Drake Hawkins'e ''Kehanetinde neler görebiliyorsun?'' diye sormuş.Drake asks to Hawkins next to him what can you predict? "Somebody's survival rate until tomorrow is 1%"
de yazılmış ama aynı spo. Doğruysa
Queen'in öldürmek istediği kişi ortaya çıkmış ve bir Tobi Roppoymuş.The one who Queen wants to kill comes out, and is a Tobi Roppo!!
- The one who Who's Who wants to kill appears too.
- Break next week
Bu alıntıdaki spoilerlardan birisi ya da hepsi fake. Ama hiçbirinin de onaylı olmadığını söyleyebiliriz.- Who's Who hates Jack because the pirates were destroyed by Jack.
- Queen knows Drake is a spy.
- Hawkins is still unemployed, but plans to betray after divination.
- Big Mom and Perospero meet.
- Perospero opens the book, and Big Mom's army, including Queen Mama Chanteho, appears in the book.
- Marco is shot down.
one of these spoilers is confirmed fake or maybe all of them is confirmed fake.