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Adamdaki kibir Op evrenindeki okyanuslar kadar. Dalmazsa ayıp olurdu zaten.
Kibiri yüzünden yenildi zaten. Bana yukarıdan bakman hoşuma gitmiyor dedi kaptırdı kendini. Son saldırıda Croco reyizin şu Arabasta'da yasak su içen elemanlara yaptığı gibi yapıp uzaktan seyredecekti sadece.

Kibiri de yakışıyor ama. Adam izlediğim-okuduğum en orijinal kötü karakter idi belki de.
İki yıl sonraki Croco'yla Mingo arasında bariz bir fark olmayacaktır. Mf'deki Croco'yu yeni dünyada yeri olsun diye öyle çizdi zaten mangaka. Mingo daha güçlüdür ama Croco da çok sağlam çıkacaktır. Aralarında fersah fersah fark beklemek mantıklı olmaz derim.
Fake de olsa atalım.

it appears in front of the gang of straw ... !?
Everyone "a Nyiiii !!?"

Everyone amazed at the appearance of the ship suddenly of "Jerma 66".

Pekomuzu "Gao !! was it went the other found"

Surprised Nami "That eyebrow ... Did you mean Sanji-kun brother!?"

Brook "Oh ... indeed !!"

Chopper "e!? Do Sanji!?"

Nami "No. I ... I'm the opposite ... the eyebrows and Sanji-kun!?"

Therefore, man of the hood remove the sunglasses, will take off the cloak that had wore.
Just like in the surprised Everyone too Sanji.
But appeared the man shortcut different from the Sanji.

Man "still the Straw Hat Crew ... it is an honor to meet you here."

"I Vin smoke house of second son, a name that corresponds to the brother of you guys fellow Sanji ──"

"Do not, name, a ......"

Everyone "?"

Man "Nanana Nante cutie Chan !!"

Eyes will pop out is to heart.

Man: "Oh ... but I knew I would melts in sweet temptation such as this that falling snow."

Everyone (absolutely brothers ... (sweat))

Amazed Nami "I did was so from the family but I thought it was only Sanji-kun ..."

Brook "Yohoho, but somehow sense of intimacy is springing up."

Man goes calmly and cleared his throat.

Man: "Excuse me was, it seems to have gone with distraught before the incredibly beautiful woman."

"Do not it was the middle of a self-introduction, my name is Vin smoke house of the second son, the name ──"

Nami "Well, surely I think I third son is not a Toka Niji because second son in Sanji-kun ...?"

Man, "says Niji"

Tsukko no Everyone "as car gone!"

So communication from the hall cake Island main island in rainbow ship enters.

"── here the contact of the main island Ordinary ─"

Subordinate to the rainbow deck places a voice.

Subordinates "is scheduled contact, but ..."

Niji "...!"

Niji "and report" no abnormality "!"

Subordinates "is, I understand!"

Nami "For example ...?"

Niji "As I got to see now, not the enemy I us"

"Rather, I much want to important fellow welcome brother"

Pekomuzu "human" Jerma 66 "is Nante's welcome the stranger, Gao it rubbed there is a thing quite unusual!"

Niji "I'm E situation Ne also stomach Kama' so good ... and but Narifuri"

Everyone "...?"

Niji to lower the head suddenly in full force.

Niji "I just want to marry a pudding!"

"I ask !! somehow !! me to cooperate with me."

Everyone confused in words that do not even expected.

Nami "What cooperation ..."

Brook "might be a trap."

Nami "But I should have come to a long time ago if you're going to catch our action ... here What a turf of another" Biggumamu "?"

Pekomuzu "Oh plenty Gao !! should be gathered soldiers from the nearby" tart "if someone were so inclined."

Luffy "water ......"

Chopper "!! Wait Iro by Luffy !!"

Chopper to go ran into the ship in a hurry.

Nami is whispering to Pekomuzu in an undertone.

Nami (Are credit can partner?)

