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Sanırım ilk @twei yazmıştı " Önümüzdeki bölüm bir flashback görürüz, Oden'in idamını izleyen çocuk görürüz" diye sonra birkaç kişi daha bunun üzerinde yorum yapmıştı. Yamato'nun Oden'in idamına tanık olduğunu ve onun misyonunu yüklendiğine dair.
Yok, benim dediğim Oden gibi ülkeden kaçmak istemesi.
- Yamato knows Oden from his own childhood. He witness of Oden's all heroism and he saw what Oden did on execution platform. After that incident, he started to gather information about Oden.
- He wants to sail out to sea like Oden. He tries many times to escape from Wano, but everytime he get catchts. Normally he chained up for this reason, but somewhat he broke the chains and escape. That's why Kaido looking for him and we see him with chains.
- Yamato knows Luffy from newspapers. Also he learns what he did for Dressrosa from his father. He thought Luffy can take him and that he can see outside world. Exchange for that, he offer to say what Kaido fears (or weakness). Also his face revealed.
- Page One still concious, but Ulti is knocked out. Drake saw all incident, but he didn't nothing. Who's Who heard Yamato has seen with Luffy, he decide to catch both of them and get a promotion. Sasaki unties his chains and start to pursue Denjiro.
- Orochi decides execute Momonosuke immediately, but moment of execution Nami's group and Big Mom dives into scene, everyone shocked. Big Mom using Prometheus and starts destroy everything around her. Kaido shouts her to stop, but she doesn't listen to him.
- Zoro, Kid and Killer meet up again and start to fight with SMILE users. Jack come into scene and tell his men "Leave them to me". Zoro and Kid grin (Because of mask, we don't know if Killer grin too).
Senaryo çok güzel. Kesin tutmayacak.
Yamato tayfaya gelecek gibi. Güç dengeleri sıçışşş.
Who yürek yemiş herhalde . Yamato ve luffy'e aynı anda dalmak falan...
Kid'le zoro muhtemelen kısa bir sürtüşme yaşar. Jack inu neko veya jinbei'nin hakkı.
Momo'yu da on bölümdür asamadılar gitti.
- Yamato knows Oden from his own childhood. He witness of Oden's all heroism and he saw what Oden did on execution platform. After that incident, he started to gather information about Oden.
- He wants to sail out to sea like Oden. He tries many times to escape from Wano, but everytime he get catchts. Normally he chained up for this reason, but somewhat he broke the chains and escape. That's why Kaido looking for him and we see him with chains.
- Yamato knows Luffy from newspapers. Also he learns what he did for Dressrosa from his father. He thought Luffy can take him and that he can see outside world. Exchange for that, he offer to say what Kaido fears (or weakness). Also his face revealed.
- Page One still concious, but Ulti is knocked out. Drake saw all incident, but he didn't nothing. Who's Who heard Yamato has seen with Luffy, he decide to catch both of them and get a promotion. Sasaki unties his chains and start to pursue Denjiro.
- Orochi decides execute Momonosuke immediately, but moment of execution Nami's group and Big Mom dives into scene, everyone shocked. Big Mom using Prometheus and starts destroy everything around her. Kaido shouts her to stop, but she doesn't listen to him.
- Zoro, Kid and Killer meet up again and start to fight with SMILE users. Jack come into scene and tell his men "Leave them to me". Zoro and Kid grin (Because of mask, we don't know if Killer grin too).
Bu yazdıklarından bir kısmının önümüzdeki bölümlerde gerçekleştiğini görebiliriz.

Ayrıca bu elemanın Yamato olduğunu sanmıyorum, ama kıyafeti benziyor.

Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
- Yamato knows Oden from his own childhood. He witness of Oden's all heroism and he saw what Oden did on execution platform. After that incident, he started to gather information about Oden.
- He wants to sail out to sea like Oden. He tries many times to escape from Wano, but everytime he get catchts. Normally he chained up for this reason, but somewhat he broke the chains and escape. That's why Kaido looking for him and we see him with chains.
- Yamato knows Luffy from newspapers. Also he learns what he did for Dressrosa from his father. He thought Luffy can take him and that he can see outside world. Exchange for that, he offer to say what Kaido fears (or weakness). Also his face revealed.
- Page One still concious, but Ulti is knocked out. Drake saw all incident, but he didn't nothing. Who's Who heard Yamato has seen with Luffy, he decide to catch both of them and get a promotion. Sasaki unties his chains and start to pursue Denjiro.
- Orochi decides execute Momonosuke immediately, but moment of execution Nami's group and Big Mom dives into scene, everyone shocked. Big Mom using Prometheus and starts destroy everything around her. Kaido shouts her to stop, but she doesn't listen to him.
- Zoro, Kid and Killer meet up again and start to fight with SMILE users. Jack come into scene and tell his men "Leave them to me". Zoro and Kid grin (Because of mask, we don't know if Killer grin too).
Şu senaryoya karşı çıkıp Oda'nın senaryosunu isteyecek kimse yoktur herhalde.
Keşke yamato lawın tayfasına katılsa, luffy ve kidden çok geride tayfası. Bu 3 korsanı rekabet halinde görmek güzel olurdu.
Bu yazdıklarından bir kısmının önümüzdeki bölümlerde gerçekleştiğini görebiliriz.

Ayrıca bu elemanın Yamato olduğunu sanmıyorum, ama kıyafeti benziyor.

Yamato'nun sürekli kaçmaya çalıştığı için zincirlenmesi, zincirlerden kurtulup kaçtığı için de Kaido'nun onun peşinden Uçan Altılı'yı göndermesi bana çok olası geldi.
Yamato'nun sürekli kaçmaya çalıştığı için zincirlenmesi, zincirlerden kurtulup kaçtığı için de Kaido'nun onun peşinden Uçan Altılı'yı göndermesi bana çok olası geldi.
Spoiler doğruysa yamato ulti'yi baya baya teklemiş. Kaidou nasıl uçan altılının bunu yakalayabilecegini düşünmüş ki?
- Yamato knows Oden from his own childhood. He witness of Oden's all heroism and he saw what Oden did on execution platform. After that incident, he started to gather information about Oden.
- He wants to sail out to sea like Oden. He tries many times to escape from Wano, but everytime he get catchts. Normally he chained up for this reason, but somewhat he broke the chains and escape. That's why Kaido looking for him and we see him with chains.
- Yamato knows Luffy from newspapers. Also he learns what he did for Dressrosa from his father. He thought Luffy can take him and that he can see outside world. Exchange for that, he offer to say what Kaido fears (or weakness). Also his face revealed.
- Page One still concious, but Ulti is knocked out. Drake saw all incident, but he didn't nothing. Who's Who heard Yamato has seen with Luffy, he decide to catch both of them and get a promotion. Sasaki unties his chains and start to pursue Denjiro.
- Orochi decides execute Momonosuke immediately, but moment of execution Nami's group and Big Mom dives into scene, everyone shocked. Big Mom using Prometheus and starts destroy everything around her. Kaido shouts her to stop, but she doesn't listen to him.
- Zoro, Kid and Killer meet up again and start to fight with SMILE users. Jack come into scene and tell his men "Leave them to me". Zoro and Kid grin (Because of mask, we don't know if Killer grin too).
Yamato tayfaya gelir dediydim.:D
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