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[Spoiler] 1034 Öngörüş

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Title: "The prince of Germa"
Zoro vs King still going on, King talks about Queen saying that Black Leg can't win, Zoro replies with "don't understimate eyebrows, he has fire even hotters than yours, black mummy"
- Sanji becomes his evil self.
- Queen says "you finally show yourself for who u are, Judge's boy"
- Evil Sanji franatically starts to beat everyone up.
- Evil Sanji uses CoC to k.o some fodders, using his eyes to also scare Queen.
King-queen birbirlerini şişiriyorlar ha bire. Fena patlayacaklar...
Title: "The prince of Germa"
Zoro vs King still going on, King talks about Queen saying that Black Leg can't win, Zoro replies with "don't understimate eyebrows, he has fire even hotters than yours, black mummy"
- Sanji becomes his evil self.
- Queen says "you finally show yourself for who u are, Judge's boy"
- Evil Sanji franatically starts to beat everyone up.
- Evil Sanji uses CoC to k.o some fodders, using his eyes to also scare Queen.
Bu spoilerları kim yazıyorsa Oda'dan iyi yazıyor. Siyah alevi eklemeyi unutmuş gerçi. Geçen haftalarda Çin'li, B.komon vardı yine o galiba. ?
Title: "The prince of Germa"
Zoro vs King still going on, King talks about Queen saying that Black Leg can't win, Zoro replies with "don't understimate eyebrows, he has fire even hotters than yours, black mummy"
- Sanji becomes his evil self.
- Queen says "you finally show yourself for who u are, Judge's boy"
- Evil Sanji franatically starts to beat everyone up.
- Evil Sanji uses CoC to k.o some fodders, using his eyes to also scare Queen.
@Alpamis'ın bölüme tepkisi.
Sanji ne kullandığının farkında değil kaşları kral haki salmış :artiz:
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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