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[Spoiler] Toriko (Manga)

Bişi kaçırmadım. Attığım sahne üzerinden bir yorum yaptım sadece. Bir de ben arak veya çalıntı demedim hiç. Siz olayı çok yanlış anladınız. :D
Ben de çalıntı olup olmadığı hakkında yorum yapmadım, 3 değil 4 kapı olduğunu belirttim :D

@deus ex machina ; sembolik çizim onlar.Tehlikeli olduğunu gösterir çizimler, 2000'li seviyelerdeki canavarlar ham yapar seni demek istiyor orada.


Bir önceki bölümdü yanılmıyorsam, İnsan Dünyası'ndaki Bermuda Şeytan Üçgeni ile GW'deki Black Triangle'ı kıyaslıyorlardı mangada, Toriko evreni zaten bizim evrenimizin bire milyar koyularak anlatılmasına dayanıyor. O açıdan Metin'in paylaştığı resimde bir alıntı varsa bile bunun OP ile bir alakası yok, tamamen serinin kendi mantığıyla oluşturulmuş bir durum söz konusu. :)
Bildiğin kopyala yapıştır yapmış adam.:) Tabi benim için sorun yok. Hani sen böyle şeyleri sevmediğin için belirtmek istedim.:)
[Toriko 328 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 1:
Komatsu: Th... This is...
the pitch-black sea, "Black Triangle"!! [quote white]
Title: Gourmet 328 The Roof of the Civilization!!
Side: That untouchable zone that devours the light!!!!
Guys: It really is totally black!!
It's like the water itself is made of "black coffee"!! [quote bold]
No, it's like "soy sauce"!! [quote bold]
Damala: No, no, wait. Wouldn't you say it's more like "squid ink"?!
Handwritten: This particular black
Komatsu: I don't think it matters what seasoning or ingredient you compare it to...
Jiji: I can't say those metaphors aren't apt.
"Black Triangle" is also known as "Soup Stock Sea"...! [quotes white]

Page 2:
Jiji: The delicious ocean current that stretches through Gourmet World's seas, "Taste Tide"-----!! The point of origin for that current, ["quote white/big]
the source of the flavor of the entire ocean is none other than this "Black Triangle".
The water here is 30,000 meters deep, making it the third deepest in all of Gourmet World.
The layers of that sea differ in taste much like the parts of an animal, but the deeper you go the stronger the taste gets.
Sign: Black Triangle
Jiji: Depending on the section you can eat it like soup
or use it like sauce and the like.
Long ago there were a great many chefs that completed their entire Full Courses just in this sea.
Komatsu: That's amazing!!
So there are just that many delicious fish and shellfish that gather from all over the world down there, huh?!!

Page 3:
Jiji: That's not all! The coral, shells, and rocks that dwell in this sea can be used to make special cooking implements, too.
Long ago our beloved 7 items of "Golden Cookware" that I used to cook all the ingredients of this world [quote white]
existed in that "civilization".
Komatsu: Golden Cookware?!
Jiji: Yes. By the way, only those seven tools can be used to handle "Spirit Food". [quote white]
Damala: Spirit Food...
Those are ingredients that exist in the 'world of souls', yes?
Jiji: The 'Back World' is a place of meager tastes.
Because of that, the souls are hungry... for "life".
Nevertheless, 'front' tastes cannot be taken to the 'back'.
However, there is one single "taste" that can be delivered just as it is to the 'back'.

Page 4:
Jiji: That is the Fish Treasure found in the very center, the deepest part, of the Black Triangle. 'Another'----!! [quote white]
The truth is, it is 'Another" that is creating this sea's "taste" nonstop.
You could say that 'Another' is the...
lone "suspension bridge" linking this world and that.
Nono: Komatsu-san, look over there!!
Komatsu: UWAa! Amazing!! What is that?!!
Chiyo: Where?
Jiji: Hey, are you guys listenin'?
I was going over some pretty important stuff just then...
Guys: There's a flowerbed under the sea!!
Isn't it beautifuuul?!!
This place doesn't seem like a danger zone at all!!

Page 5:
Komatsu: Hey, the Black Triangle suddenly got a lot brighter, didn't it?
Jiji: Oh my... The only thing that could brighten it this much is...
Jiji: Might it be...
Oooh! It is!!
"Stardust River"!!!
Rin: Huh?
No way...
Then 'Another' has...?!
Jiji: Mm... It's a sign it's passed through here.
Though it was a young one... quite a while ago.

