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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Steam'de metroidvania bakıyordum da hem ucuz hem de çok olumlu yorumlar olduğunu görünce bir sorayım dedim.
Şu inceleme dikkat çekici, şahsen oynamadım.
Not to throw shade at the entire Sundered Community, but
What I want you to know before you go on reading is that to be mindful of the positive comments, because less than 30% of the players have actually beaten the first main boss of the bloody game (according to the achievements). This little fact made me incredibly skeptical of the rating, as how can you confidently rate a game when you barely went past the first 35% of said piece of media?

But same thing can be said of me, as I write this without having beaten it. But in my defense, I have gone beyond 70% and can say with 100% certainty nothing left in the remainder can win me over.

Keep in mind I played it on hard.

If I could describe it in short this is Dogpile: the PseudroidVania.
On the positive side, the animation, the art design, the voice over for the guide-figure-thing are spot on and knock it out of the park. Like easily 10/10 If you ask me.

And then there's the rest.
The game loves to drown you in ocean of enemies, something that will barely give you a second of rest if you move past the first zone. These very enemies are damage sponges, soaking up hits like hungry boys at a fast food restaurant, while hitting luck trucks if your shields are down. Even though there is a good variety of monsters and machines to fight, you will never be able to properly switch up your fighting style because you will be mobbed constantly. This in turn makes the very core gameplay loop seem like a frustrating, repetitive slog.

All of this is compounded by a degree of level randomization upon each respawn, which means 1: you are poking at the darkness, half the time chased by a population of Vietnam, not knowing if the next turn will be a dead end, or worse the wrong way entirely. 2. You are wasting time whilst trying to reach bosess/Minibosses, some of whom have instantly melting, almost one shot kill attacks! YAY.
There are some gripes with powers you earn requiring inputs that work every third case (like having to press attack AND point at a direction simultaneously, which SURELY won't be a problem in a pit of enemies)! Pretty sure other gripes you have already read in other reviews, I will not delve further into the topic.

All in all, I will beat this game, as there is genuinely a shred of something engaging in it, or I am simply doing it out of spite and not willing to admit it. However, if the present (and future) me could go back to the past and refund this game the day the past me laid his eyes upon it, both of us would have done it without a single ounce of hesitation.

That is all I can say
I advise picking up something different (and hopefully much better)


this is a solid 5/10 experience if not lower.
Günde kaç oyun bitiriyorsun durdurulamayan adam?
Az oynamaya çalışıyorum aslında ya bakma sürekli oyun konuştuğuma. Günde 3-4 tane falan işte taş çatlasa. :oleyo2: Bioshock Infinite kalmıştı oynamadığım, bu kez Epic bedavaya verdiği için korsan da değil hem. Ona başladım. Game Pass sürem bitmeden Deathloop'u da mı oynasam diyorum ama Dishonored serisine ısınamadığım için bir türlü indiremedim. Sen oynamış mıydın bunları?
Şu inceleme dikkat çekici, şahsen oynamadım.
Not to throw shade at the entire Sundered Community, but
What I want you to know before you go on reading is that to be mindful of the positive comments, because less than 30% of the players have actually beaten the first main boss of the bloody game (according to the achievements). This little fact made me incredibly skeptical of the rating, as how can you confidently rate a game when you barely went past the first 35% of said piece of media?

But same thing can be said of me, as I write this without having beaten it. But in my defense, I have gone beyond 70% and can say with 100% certainty nothing left in the remainder can win me over.

Keep in mind I played it on hard.

If I could describe it in short this is Dogpile: the PseudroidVania.
On the positive side, the animation, the art design, the voice over for the guide-figure-thing are spot on and knock it out of the park. Like easily 10/10 If you ask me.

And then there's the rest.
The game loves to drown you in ocean of enemies, something that will barely give you a second of rest if you move past the first zone. These very enemies are damage sponges, soaking up hits like hungry boys at a fast food restaurant, while hitting luck trucks if your shields are down. Even though there is a good variety of monsters and machines to fight, you will never be able to properly switch up your fighting style because you will be mobbed constantly. This in turn makes the very core gameplay loop seem like a frustrating, repetitive slog.

All of this is compounded by a degree of level randomization upon each respawn, which means 1: you are poking at the darkness, half the time chased by a population of Vietnam, not knowing if the next turn will be a dead end, or worse the wrong way entirely. 2. You are wasting time whilst trying to reach bosess/Minibosses, some of whom have instantly melting, almost one shot kill attacks! YAY.
There are some gripes with powers you earn requiring inputs that work every third case (like having to press attack AND point at a direction simultaneously, which SURELY won't be a problem in a pit of enemies)! Pretty sure other gripes you have already read in other reviews, I will not delve further into the topic.

All in all, I will beat this game, as there is genuinely a shred of something engaging in it, or I am simply doing it out of spite and not willing to admit it. However, if the present (and future) me could go back to the past and refund this game the day the past me laid his eyes upon it, both of us would have done it without a single ounce of hesitation.

That is all I can say
I advise picking up something different (and hopefully much better)


this is a solid 5/10 experience if not lower.
Ben de şikâyet edenlerin özellikle rastgele peydah olan düşman güruhu üzerine olduğunu gördüm. Zorluk da hem övülen hem de gömülen bir konu. Bu zorluğa giresim var mı bilemedim, kimisi adil olduğunu söylerken kimisi de aksini iddia ediyor.
Çıkar göster.

Güzel oyun. Boss çizimleri çok farklı ve güzeldi. Oyun yavaş değil, hızlı bir mekaniği var. Oyun içindeki karşılaşmalarımız oyunun sonunu etkiliyordu. Ben nasıl etkilediğini anlamadım ama, seçim vs. gibi şeyler hatırlamıyorum çünkü. İlerleme barı var, oradan güçleniyoruz. Tavsiye ederim.
Baldur gate 3 almayı düşünüyorum önerir misiniz biraz sıra tabanlı oynanışı beni sıkar gibi duruyor ama sağlam rpg gibi duruyor.
fallout 4 oynayan arkadaşlar bu fiyata alıp oynamaya değer mi 45 lira olmuş zaten fallout nvyi neredeyse 3. kez bitiriyorum fallout 3ede bakıcam ama oyun fiyatları malum uçtuğu için indirimin seviyesi %75

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