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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Geçen hafta Baam'ın geri döneceğini ve Haoqin ile kapışacağını yazmıştım. Bizim yufka yüreklinin kalbi yine dayanmadı ve seviyeciye yardım etti. Haoqin'in doğrudan darbelerine dayanması güzel, ayrıca Haoqin Baam'ı öldürme amacı yok gibi sanki. Ama o yufka yürekliliğini kırmaya çalışıyor gibi geldi, kendi geçmişine yapılan flasback'ten bu anlaşılıyor. Baam hakikaten bir yüksek seviyeci ayarına gelmiş. Fakat Haoqin'e dayanabilecek mi, power up mu gelecek yoksa biri mi kurtaracak şimdilik belirsiz. Haoqin'in içinde bulunan kardeşlerinden biri, Baam'a dokunursa gücünü vermekten vazgeçeceğini falan söylemişti diye hatırlıyorum. Fakat sanırım onların sesini artık duymuyor veya bir şekilde bastırdı veya ben orayı kaçırdım. Baam haftaya yeni bir güç gösterecek gibi, aslında Zahard'ın verisiyle kapıştığı sırada gösterdiği formu alsa iyi olur. Haoqin'e karşı bile tüm gücünü kullanmayacaksa kime karşı kullanacak. Daha siyah mart bile duruyor.

Cidden işler giderek garipleşmeye başladı. Haoqin ihanet mi ediyor yoksa Baam'da kendi çocukluğunu görüp potansiyelini mi uyandırmaya çalışıyor anlayamadım. Bu kısımları biraz hızlı atlasa daha iyi olacak çizer. Fakat bu Haoqin meselesinden Arie Hon'a dair bir şeyler göstermeye çalışıyor bize. Arie Hon'un kendisini bari biraz görseydik, çakmasıyla uğraşıyoruz hala. Seri bu şekile giderse bir bu kadar daha bölüm çıkar muhtemelen. Ona da Siu'nun sağlığı elverir mi bilemiyorum. Berserk'ten sonra böyle şeylerden de korkar olduk.
@Ulu taborlin
Hoaqin'in arkadaşlarını çerez niyetine yediğini öğrendiğinde ne yapacak Baam, asıl onu merak ediyorum ben. Hoaqin şu an ihanet içerisinde mi değil mi emin değilim ama aralarında illa ki bir gün savaş çıkacak zaten.
Baamdan icindeki guce boyun egip,mutlak guce ulasmasini ve boylece çürümüşlüğe saplanmasini istiyor.
Chapter 79 Translation
White : So why didn't you do as i asked from the very start?
Aria : ( Damn...i'm going to helplessly get murdered. I can't even suggest the alliance again... And i don't see that reuglar being helpful in this fight, either )
White : First, let me get rid of that petty scum.
(fucking badass slash )
ria : ( Dammit i have no idea. i have no choice but to withstand next 10 minutes!! )
( White's slash's still proceeding )
Aria : Nagh!! ( How... how can i possibly bear this attack..!!)
(White cuts her arm. but soon it regenerates).
White : Are you the same kind of creature, just like that frog? What kind of law are you lenient from?
Aria : 'hell lenient' This is the curse!! ( Dammit... I could survive this bc it was my left arm)
White : So you regenerates your arm. Is that the law that you've escaped from...? You guys are pretty interesting. Soon we will be able to check if it's only about your arm or whole body, once i cut you into the pieces. )
Baam : ( No...! She's an enemy but still a comrade at this moment so i can't let her die like this. please stop! )
( Flash and Baam blocks White's sword )
White : ....The more i look at you, the more ridiculous you look. What kind of law are you lenient from, seeing you a mere regular can block his majesty' sword? Or, Is there even a law you aren't lenient from?
( Just like always. That embarrassing eyes of yours - )
Aria : ( He blocked the sword of White? A mere regular can do that!?)