Page 6:
Chiyo: Whe~~~~w. Pretty, isn't it?
Koma: !
Chiyo: Amazing to think that even a young fish could leave such a graceful light and taste...
It's like a heavenly river...
I wonder if somewhere...
my son......
is looking at it as well...
Komatsu: ........
Chiyo: To be honest, the reason I joined this backup group's venture into "Gourmet World"...
was because I heard them talking about the 'Back World'.
Komatsu: ........
The 'Word of Souls'......
You're talking about your son that passed away, aren't you...?

Page 7:
Chiyo: Maybe I'm too old to be thinking like this...
But I really can't help but think about him.
My son always used to be sick...
In the 12 years since he was born...
he spent his time in the hospital with tubes attached to him.
And on the first day they let ever him out of the hospital...
we were taking him straight to my restaurant to have a meal when
his condition took a turn for the worse.
The one regret I have...
is that I was never once able to make a home cooked meal for my son.
Without ever knowing the joy of eating... Or even knowing the meaning of the word delicious, he was taken away from us...
I had tried to give up on my son...
I had wanted to give gratitude for our experience
and have no illusions about it.
Chin: ..........
Chiyo: to the experiences we had.
But if...

Page 8:
Chiyo: If I can make Ichiru's wish come true...
even if it's just once...
I'd like to cook for my son...
and have a meal together...
If I can do that...
I will have no regrets no matter what happens to me.
Chin: No one can enter "Gourmet World" without firm resolve...
At the very least, those that are here now...
each come with their own strong determination.
With their own unshakable resolve.

Page 9:
Komatsu: I do, too!!
No matter what happens, I won't back down... or cower away...!!
I swear I'll bring 'Another' back with me!!!

Page 10:
Komatsu: GYAAAA! A monsteeeer!!
Komatsu: Let's run awaaaay!!
Match: What happened to not backing down no matter what?

Page 11:
Jiji: That is "Coral King", *Corgolem.
He was attracted by the taste left behind by the young 'Another' fish.
Asterisk: *Nara PRefecture's Penname Goemon-san's work!!
Komatsu: Coral King?
Jiji: That's right. Along with the member of the Eight Kings "Whale King Moon", 'Area 6' has ["Whale King Moon" white]
seven 'Kings' you should never approach under any circumstances. They call them the "Seven Beasts".
They are all mighty beasts with Capture Levels over 4,000.
The ecosystem of 'Area 6' is maintained due to the Power Balance of the "Whale King" and the "Seven Beasts".

Page 12:
Nono: Hey, uh, I don't think that Corgolem is chasing us or anything?
Komatsu: Is there really a "civilization" in this den of monsters?
Thing: There is.
Komatsu: UWAAAA! What is that?!
Thing: ..........
Jiji: Hohhohhho. So, you can see him, can you?
Then let me introduce him.
He is *Don Slime. ["DOn SLime" white]
Asterisk: *Kagoshima Prefecture's 長谷川真-san's work!!
Jiji: He's a "Food Spirit". [quote white]
Komatsu: Food Spirit?!
Jiji: He was going on about how he really, really wanted to come get everyone...
When you want to hide something, he also...

Page 13:
Jiji: What...?
I thought we'd get there sooner or later, but...
Okay, gotcha...
Komatsu: ......?
Jiji: Oh. In the meantime, it's in sight.
The roof of the "civilization"-----!!
Guys: !!

Page 14-15:
Guys: WHA...?!
What is thiiiiis?!!!
Jiji: The largest shellfish in the world, "Giant Shell"!! [quote white]
It has an area of an incredible *10 million square kilometers!!
Inside it is 'Area 6's' gigantic civilization, 'Blue Grill'!!
Asterisk: *Enough to cover the entire United States.

Page 16:
Guys: I... I don't understand!!
It's so big I can't even see the whole thing!!
The shell is opening!!
Guys: Now!! Let's go in!!
A~~ The Corgolem is chasing us after all!!
That's a cut-off piece of the Corgolem.
It's probably just trying to eat us. Don't worry about it.
We definitely are gonna worry about tha~~~~t!!

Page 17:
Guys: -----...
Guys: We surfaced!!
We made it!!

Page 18-19:
Guys: This is...!!!
The Deep-Sea Gourmet Capital, 'Blue Grill'!!!
Insert: Gourmet World's biggest and largest-serving civilization...!!
Bottom: Toriko
...Gourmet 328
/ End
tamam ama genede Brak 8 King'i onun altında bile king olamamış ondan şaşırdım :D

O değilde One Piece Fish-man islan'da böyle olmalıydı aslında :/

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