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[Spoiler] 921: Shutenmaru

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922 Spoiler: Jack stops fighting against Shutenmaru, transforms his mammoth form and yells. His voice is heard in all of Kuri. Hawkins and other headliners scared the hell of. Shutenmaru tries to cover his ears but blood drops. Details comming soon...

Source: My_aSS from OnePASSforums.
Son düzenleme:
922 Spoiler: Jack stops fighting against Shutenmaru, transforms his mammoth form and yells. His voice is heard in all of Kuri. Hawkins and other headliners cared the hell of. Shutenmaru tries to cover his ears but blood drops. Details comming soon...

Source: My_aSS from OnePASSforums.
Gerçek dii mi?

Sonunda Jack'ten bir şeyler göreceğiz galiba. Şu adamın küçümsenmesini aklım almıyor bir türlü.
922 Spoiler: Jack stops fighting against Shutenmaru, transforms his mammoth form and yells. His voice is heard in all of Kuri. Hawkins and other headliners cared the hell of. Shutenmaru tries to cover his ears but blood drops. Details comming soon...

Source: My_aSS from OnePASSforums.
My ass from ne ya .:hhh:
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