White : You came to block and dodge my sword, which is barely possible for somebody who has sacrificed numerous lives with studies. You really are granting a surprise and displeasure to his majesty at the same time!!
Baam : Uggh!
Aria : Hey back off!! I'll be in big trouble if you die here!!
Baam : I'm still fine with this!! Anyway you can't even block Arie's sword!!
Aira : What are you even saying. You mean you can do that or something?
Baam : I can even dodge his swords. I even have a experience!!
Aria : ( What is this cocky bastard saying right now? I need him to break my spell but that doesn't mean i have to cherish this chance over my own life... And White didn't even figure out what kind of law i'm lenient from yet. Do i have to wait and see for a while? ) Then do it if you can dare...!
White : You're overrating yourself just bc you've won the game against his majesty by accident!!
( Flash )
Baam : ( I can see it coming. I can dodge it! )
Aria : ( What, how can he come to dodge that sword that easily? That regular is way slower than me...but He's dodging White's swords as if he could expect them! And those swords... are not like when they attacked me. As if...White's trying to derive more of skills from that boy... )
Baam : ( He's going easy on me...! He's gradually speeding up... to make a toy of me. He wants to devour me after deriving my power than current state. What a bad taste he has...! )
White : You already have lost a minute. But we still got a plenty of time left.
Baam : ( Every minute every second feels like eternity to me. Have enemies felt the same when they fought me so far? I must withstand his attack no matter what!! )
White : Do not disappoint me! Slayer candidate!!
Baam : ( I need to bring the way to deal with him to mind in next 9 minutes...! Would i able to block his attacks with blue thryssa? Never, I must dodge! Unlike last couple of attacks, this one is not intended to give me a break..!!)

( The sword cuts through Baam's hand )
Aria : Oh, shit...
Baam : ( This...)
White : This is not enough. The prey that has been fretting his majesty all along can't be this weak.
Baam : ( He was going easy on me so far- He hasn't even started !! )
White : Please, stop disappointing me. You must present the most thrilling experience to his majesty among the souls he has hunted so far. If you ever fail to live up to his expectation, there's no choice but to be killed.
Baam : ( Would i be able to withstand his attacks...? No... i must make it happen. My master is waiting for me. No matter what it takes, I must get to the final point!! I can't block his attack once Mr.White decides to be serious anyway. That means somehow i have to attack him after dodging his attack.!!)
( White nearly comes to cut Baam's head )
White : Once
( Baam dodges but fails again And White nearly comes to cut his neck again.)
White : Twice. I'm not gonna spare your life when it comes to three times. His majesty hates counting numbers more than three. Because the number called three is not perfect.

( White grabs Baam by the collar. )
Baam : Uggh!!
White : Do not even think of getting away from this. Burn your powers to the limit. You can uglily beg to those souls in you or devour them, just make your powers concentrated no matter what. Just like his majesty and the numerous have done, escape from the humane way to achieve the great power. That's more humane than this.
Aria : ( Why? Why is White so obsessed with that regular... And that face of his, I've seen it from somewhere. Yeah... It's just like an inferiority of corps commander Lyborick. No way, Why would such legendary high ranker be...?)
White : There's no more mercy of mine. His majesty doesn't want to hear a crap of saving your power to reach your master before him.
Baam : ( Other attacks can't even damage him. )
( Baam ignites the thorn )
Baam : Why can't you just stop bother me and people around!
Baam : ( No matter what it takes, I must attack him with full power shinwonryu!!)
( White and Baam collide )
Aria : ( That's the light that he used against me a while ago...! It has gotten even stronger than last time! )
( Huge explosion )
( White's sword thrusts Baam's arm )
Baam : !!!
White : His majesty rather wants to ask you back- Why were you born to be a being that he must hate? Why did you become such a being ,appear on this tower and hang around him with that unchanging will of yours? It's not him hating you. It's you making him hate you. This is all because of you. Do not cause annoyance to his majesty any further. Let me say it again : His majesty wants to witness your corruption.

---- Flashback ----
( Hoaqin looks depressed )
Teacher : What is troubling you, Lord Hoaqin? Not along ago, You have been so pleased to witness the family leader close in person after being nominated as a trainee. By any chance, does training make you uncomfortable, my lord?
Hoaqin : That is not what it is... My father has changed again.
Teacher : Pardon?
Hoaqin : His eyes are not the same back when i was first nominated. He clearly showed that warm expectation of his towards me. But he has changed cold and scary as if i had witnessed him at first moment. I must have failed to live up to his expectation. Even though i'm trying this hard... It seems he won't be satisfied no matter how much i try harder. It's meaningless to try so hard to reach this position so far if i won't be able to earn his recognition. Whenever i look into his changed eyes, it feels as if i was stuck in the cold glacier.
Teacher : Oh my Lord. You must be devastated. But The family leader might have not changed at all.
Hoaqin : Huh...?!
Teacher : As far as i know, He's not someone who would change like that. Even before we were born, he was said to be a man who had never changed for countless years. To him, we are merely creatures passing by time. So it can't be you who changed him.
Hoaqin : But my father has clearly!!
Teach : No, He might have not. If something has changed...That must be you, lord Hoaqin.
Hoaqin : ( I have changed...? Have i ...!? )
( Bloods on Hoaqin's hands before his dead siblings and spellbook)
Hoaqin : ( It was me who has changed. But why? Why aren't you changing my father. You're like a lake that doesn't even make a single wave no matter how many times your son casts stones upon you, a tree that doesn't give back any fruits no matter how many times your son twits and pecks at you. Your son is knocking your heart this hard, but why won't you be shaken just for once. Your son... is being shaken this hard... to get acknowledged by You- )
( Hoaqin has murdered his teacher )
Hoqain : ( Now your son...hates you, father. This all inerasable blood on my hand was colored by you, father. The blood that won't go away no matter how much i try hard, it was colored by you. ) Sigh- so Why did you bring up such an unnecessary talk..
( Hoaqin paints his eyes with blood )
Hoaqin : ( It was definitely done by you, father .)

