more.

Green april : Yeah, Our role is making you hate each other. // Black march : That's the way how he cursed.

Green april : -Until the day the true master make as the one.

Black march : So i'll help you this time. // Yuri :What?!

Black march : This is a respect for someone who collected two 13 month series. But there is a precondition.

You're allowed to borrow the power from only one of us.

Because If you ignite 13 months at the same time, get cursed and go crazy.

So you have to chose only one of us.

Black march, Green april : So, Who do you want?

Yuri : Of course... i.... want both..? // Black march, Green april : ......

Green april : Hey!! You didn't focus huh?! You cannot deal with us both!

If unchosen one handle 13 months at the same time, she goes crazy!!

Yuri : Hmmm... But handling both of you is more bassass, isn't it?

Green april : But you can't!! // Black march : ...Enough. It's won't work. This girl is really dumbass.

Yuri : Can't i just try? I think i can do it.

Black march : Considering her dealing with two at the same time, she could be better than her seniors.

And being crazy won't be that bad for her. This will be her lesson.

Green april : You want to see her being like Yuram Zahard, again?

I don't remember his name1 : Are you looking down on me even after taking out your weapons!!

( He blows some kind of blast but Evan kills him with his Fisher the frog. )

I don't remember his name1 : You goddamn dwarf - !! // Evan : So you're not really dying.

Evan : What the hell are you doing princess!! Just ignite them-!! Princess !!

( What...?! She cannot hear what i'm talking? Something must have happened...!! )

Green april : This is your last chance. Chose one of us. Then we'll help you.

Yuri : No. I want both!!

Black march : Stupid... It's done. She was this stubborn from the moment we met.

Green april : So? // Black march : We can try.

Black march : As i said, She'll get her lesson. If she just dies, we'll be unfound for good!

Green april : But we'll immediately stop if something dangerous happens. I don't really want to see you're being crazy.

Black march : Then let's start. // Green april : Do it.

Yuri : Come at me-!!

Black march , Green april : We're the 13 keys created with compact.

Until the day our true master shows up, we promise to keep going with our bloody, cursed fates.

This is the cursed power. We shall dance sorrowfully waiting for the day.

Freshly green april - Glorious black march -

Dance, in glamour


Evan : Prinicess?

Khun : So that's the ignition of 13 month...!!


Hell Joe : Hoh - ...What is that? Who is she?!


Garam : I hope you to pass the test of Deza. You can do it.

Baam : I will...!

Garam : Oh and I'll give this pocket to you. I don't need it anymore.

Baam : But it's your precious... // Garam : Doesn't matter. This is the thing that should've belonged to you, from the start.

Baam : Thank you so much. Without you, I would've known nothing.

Garam : My pleasure. I wouldn't have known things if you didn't exist... Bye.

( So i couldn't tell him about 'the story.' He may blame me someday. But his test is more important.

After Desa getting trapped, Deza is out of his mind. But If that boy is 'the one' that Arlen foretold...

He'll definitely show the miracle. )

Garam gerçek hikayeyi söylememiş.

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