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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Soldier : He want you out...What are we supposed to do?
Kallavan : ...For now we have to focus on the mission. Just prepare for the teleportation.
Jinsung : Well... If you're not willing to come out I have a solution for you.

Viewone, take it out.
Viewone : Yes, owner

Viewone the military cyborg

Jinsung : This is a gun berrel that i separated from El Robina, the anti-high ranker weapon.
As you already know, El Robina is one of the most powerful currently excisting antipersonnel weapons. i wonder if your ship can even teleport once it gets a shot.
Soldier : Commander, is he telling the truth?
NyoNyo Wan : I guess he's not lying. I can feel its tremendous power
Jinsung : Come out Kallavan, before I fire this weapon to your ship.
NyoNyo Wan : Commander...!
Kallavan : Silence. Prepare to go out
Kallavan : It's been a long time since we met. I've been wondering how you are cause i've heard nothing about you for a while.
Jinsung : Well for now i'm working as a baby sitter.
Kallavan : You haven't changed.
NyoNyo Wan : Commander. Do you know each other?
Kallavan : Well, Kinda.
Jinsung : Anyway , this is still one of my business so you won't be able to get to the last station.
Kallavan : ...There must be your precious apprentice or something.
Jinsung : Yeah. i have a high hopes for him. So fight me over here or go away. If you're really afraid to fight I can let you go.
NyoNyo Wan : How rude..!
Kallavan : Hmmp. I can't help it. I'll do as you wish.
NyoNyo wan : Commander! You can't just get lured by the enemy's provocation like that!!
Kallavan : Retreat our forces. If we don't get over that man this mission will end up as a failure anyway.
Kallavan : Don't worry i will win.
Jinsung : Well.. You became quite cocky since i have last seen you.
( Was it about 3k years ago...? When i first saw him..?)
Kallavan : I've achieved the position that's enough to be cocky.
Jinsung : ( Since heard an interesting rumor i came to visit to a desolate place : The rumor said there's a ranker who was guarding a stuff called 'the essence of the fight' )
About 3000 years ago.
Unexplored area in the tower where Ruler's power doesn't reach

Jinsung : Impressive. So you stilll have an energy to stand against me after getting beaten up.
Kallavan ( The ranker )


Jinsung : Not long after becoming a ranker, You have become powerful like this. You lack skill a little. but you're truly an amazing gemstone. Why are you wasting your talent in place like this?
Kallavan : What?
Jinsung : You have a talent that's enough to compete and shoulder the future of this tower. It's a shame to waste it in place like this. Why did someone like you, who became a ranker come back to this place? No way- Is that 'essence of fight' thingy really standing in your way?
'Essence of fight' I heard it's a gem that contains all the secrects of the fight in the tower in it. I also heard your family spent for along time to guard it. The most power ranker in the villiage undertakes a task of gurading and once the new ranker returns to this place they fight each other. At the conclusion, the survivor keeps on the duty. But at some point the strongest family started to repeat the cycle of father killing son and vice versa.
But what's called 'fight' never becomes greater just because you locked it in place like here. The true power only can become greater when it's contained in one's body
I'm talking about yours. The power becomes meanlingful once you achieve it. Your blood has already made an ultimate outgrowth.
It's you. You deserve this power.
Yet if you still choose to be bound by that rotten heritage and fear to step forward, you won't be able to know what's in that gem for good. And your family will do nothing but repeat this stupidity. The one who does something like that is no an honorable warrior. He's just a coward
That day- Kallavan destoryed the statue that his family had guarded for generations and gained the essence of fight
When i found him again, He became a totally different creature from that i had seen before. Calm flow of shinsoo in his body, all the chills in the whole frame and mind were enough to make him as a highranker. There was no way i could figure out what was inside of that gem. But thing is, he had a capacity to contain it. For a couple of times i suggest him to be a slayer but he refused. That's all we've got.
Jinsung : Amazing.
Jinsung : ( After training for hundreds of years, he stated his own journey and not too long after that, He became a highranker who was well known in the tower. He fought against the strongests at random and enslaved them. That's how he becaome known as the 'Human collector'.)
So, the one had been tucked in the villiage came out from his place and gathered his own forces, finally becoming a corps commander of Zahard army. Honestly, i'm impressed Kallavan.

Kallavan : I'm still grateful for your kindness. You made me achieve, and lose many things.
Jinsung : Can't believe you choose to join Zahard army even after knowing your savior was in FUG. Have you been considering fighting against me?
Kallavn : ...Well. If i fight again- With 'this power'- ofc i'm sure i'm winning this!!


Jinsung : Your arrogance makes me want to cry!


Evankhell : Hmmm- I guess it's time for him to show up...
Eliot : Hey you!
I was trying to get away with this since it's a business of Zahard army but i can't take it anymore. What the hell are you doing in here. It is not even your place? If you come any further, I'm gonna kill you
Khun royal Eliot, the ruler of 44th floor
Evank : Here you are. 'The quite dangerous one'
Eliot : Why don't you leave.... if you've already learned that!
Sharon : Vice commander! It's seems the ruler of this floor is now intervening!
Elphasion : I know. Retreat all the forces out of the range. He can't be someone who cares about his allies anyway!
Kallavan : I'm sorry. but for now- You're not getting away with this!
Endrossi , Retarded, Fuckinusleeskiddo : Nahhhh!!
YHS : Lady Evankhell!! Please, take it easy!
Wang : Nyahhhhh!
Boro : I'm..burning!