White : ( Those unchanging eyes of yours are - like those of my father) Just do it. This is very simple. Keeping the line accompanies suffering, but corrupting is easy.
Baamdan icindeki guce boyun egip,mutlak guce ulasmasini ve boylece çürümüşlüğe saplanmasini istiyor.
Chapter 79 Translation
White : So why didn't you do as i asked from the very start?
Aria : ( Damn...i'm going to helplessly get murdered. I can't even suggest the alliance again... And i don't see that reuglar being helpful in this fight, either )
White : First, let me get rid of that petty scum.
(fucking badass slash )
ria : ( Dammit i have no idea. i have no choice but to withstand next 10 minutes!! )
( White's slash's still proceeding )
Aria : Nagh!! ( How... how can i possibly bear this attack..!!)
(White cuts her arm. but soon it regenerates).
White : Are you the same kind of creature, just like that frog? What kind of law are you lenient from?
Aria : 'hell lenient' This is the curse!! ( Dammit... I could survive this bc it was my left arm)
White : So you regenerates your arm. Is that the law that you've escaped from...? You guys are pretty interesting. Soon we will be able to check if it's only about your arm or whole body, once i cut you into the pieces. )
Baam : ( No...! She's an enemy but still a comrade at this moment so i can't let her die like this. please stop! )
( Flash and Baam blocks White's sword )
White : ....The more i look at you, the more ridiculous you look. What kind of law are you lenient from, seeing you a mere regular can block his majesty' sword? Or, Is there even a law you aren't lenient from?
( Just like always. That embarrassing eyes of yours - )
Aria : ( He blocked the sword of White? A mere regular can do that!?)

White : You came to block and dodge my sword, which is barely possible for somebody who has sacrificed numerous lives with studies. You really are granting a surprise and displeasure to his majesty at the same time!!
Baam : Uggh!
Aria : Hey back off!! I'll be in big trouble if you die here!!
Baam : I'm still fine with this!! Anyway you can't even block Arie's sword!!
Aira : What are you even saying. You mean you can do that or something?
Baam : I can even dodge his swords. I even have a experience!!
Aria : ( What is this cocky bastard saying right now? I need him to break my spell but that doesn't mean i have to cherish this chance over my own life... And White didn't even figure out what kind of law i'm lenient from yet. Do i have to wait and see for a while? ) Then do it if you can dare...!
White : You're overrating yourself just bc you've won the game against his majesty by accident!!
( Flash )
Baam : ( I can see it coming. I can dodge it! )
Aria : ( What, how can he come to dodge that sword that easily? That regular is way slower than me...but He's dodging White's swords as if he could expect them! And those swords... are not like when they attacked me. As if...White's trying to derive more of skills from that boy... )
Baam : ( He's going easy on me...! He's gradually speeding up... to make a toy of me. He wants to devour me after deriving my power than current state. What a bad taste he has...! )
White : You already have lost a minute. But we still got a plenty of time left.
Baam : ( Every minute every second feels like eternity to me. Have enemies felt the same when they fought me so far? I must withstand his attack no matter what!! )
White : Do not disappoint me! Slayer candidate!!
Baam : ( I need to bring the way to deal with him to mind in next 9 minutes...! Would i able to block his attacks with blue thryssa? Never, I must dodge! Unlike last couple of attacks, this one is not intended to give me a break..!!)

