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One Piece chapter 995 spoilers

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Detailed summary thanks to Redon-
Chapter 995: "Kunoichi's oath".
In the cover page, Luffy is lazing around in class. His teacher is an owl and his classmates are the Risky Kyoudai from Thriller Bark (the squirrels).
Marco tries to stop Big Mom from joining the battle in Onigashima, so they clash. Marco says he isn't sure yet what will be his role in this battle, but he knows how dangerous Big Mom is better than Luffy and the other.
Prometheus' fire clashes with Marco's phoenix fire, Prometheus loses since phoenix fire is a special type of flame. Big Mom grabs Marco by his neck and holds him up so Perospero can shoot him with his "Candy Arrow".
Carrot and Wanda attack Perospero together in their sulong form. Perospero's face is slashed with 2 claw marks with a lot of blood. Wanda tells Marco they will take care of Perospero themselves.
Big Mom is annoyed that she's wasting time with smaller battles.
Big Mom: "If you want to kill me, we can settle this later.I have no soul to use on you right now."
Then Big Mom flies back in Zeus to Onigashima's castle. Marco hears the sound of people screaming about Ice Oni coming from the castle.
Back to Onigashima main stage. Brook caught Queen's "Koorioni" but it does no damage to him since he has no blood or flesh. Queen looks Sanji's Wanted poster.
Queen: "So Judge’s son is in this crew. Vinsmoke Judge..."
Apoo attacks people chasing him with "Don!" exploding music. Zoro and Drake attack Apoo together, Apoo panics but he manages to block them both with a tonfa.
Chopper looks at Brook and realizes something about the Koorioni's condition but then he realizes he also caught it. One of his arm is now covered in ice.
Cut to Ulti & Page One Vs. Usopp & Nami.
Nami is knocked to the ground, covered in blood. Usopp fights Ulti, he uses "Midori Boshi: Devil" to grab Ulti. Usopp is about to melt her, but Page One bites the plant and saves Ulti.
Usopp then uses "Midori Boshi: Take Javelin" to pierce Page One, but Ulti attacks him with a headbutt. Usopp's skull breaks and we see the same image as when he fought with Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas in Arabasta.
Ulti then grabs Nami and says she's really angry with Luffy becouse he announced that he will beat Kaidou and will become Pirate King.
Ulti: "I will spare you if you say "Our captain will never become the Pirate King"!!"
Nami replies Ulti crying and bloodied.
Nami: "Luffy WILL BECOME the Pirate King!!!"
Ulti is about to kill Nami, but Otama and Komachiyo appear out of nowhere. Komachiyo bites Ulti's head...

NO BREAK NEXT WEEK (996 will leak early)
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Bölümün Adı: Kunoiçinin Yemini
Marco, Koca Ana'nın ne kadar tehlikeli olduğunu bildiğinden onu durdurmak istemiş. Koca Ana, Prometheus'u kullanarak Marco'ya saldırmış, ancak Marco'nun alevleri özel tip bir alev olduğundan Prometheus'a üstün gelmiş. Koca Ana, Marco'yu yakalamış ve Perospero onu "Şeker Oku" ile vursun diye boynundan tutmuş. Bu sırada Sulong formundaki Wanda ve Carrot, Perospero'ya saldırmış ve onun yüzünü yarmış. Koca Ana, Marco'ya "Şu an kullanabileceğim ruh yok. Beni öldürmek istiyorsan daha sonra gel." demiş ve Zeus'a binerek kaleye geri dönmüş. Ufak tefek dövüşlerle uğraşmak istemiyormuş.

Brook tamamen iskelet olduğundan Buz İblisi ona etki etmemiş. Chopper bunu görünce hastalık hakkında bir fikir edinmiş, ancak kendisi de hastalığı kapmış ve kolu donmaya başlamış. Queen, Sanji'nin posterini görünce onun Vinsmoke Judge'ın oğlu olduğunu anlamış. Apoo müziğini kullanarak kendisini takip edenlere dalmış, ancak Zoro ve Drake ona saldırmış. Apoo da tonfa denilen demir sopalar ile kendisine yapılan saldırıyı durdurmuş.

Nami kanlar içinde yerde yatıyormuş. Usopp, Ulti'ye büyük bir bitki saldırısı yapmış ve onu eritmek üzereyken Page One araya girerek Ulti'yi kurtarmış. Usopp daha sonra Page One'a saldırmayı denemiş, ama bu esnada Ulti ona kafa atmış ve kafatasını dağıtmış. Sonrasında Nami'yi tutmuş ve ona "Kaptanımız Korsan Kral olamayacak dersen hayatını bağışlarım" demiş. Nami de ağlayarak "Luffy, Korsan Kral olacak" demiş. Ulti tam Nami'yi öldürecekken Tama ve Komachiyo ortama dalmış ve Komachiyo, Ulti'nin kafasını ısırmış.

Haftaya bölüm varmış, hatta erken gelecekmiş.
Son düzenleme:

Lilin: So annoying!! Being so far away from the battlefield!

Linlin: Don't bring your petty problems to me!! Do what you want!!

Linlin: Marco! If you wanna kiil me, save it for next time!!!

Linlin: I don't have any souls I can use against you at the moment!! (Puck Note: I'd like to interpret this as Lilin saying that she can't afford to waste any souls on Marco atm but I need more context to deduce that so will go with the literal interpretation ^^")

Wanda: Go Marco!! Leave this guy to us!!