Yuri whistles
(Yuri is taking away hostages )

Chunhee : What? The ..? They're gone?
Baam : Oh look They appeared again! ( I think they're close to us !! )
Chunhee : Darn! Princess, it was you!! What are you trying to do princess!?
Yuri : They would've been dead anyway, If they're really hostages they should be alive, no? Or you're just afraid of saving mere regulars, Chunhee?
Chunhee : ( Yuri...You..!! )
Baam : Endrossi! now!
Endrossi : Got it!
Baam : Boro! Wang!
Boro : Baam!
Wang : No, it's too dangerous!! Don't come here Viole!
Charlie : I won't let these rookies go on a rampage!
Baam : Is he...? A ranker?
Charlie : It a shame for me, a ranker dealing with you but our lives are on this mission! I'm gonna finish you as fast as i can! come at me regulars!


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İyi Günler...
Biraz tehlikeli olabilecek kişi Elphasion değil katın hakimi Koon'muş. :D
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Eğer okuyucular tarafından kastediyorsan, Jinsung gücü itibariyle değil, ana karakterin hocası olduğu için handikap veriliyor. Kallavan'ı geçmişte pataklamış ama bu binlerce yıl önce, Kallavan daha Dövüş Ruhu me neyse o şeyi kendi gücü yapmadan önceymiş. Şu an vs %50-50 gibi gözüküyor bence.
Jinsung son bir kaç bin sene elini ayağını bu işlerden çekip relax takılıyor. Bu yüzden bazıları nasıl biri olduğunu unutmuş ve bazılarına cesaret verir olmuş anladığım... Aile Liderleri karşısında bile Siu şeklini yaptıracak gibi bir izlenim alıyorum adamdan. Yener demiyorum yanlış anlaşılmasın... Ama Callavan felan hikaye kalacak gibi.
Şöyle sölim jınsung aktif olmadığından binlerce yıldır ılk 100 de ama siu ınatla net sırasına bize söylememekte antik canavarımızın. Benim Görüşüm ve ilk saldırılarında anladığım jinsung bariz 1 adım önde ek olarak siu bir karakterın derınıne ınıyorsa bu karakter cıdden serıde yerı değişilmezdir. Şu düşünceye karşıyım kallavan bınlerce yıldır eğitiyor kendını jınsung hep yerınde mı saymıs unutmayın kulede her gecen yıl bu ınsanlar shınsonun guclerıyle ekstra guclenebılen varlıklar bunlar. İşin özü jinsung okuyucuların tahmın ettıgınden cok daha guclu bır yaratık.
Şöyle sölim jınsung aktif olmadığından binlerce yıldır ılk 100 de ama siu ınatla net sırasına bize söylememekte antik canavarımızın. Benim Görüşüm ve ilk saldırılarında anladığım jinsung bariz 1 adım önde ek olarak siu bir karakterın derınıne ınıyorsa bu karakter cıdden serıde yerı değişilmezdir. Şu düşünceye karşıyım kallavan bınlerce yıldır eğitiyor kendını jınsung hep yerınde mı saymıs unutmayın kulede her gecen yıl bu ınsanlar shınsonun guclerıyle ekstra guclenebılen varlıklar bunlar. İşin özü jinsung okuyucuların tahmın ettıgınden cok daha guclu bır yaratık.
Ben adamdan her zaman ayrı bir hava aldım o yüzden serinin başından beri çok büyük beklentim var. Gördük Aile Lideri olmadığı halde sıralamada Aile Liderlerinden önde Prensesler var. Aslında bunun doğrudan güç sırasını yansıttığını düşünmüyorum. Bir yerde bu sıralamaların yapılan olayların ne kadar büyük yankı uyardığına bağlı olarak sıralamanın değiştiğini de okumuştum. Hatta Phantamium sırf yaptıklarından dolayı 1.sıraya koyuldu. Phantamium bir istisna olsa da ben doğrudan kişilerin sınırlarını belirlediğini düşünmüyorum.

Bu anlamda Jinsung Aile Liderleri ile bile aşık atabilecek hatta yenebilecek güçte belki de çıkabilir...
Ben adamdan her zaman ayrı bir hava aldım o yüzden serinin başından beri çok büyük beklentim var. Gördük Aile Lideri olmadığı halde sıralamada Aile Liderlerinden önde Prensesler var. Aslında bunun doğrudan güç sırasını yansıttığını düşünmüyorum. Bir yerde bu sıralamaların yapılan olayların ne kadar büyük yankı uyardığına bağlı olarak sıralamanın değiştiğini de okumuştum. Hatta Phantamium sırf yaptıklarından dolayı 1.sıraya koyuldu. Phantamium bir istisna olsa da ben doğrudan kişilerin sınırlarını belirlediğini düşünmüyorum.

Bu anlamda Jinsung Aile Liderleri ile bile aşık atabilecek hatta yenebilecek güçte belki de çıkabilir...

Aile liderlerini bilmemde benim düşüncem jinsung herkesin beklendiğinden daha yüksekte olması gereken biri belirli bir sıralama olmama sebebı dediğin gibi bu adam yaklaşık 2 3 bin yıldır sadece eğitmenlik yapıp kulede eyleme geçmemesidir. Ama bu savaş sonrası sıralamasında bir net güncelleme gelicektir.

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