( The sword cuts through Baam's hand )
Aria : Oh, shit...
Baam : ( This...)
White : This is not enough. The prey that has been fretting his majesty all along can't be this weak.
Baam : ( He was going easy on me so far- He hasn't even started !! )
White : Please, stop disappointing me. You must present the most thrilling experience to his majesty among the souls he has hunted so far. If you ever fail to live up to his expectation, there's no choice but to be killed.
Baam : ( Would i be able to withstand his attacks...? No... i must make it happen. My master is waiting for me. No matter what it takes, I must get to the final point!! I can't block his attack once Mr.White decides to be serious anyway. That means somehow i have to attack him after dodging his attack.!!)
( White nearly comes to cut Baam's head )
White : Once
( Baam dodges but fails again And White nearly comes to cut his neck again.)
White : Twice. I'm not gonna spare your life when it comes to three times. His majesty hates counting numbers more than three. Because the number called three is not perfect.

( White grabs Baam by the collar. )
Baam : Uggh!!
White : Do not even think of getting away from this. Burn your powers to the limit. You can uglily beg to those souls in you or devour them, just make your powers concentrated no matter what. Just like his majesty and the numerous have done, escape from the humane way to achieve the great power. That's more humane than this.
Aria : ( Why? Why is White so obsessed with that regular... And that face of his, I've seen it from somewhere. Yeah... It's just like an inferiority of corps commander Lyborick. No way, Why would such legendary high ranker be...?)
White : There's no more mercy of mine. His majesty doesn't want to hear a crap of saving your power to reach your master before him.
Baam : ( Other attacks can't even damage him. )
( Baam ignites the thorn )
Baam : Why can't you just stop bother me and people around!
Baam : ( No matter what it takes, I must attack him with full power shinwonryu!!)
( White and Baam collide )
Aria : ( That's the light that he used against me a while ago...! It has gotten even stronger than last time! )
( Huge explosion )
( White's sword thrusts Baam's arm )
Baam : !!!
White : His majesty rather wants to ask you back- Why were you born to be a being that he must hate? Why did you become such a being ,appear on this tower and hang around him with that unchanging will of yours? It's not him hating you. It's you making him hate you. This is all because of you. Do not cause annoyance to his majesty any further. Let me say it again : His majesty wants to witness your corruption.

---- Flashback ----
( Hoaqin looks depressed )
Teacher : What is troubling you, Lord Hoaqin? Not along ago, You have been so pleased to witness the family leader close in person after being nominated as a trainee. By any chance, does training make you uncomfortable, my lord?
Hoaqin : That is not what it is... My father has changed again.
Teacher : Pardon?
Hoaqin : His eyes are not the same back when i was first nominated. He clearly showed that warm expectation of his towards me. But he has changed cold and scary as if i had witnessed him at first moment. I must have failed to live up to his expectation. Even though i'm trying this hard... It seems he won't be satisfied no matter how much i try harder. It's meaningless to try so hard to reach this position so far if i won't be able to earn his recognition. Whenever i look into his changed eyes, it feels as if i was stuck in the cold glacier.
Teacher : Oh my Lord. You must be devastated. But The family leader might have not changed at all.
Hoaqin : Huh...?!
Teacher : As far as i know, He's not someone who would change like that. Even before we were born, he was said to be a man who had never changed for countless years. To him, we are merely creatures passing by time. So it can't be you who changed him.
Hoaqin : But my father has clearly!!
Teach : No, He might have not. If something has changed...That must be you, lord Hoaqin.
Hoaqin : ( I have changed...? Have i ...!? )
( Bloods on Hoaqin's hands before his dead siblings and spellbook)
Hoaqin : ( It was me who has changed. But why? Why aren't you changing my father. You're like a lake that doesn't even make a single wave no matter how many times your son casts stones upon you, a tree that doesn't give back any fruits no matter how many times your son twits and pecks at you. Your son is knocking your heart this hard, but why won't you be shaken just for once. Your son... is being shaken this hard... to get acknowledged by You- )
( Hoaqin has murdered his teacher )
Hoqain : ( Now your son...hates you, father. This all inerasable blood on my hand was colored by you, father. The blood that won't go away no matter how much i try hard, it was colored by you. ) Sigh- so Why did you bring up such an unnecessary talk..
( Hoaqin paints his eyes with blood )
Hoaqin : ( It was definitely done by you, father .)

White : ( Those unchanging eyes of yours are - like those of my father) Just do it. This is very simple. Keeping the line accompanies suffering, but corrupting is easy.
Yapabilecegi en iyi sey beyaz kafanin tum ruhlarini emmek ,ve onu tamamen 5 parcaya bolmesi ve bir daha ruhlari toplayan buyuyu yok ederek,onu bu halde bırakması olacaktır.(tabi yapabilirse)

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