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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Chapter 1.002: "Yonkou Vs. New Generation".
- The entire chapter is the fighting between them.
- There is an attack from Kaidou called "Great Wind" (maybe it is the same one with which he cut Kiku's arm?).
- Luffy's new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Kong Raifuru" (the one drawn by the Korean leaker).
- New Kid attack called “Slam Gibson”.
- Law uses the "Gamma Knife".
- New Killer attack called "Kamaa Sonic" with which he attacks Kaidou.
- New Big Mom attack called "Indra" (it is an attack with lightning / thunder) with which he attacks Killer.
- Luffy uses the "Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider" against Kaidou.
- Kaidou uses the "Bolo Breath" against Luffy but Zoro stops him with the "Kitsunebiryuu: Homurasaki" from Kinemon.
- Zoro attacks Kaidou, although I am not able to translate the attack (I don't know if it is new or not).
- Kaidou feels Oden on Zoro's sword.
- Big Mom uses a new attack with lightning / thunder coming out from everywhere.
- Luffy is not affected, Big Mom wonders why and Luffy tells her because it is made of rubber.
- Kaidou hits Luffy with his "Bolo Breath" but doesn't do anything to him either.
- Luffy uses a new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatoringu" against Kaidou.

Son düzenleme:
Çevrildiyse söyleyin, mesajı sileyim.

Chapter 1.002: "Yonkou Vs. New Generation"
- There is an attack from Kaidou called "Great Wind".
- Luffy's new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Kong Raifuru" (the one drawn by the Korean).
- New Kid attack called “Slam Gibson”.
- Law uses the "Gamma Knife".
- New Killer attack called "Kamaa Sonic" with which he attacks Kaidou.
- New attack by Big Mom called "Indra" (it is a lightning attack) with which he attacks Killer.
- Luffy uses the "Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider" against Kaidou.
- Kaidou uses his “Bolo Breath” against Luffy but Zoro stops him with Kinemon's “Kitsunebiryuu: Homurasaki”.
- Kaidou feels Oden on Zoro's sword.
- Big Mom uses a new attack with thunder coming from everywhere.
- Luffy is not affected, Big Mom wonders why and Luffy tells her because it is made of rubber.
- Kaidou hits Luffy with his "Bolo Breath" but he doesn't do anything to him either.
- Luffy uses a new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatoringu" against Kaidou.
Bölüm 1002 Yonkou vs Yeni Jenerasyon

Kaido'nun "Büyük rüzgar" adlı yeni saldırısı varmış.

Luffy'nin yeni atağının ismi "Gomu Gomu no Kong Raifuru" (Aşağıdaki resime bak)

Kid'in yeni atağının ismi Slam Gibson'mış.

Law, Gamma Knife kullanmış.

Killer, Kaido'ya yeni saldırısı "Kama Sonic" ile saldırmış.

Big Mom yeni saldırısı "Indra"yı Killer'a saldırırken kullanmış (Bu bir şimşek atağıymış)

Luffy, Kaido'ya karşı "Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider" i kullanmış

Kaidou, Luffy'ye karşı “Boro Nefesi” ni kullanmış ama Zoro, onu Kinemon'un saldırısı “Kitsunebiryuu: Homurasaki” ile durdurmuş.

Kaido, Zoro'nun kılıcından Oden'i hissetmiş.

Big Mom gök gürültüsüyle beraber yeni saldırısını kullanmış

Luffy etkilenmemiş, Big Mom nedenini merak etmiş ve Luffy ona lastikten yapıldığını söylemiş.

Kaidou "Boro Nefesi" ile Luffy'ye vurmuş ama o da ona hiçbir şey yapamamış.

Luffy Kaido'ya yeni saldırısı "Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatoringu" ile tekrardan saldırmış.
Son düzenleme:
Iyi bari.
Zoro attacked Kaido with a "sword of flying dragon flame". [Note: Luffy written by the Korean intelligence division of the first edition of Intelligence, later revised to Zoro, this trick Zoro used to deal with Ryoma Zombies 2 years ago]
Additional details:

Zoro used Enma against Kaido's "Great Wind"
After Zoro cuts Boro Breath, he attacks Kaido with a Flying Dragon flame technique (might be the one he used vs Ryuma in Thriller Bark)

Birkaç detaylar

Zoro Enma'yı Kaidonun "Great Wind" saldırısı karşısında kullanıyor.

Zoro Boro Breathi kestikten sonra Kaidoya "Flying Dragon Flame" tekniği ile saldırıyor. TB'deki Ryuma'ya karşı kullandığı teknik olabilir
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