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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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[Spoiler] 1136: Güneşi Bekleyen Ülke

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In One Piece Magazine it is said that Ryuma lived "About" 400 years ago. But this is not something definitive and that even the Wiki itself chose not to put it (In my opinion they were right not to do it), because it is not a definitive answer from the author of the story and that in my opinion this old magazine is mistaken.

In One Piece Magazine it is said that Ryuma lived "About" 400 years ago. But this is not something definitive and that even the Wiki itself chose not to put it (In my opinion they were right not to do it), because it is not a definitive answer from the author of the story and that in my opinion this old magazine is mistaken.
Sen boşver bu kolpacıları kral. Vegapunk'ın Atölyesi'nden çıkma, daha güvenilir bir kaynak var:


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