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One Piece Fanbook/Databook "Vivre Card"

A. The birthplace of the Big Mom Family!
B. The major incident that happened during Katakuri’s childhood!
C. Brulee’s favorite food is overflowing with sibling love!
D. The mysterious cook, Streusen’s past!
Charlotte Katakuri
Doğum Yeri : Gemide (Daifuku ve Oven ile aynı)

2 yaşında iken donut yemeye başladı. 3 yaşında iken, ağzını çokça doldurmaya başladı ve donut yerken ağzı yirtilmaya başladı.

5 yaşında iken yetenek kullanıcısı oldu.

Önceki tasarımlarında Un Meyvesi kullanıcısı şeklinde düşünülmüş ve regent saç stili düşünülmüş.(?)

Ödül ve Yaş

Daifuku 300 milyon :beli:
Oven 300 milyon :beli:

Streusen yaş : 92
Vinsmoke Judge yaş : 56
Reiju'nun şeytan meyvesi ismi verilmedi

Charlotte Katakuri
Birthplace: on the ship LOL(same with Daifuku and Oven)

He starts eating donuts when he was two.
When he was three, he filled his mouth with too much stuffs and it ripped open while he was eating donuts.
He became an ability user when he was five.
In his early designs, he was a user of flour-flour fruit and had regent hairstyle.

Ödül ve Yaş

Charlotte Daifuku bounty 300 millions
Charlotte Oven bounty 300 millions

Streusen age: 92
Vinsmoke Judge age: 56
No df name for Reiju
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