Perorin: .......!!

???: Gyaaaaa! Save me!! I'll turn into a demon!!

???: Guooooh!!!

Marco: What the hell is that!?

Drake : I've hated you for a very long time!
Apoo : !!
Apoo : Likewise you fools!!!
Queen : Drake, that bastard...as soon he got exposed, he completely changed sides!
Queen : Dialogue is empty for some reason
Queen : Still...to think that Judge's son was part of their crew...
Queen : Vinsmoke Judge...

Wanda : So this is the guy that killed pedro!
Carrot : That's right! If this guy wasn't there then Pedro would still...
Perospero : That idiot Pedro, blew himself up!!
Perospero : If anything, I'm the one that's suffering coz of him!!
Carrot : I'm well aware that Pedro died for this war/I know that Pedro's death is connected to this war
Pedro (flashback) : Proceed Onwards!!
Marco : Who are you girls?
Carrot : You're Marco, Boss Nekomamushi's friend right?
Marco : Yeah that's right!
Queen :
- So this is Roronoa Zoro ? ... we can weaken them by destroying the second or third strongest ... BUT the fact we have in this crew the son of Judge ... Vinsmoke Judge ...."

Queen 2 veya 3 güclü olarak zoro dan bahsediyor zoro'nun tayfadaki konumunu bilmediği icin. Sanji'yi katmıyor.
Tabi resmi ceviriyi beklemek en iyisi.

Lilin: So annoying!! Being so far away from the battlefield!

Linlin: Don't bring your petty problems to me!! Do what you want!!

Linlin: Marco! If you wanna kiil me, save it for next time!!!

Linlin: I don't have any souls I can use against you at the moment!! (Puck Note: I'd like to interpret this as Lilin saying that she can't afford to waste any souls on Marco atm but I need more context to deduce that so will go with the literal interpretation ^^")

Wanda: Go Marco!! Leave this guy to us!!

Perorin: .......!!

???: Gyaaaaa! Save me!! I'll turn into a demon!!

???: Guooooh!!!

Marco: What the hell is that!?

Drake : I've hated you for a very long time!
Apoo : !!
Apoo : Likewise you fools!!!
Queen : Drake, that bastard...as soon he got exposed, he completely changed sides!
Queen : Dialogue is empty for some reason
Queen : Still...to think that Judge's son was part of their crew...
Queen : Vinsmoke Judge...

Wanda : So this is the guy that killed pedro!
Carrot : That's right! If this guy wasn't there then Pedro would still...
Perospero : That idiot Pedro, blew himself up!!
Perospero : If anything, I'm the one that's suffering coz of him!!
Carrot : I'm well aware that Pedro died for this war/I know that Pedro's death is connected to this war
Pedro (flashback) : Proceed Onwards!!
Marco : Who are you girls?
Carrot : You're Marco, Boss Nekomamushi's friend right?
Marco : Yeah that's right!
Linlin: Çok rahatsız edici!!Savaş meydanından uzakta durmak!!
Linlin:Bana küçük problemlerini getirme!!İstediğini yap!!
Linlin:Marco!Eğer beni öldürmek istiyorsan,sonraki zamana sakla!
Linlin:Şuan sana karşı kullanabileceğim hiçbir ruhum yok,!!
Wanda:Git Marco! Bu kişiyi bize bırak!
???:Kyahhhh. Koru beni! Ben şeytana dönüşeceğim!
Marco:Bu yerde ne oluyor!!

Drake:Senden uzun zamandır nefret ediyorum!!
Apo:Aynı şekilde!!Bende aptallar!!
Queen: Drake!!Seni Piç!!Tehlikeye düştüğü anda,taraf değiştirdi.
Quenn:Konuşmaya çalışmak nafile
Quenn:Hala...Judge'ın oğlununu Luffy tayfasından olduğunu düşünmek...
Quenn:Vinsmoke Judge...

Wanda: Pedro'yu öldüren kişi bu!
Carrot: Doğru!Bu kişi olmasaydı yine de Pedro...
Perospero:Şu aptal Pedro kendini patlattı.
Perospero:Eğer hiçbirşey ise onun yüzünden acı çeken benim!!
Carrot: Pedro'nun savaş için öldüğünü biliyorum.
Pedro: Devam et!
Marco:Siz kimsiniz ?
Carrot:Sen marcosun ve patron nekomamushi'nin arkadaşısısın değil mi ?
Marco:Evet Doğru!

Zoro: Hand it over!

Apoo: !!

Apoo: !!!

Apoo: Wait just one damn minute!! You two coming at me at once is a bit too much no!?

Zoro: I want to go and assist Kin'emon and the others!! :)

Zoro: Fighting with you will just/only be a waste of my time!!
Zoro:Teslim ol!
Apoo:Kahretsin bir daakika bekle!Siz ikiniz ben tek bu doğru mu ?
Zoro:Ben gitmek ve Kin'emon ve diğerlerine yardım etmek istiyorum!!
Zoro:Seninle dövüşmek zaman kaybı!

Queenin boş balonu için

Translation by @PuckTheGreat from baratie.xyz

Queen: So that's Ronoroa Zoro....
Queen: It'd be best to crush their 2nd and 3rd strongest fighters as quickly as possible........
Quenn:Bu rorona zoro...
Queen:En güçlü 2. ve 3. kişiyi hemen yenmek en iyisidir...
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