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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Oden: Even if you forget me, I don't mind. My soul will continue to live on.
Kaidou: Sorry about the old hag. I already killed her.
Oden: You're pretty serious aren't ya. Get as strong as you can.
Oden. I...*pants*..even if I become a side dish accompanying a cup of "sake" (Japanese rice wine) it's fine with me. I'll boil to a brisk. *Toki, Momonosuke, Hiyori, I'll be going on ahead* (there's prolly a better way to translate the first bit but this is the best I've got...lolz).
Oden: Even if you forget me, I don't mind. My soul will continue to live on.
Kaidou: Sorry about the old hag. I already killed her.
Oden: You're pretty serious aren't ya. Get as strong as you can.
Oden. I...*pants*..even if I become a side dish accompanying a cup of "sake" (Japanese rice wine) it's fine with me. I'll boil to a brisk. *Toki, Momonosuke, Hiyori, I'll be going on ahead* (there's prolly a better way to translate the first bit but this is the best I've got...lolz).
oden: unutulsam da umrumda değil, bu ruh yaşamaya devam edecek.
kaidou: kusura bakma, koca karıyı çoktan öldürdüm.
oden: oo ciddisin ha. güçlenebildiğin kadar güçlen.
oden: ben... rakının yanına meze de olsam bana uyar. kanım zaten kaynıyordu xd toki, momo, hiyori, ben önden gidiyorum
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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