Pekomuzu (Sana ... but talk is a partner leading Gao!)

(At least still I guess to hear about a story if I want E found in the Mom)

Nami (.........)

Nami "... for the time being the story I hear it was found."

"Instead, for us is give me want to go with her Sanji-kun there be cooperation."

Niji laugh Innovation Niya "would be nice"

"Let Motenaso time being here, even in your tea on board if you like."

Nami "No"

Niji "?"

Nami "you hear in here of the ship if I talk does not mean that believe Even ally"

Niji "It's a woman around the head ... would be nice."

Nami "Wait! At the same for such want to see the inner of the captain was hit in the poison."

"I wonder you do not have something or antidote!?"

Niji "poison ...?"

[Sunny ship]

Rainbow was invited to dining.
Brook and Nami, sitting face to face is Pekomuzu and Pedro, chopper and carrot are nursed Luffy sleeping beside.

"Water ......" and as usual pained Luffy.

"What antidote is not after all!?" Chopper

Niji "Oh, a little while ago confirmed to subordinates."

"Perhaps" Hifukikasago "of the deadly poison is of there of captain ate, this guy is out of the mucus of the powerful poison in the skin."

Carrot "Oh! That slimy ..."

Niji "poison If passed, the heat'm capable of neutralizing it, and eat raw or burnt throat like vomit fire, dying while suffering."

"It's because of that that it wants want the water from a little while ago."

Watery eyes of Carrot "poor Luffy ..."

Chopper "its, how survive it!?"

Niji "ordinary person if 30 minutes nerd of the captain's in should die without it is about a wonder whether they survived why"

Nami "why Luffy gonna resistant to poison ..."

Chopper "But this is dangerous! !!'ll Really involved in life and keep them alone in this state."

Niji "I should be ready for antidote if the main island of the hall cake Island"

"Let's promise and the arrival soon arrange"

Nami to be relieved "was good ..."

Brook "But to the translation to get into the main island in this state Sunny chan ..."

Niji "There is a need to have boarded the inner of the ship if say you want to infiltrate last secretly Yeah, but ... I before that would want to ascertain whether the person enough to credit."

Pedro directing the incredulous eyes "... it's awfully cooperative"

Niji "of E Ne is not even Kama' Narifuri"

"Chimau strikeouts are the guy of Sanji in this state 's important pudding-chan"

"I do but Sanji-kun does not seem to be in favor of marriage ..." Nami

Niji "" whether or not in favor of "ne relationship E of the Nante"

"I made so When the guy scored the Biggumamu"

Nami "would not it in the first place always decided in Biggumamu one? Are not because I spoke in your side of the house with each other?"

"What in the Sanji-kun leaving the house is allowed to freely get married in the first place!? You is not a good Speaking If you want to get married!"

Niji "What E story Ne go so easily."

"" Our House "is it because it is special."

Cold sweat of the Brook "I'm Vin smoke house ..."

Niji "If one knew ..." Jerma 66 "also we are heard?"

Brook and Pedro who shake their heads.

Nami "Nante I had real look I had ... No way really in the newspaper for a long time ..."

The first place whether the Jerma was fighting with the Navy for what?
We do have a favorable deal with the government by becoming the villain in the picture story?
What on whether you are going spider now Mom and hand?

Nami to shoot questions to YaTsugi early.

Niji "I'll do so impatient Do slowly description"

First of Why partner with Biggumamu description.

Yonsumeragi ability of Biggumamu the "organism of the inanimate" things.
Biggumamu of the ship nor the door due to its ability.

The Biggumamu was eating at first appearance seems candy was Biochemistry.

Pudding is also fact that the organisms of their ability candy pudding.
It seems beautifully becomes law as delicious things.

And "Biggumamu" and partnering purpose, it is the same four Emperor "kaido" to assassinate it.

Everyone "!!!"

■ speculation cross each other ... !! story starts to move large !!

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