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Spoiler varda Japonca translate yaptim.Şimdi fil Jack küçülüp insana dönüşüyor diyor.Kaido'nun Momo"nun peşinde olmasının sebebi Wanodaki ulusal hazineymiş.Altın yumurta diyor.Kaido da yumurtaları kullanıp ölme arzusunu gerceklestirmek istiyormuş.
Aç bakayım konusunu.
Fil vs San Juan Wolf.
Chopper reis dururken gerek yok. O dev haline koka yaptığını düşünsene. :)
Hee İngilizcesi varmiş.Fake filan çikar buraya atayim.

For now hold onto your doubt.

I'm in mobile, so forgive any typos.


Wanda's flash back continues. The guardians of the forest shoot at the mammoth with arrows, but it transforms into a human and avoids getting hit. Jack demands they give him Raizou

Raizou watches from the forest. He is happy to avoid being caught. It seems he has aleady met up with Momonosuke, but told him to act like they don't actually know eacoher until Kinnemon shows up.

The truth is,the samurais objective is to take the treasure of Mokomo , the "golden egg". It houses a living thing, but also has powers like a " philosophers stone". The two kings, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi work in shifts to keep it warm 24 hours a day.

It takes 100 years to hatch, and gives birth to a new "saint beast".it could be Vermillion bird, White tiger, Blue dragon, black tortoise, and other various animals with unknown power. **** *** the animals all listed are one of the " seven mansions" or Chinese constellations.

The egg was laid by a bird that made a nest with branches from a "devil tree" (the same tree that bears devil fruit, but the egg itself is NOT a devil fruit).

Raizou, Kiemon, and Kanjuro were all sent to get the egg.

The egg is also sought after by the Yonko Kaido.

He wants to use the egg to fulfill his wish to die.

Edit 1: The scene changes to "whole cake island", an island under Big Moma jurisdiction. Big mom was very angry after losing sight of Cesear, and ended up eating some of her subordinates. But, Pekomuzu was able to calm her down.

Whole cake island is home to rare sweets with tastes that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. People from all over, tourists, merchants and pirates alike come to try to sweets.

Big mom then eats those who comes to her island, and grows stronger (evolves)!

That's right, Big Moms main diet is HUMANS!!!!

Edit 2: Scene change to Luffy and crew talking about Sanji in the forest.

Namis face goes pale when shown that Sanjis wanted posted says " wanted only Alive "

Nami says that Sanji left them without saying a word, and that she found his letter in the forest after.

Robin: Its amazing you found such a small letter in this forest

Nami: Right... (Sweats)** **its hard to tell because I can only see the text with no pictures, but maybe these two lines are hinting at nami not telling the whole truth ..?

Zoro: if he had time to write out a letter, he should be just fine

Franky: well for now he's safe from being caught by the Navy

And finally they reach Inuarashi

Ending text:

Next time, the unexpected connection between Sanji and the hidden treasure is revealed....!?!

Chapter end

End of edits!
Hee İngilizcesi varmiş.Fake filan çikar buraya atayim.

For now hold onto your doubt.

I'm in mobile, so forgive any typos.


Wanda's flash back continues. The guardians of the forest shoot at the mammoth with arrows, but it transforms into a human and avoids getting hit. Jack demands they give him Raizou

Raizou watches from the forest. He is happy to avoid being caught. It seems he has aleady met up with Momonosuke, but told him to act like they don't actually know eacoher until Kinnemon shows up.

The truth is,the samurais objective is to take the treasure of Mokomo , the "golden egg". It houses a living thing, but also has powers like a " philosophers stone". The two kings, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi work in shifts to keep it warm 24 hours a day.

It takes 100 years to hatch, and gives birth to a new "saint beast".it could be Vermillion bird, White tiger, Blue dragon, black tortoise, and other various animals with unknown power. **** *** the animals all listed are one of the " seven mansions" or Chinese constellations.

