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Drake asks to Hawkins next to him what can you predict? "Somebody's survival rate until tomorrow is 1%"
de yazılmış ama aynı spo. Doğruysa
Drake Hawkins'e ''Kehanetinde neler görebiliyorsun?'' diye sormuş.
Hawkins , ''Birisinin yaşama şansı yarına kadar %1 .''
The one who Queen wants to kill comes out, and is a Tobi Roppo!!
- The one who Who's Who wants to kill appears too.
- Break next week
Queen'in öldürmek istediği kişi ortaya çıkmış ve bir Tobi Roppoymuş.
-Who's Who'nun öldürmek istediği de ortaya çıkıyor.
-Haftaya ara var.

Spoiler'ın erken gelme sebebi eski koreli kaynağın geri dönmesi.
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
- Who's Who hates Jack because the pirates were destroyed by Jack.
- Queen knows Drake is a spy.
- Hawkins is still unemployed, but plans to betray after divination.
- Big Mom and Perospero meet.
- Perospero opens the book, and Big Mom's army, including Queen Mama Chanteho, appears in the book.
- Marco is shot down.

one of these spoilers is confirmed fake or maybe all of them is confirmed fake.
Tek kesin olanlar aşağıdakiler arkadaşlar. Diğerleri için beklemede kalın.

The one who Queen wants to kill comes out, and it's a Tobiroppo.
- The one that Who's Who wants to kill appears too.
- Drake asks Hawkins next to him "What are you doing?". Hawkins: "Somebody's survival rate until tomorrow is 1%".
- One Piece Chapter 991 will be on break next week.
- One Piece Chapter 991 will released on September 25 (unofficial translation).

- Who's Who hates Jack because the pirates were destroyed by Jack.
- Queen knows Drake is a spy.
- Hawkins is still unemployed, but plans to betray after divination.
- Big Mom and Perospero meet.
- Perospero opens the book, and Big Mom's army, including Queen Mama Chanteho, appears in the book.
- Marco is shot down.

one of these spoilers is confirmed fake or maybe all of them is confirmed fake.
Bu alıntıdaki spoilerlardan birisi ya da hepsi fake. Ama hiçbirinin de onaylı olmadığını söyleyebiliriz.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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