The egg was laid by a bird that made a nest with branches from a "devil tree" (the same tree that bears devil fruit, but the egg itself is NOT a devil fruit).

Raizou, Kiemon, and Kanjuro were all sent to get the egg.

The egg is also sought after by the Yonko Kaido.

He wants to use the egg to fulfill his wish to die.

Edit 1: The scene changes to "whole cake island", an island under Big Moma jurisdiction. Big mom was very angry after losing sight of Cesear, and ended up eating some of her subordinates. But, Pekomuzu was able to calm her down.

Whole cake island is home to rare sweets with tastes that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. People from all over, tourists, merchants and pirates alike come to try to sweets.

Big mom then eats those who comes to her island, and grows stronger (evolves)!

That's right, Big Moms main diet is HUMANS!!!!

Edit 2: Scene change to Luffy and crew talking about Sanji in the forest.

Namis face goes pale when shown that Sanjis wanted posted says " wanted only Alive "

Nami says that Sanji left them without saying a word, and that she found his letter in the forest after.

Robin: Its amazing you found such a small letter in this forest

Nami: Right... (Sweats)** **its hard to tell because I can only see the text with no pictures, but maybe these two lines are hinting at nami not telling the whole truth ..?

Zoro: if he had time to write out a letter, he should be just fine

Franky: well for now he's safe from being caught by the Navy

And finally they reach Inuarashi

Ending text:

Next time, the unexpected connection between Sanji and the hidden treasure is revealed....!?!

Chapter end

End of edits!
Ama bunlar feyk. :S
Hee İngilizcesi varmiş.Fake filan çikar buraya atayim.

For now hold onto your doubt.

I'm in mobile, so forgive any typos.


Wanda's flash back continues. The guardians of the forest shoot at the mammoth with arrows, but it transforms into a human and avoids getting hit. Jack demands they give him Raizou

Raizou watches from the forest. He is happy to avoid being caught. It seems he has aleady met up with Momonosuke, but told him to act like they don't actually know eacoher until Kinnemon shows up.

The truth is,the samurais objective is to take the treasure of Mokomo , the "golden egg". It houses a living thing, but also has powers like a " philosophers stone". The two kings, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi work in shifts to keep it warm 24 hours a day.

It takes 100 years to hatch, and gives birth to a new "saint beast".it could be Vermillion bird, White tiger, Blue dragon, black tortoise, and other various animals with unknown power. **** *** the animals all listed are one of the " seven mansions" or Chinese constellations.

The egg was laid by a bird that made a nest with branches from a "devil tree" (the same tree that bears devil fruit, but the egg itself is NOT a devil fruit).

Raizou, Kiemon, and Kanjuro were all sent to get the egg.

The egg is also sought after by the Yonko Kaido.

He wants to use the egg to fulfill his wish to die.

Edit 1: The scene changes to "whole cake island", an island under Big Moma jurisdiction. Big mom was very angry after losing sight of Cesear, and ended up eating some of her subordinates. But, Pekomuzu was able to calm her down.

Whole cake island is home to rare sweets with tastes that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. People from all over, tourists, merchants and pirates alike come to try to sweets.

Big mom then eats those who comes to her island, and grows stronger (evolves)!

That's right, Big Moms main diet is HUMANS!!!!

Edit 2: Scene change to Luffy and crew talking about Sanji in the forest.

Namis face goes pale when shown that Sanjis wanted posted says " wanted only Alive "

Nami says that Sanji left them without saying a word, and that she found his letter in the forest after.

Robin: Its amazing you found such a small letter in this forest

Nami: Right... (Sweats)** **its hard to tell because I can only see the text with no pictures, but maybe these two lines are hinting at nami not telling the whole truth ..?

Zoro: if he had time to write out a letter, he should be just fine

Franky: well for now he's safe from being caught by the Navy

And finally they reach Inuarashi

Ending text:

Next time, the unexpected connection between Sanji and the hidden treasure is revealed....!?!

Chapter end

End of edits!
Fazla erken faketir muhtemelen :(
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