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858 Spoiler Metin Ve Resimleri

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Source: Zoro4Prez2016, Oro Jackson

Ch. 858 Meeting
Pekoms is being treated by the Sun Pirates in the Eastern Bay.
He is worrying whether Jinbe told BM about what Bege is planning.
Aladine and Praline have been advising him to take it easy, but Pekoms felt suspicious about a figure that came into the bay in the middle of the night carrying cargo and attempted to go to BM but was stopped by the Sun Pirates.

Chopper meets with Luffy and Sanji at Bege's hideout and takes a bath at Monster Gun Vito's request. Vito recounts how his boss does not want to meet with dirty folks.

Switches to a Nami and Carrot bathing scene.
Nami discusses with Lola's twin about her meeting Lola.
Her twin recounts about the day where BM became hated by the world's giants, where Lola was proposed to by Elbaf's prince Loki. With the bad blood with the giants being wiped away and gaining the army of the famous Elbaf, the strongest kingdom in the world, Big Mom cried tears of joy.

However, Lola ran away, and BM gave up trying to befriend the giants and began research into giantification. Since they are like peas in a pod, she thought that she would suffer badly as well and would be killed one day.

3 hours and 30 minutes till the tea ceremony.
After Luffy and the others finish their bathing, they begin their meeting and discussion with Bege, but for some reason Ceaser appears at the meeting.
Bege has gotten his hands on Ceasar's heart and helped him run away, making him one of his subordinates.

The meeting becomes hectic, but everyone shouts "NO!" to the question of whether they like Jinbe's boss BM. Jinbe declares that everyone here is an ally, and that they are here to seek a temporary alliance.

Luffy: "What's the plan!?"
Bege: "We'll come up with a flawless one."
Ceasar: "Let's do this quickly! It ends here!"

Source: Zoro4Prez2016, Oro Jackson

Ch. 858 Meeting
Pekoms is being treated by the Sun Pirates in the Eastern Bay.
He is worrying whether Jinbe told BM about what Bege is planning.
Aladine and Praline have been advising him to take it easy, but Pekoms felt suspicious about a figure that came into the bay in the middle of the night carrying cargo and attempted to go to BM but was stopped by the Sun Pirates.

Chopper meets with Luffy and Sanji at Bege's hideout and takes a bath at Monster Gun Vito's request. Vito recounts how his boss does not want to meet with dirty folks.

Switches to a Nami and Carrot bathing scene.
Nami discusses with Lola's twin about her meeting Lola.
Her twin recounts about the day where BM became hated by the world's giants, where Lola was proposed to by Elbaf's prince Loki. With the bad blood with the giants being wiped away and gaining the army of the famous Elbaf, the strongest kingdom in the world, Big Mom cried tears of joy.

However, Lola ran away, and BM gave up trying to befriend the giants and began research into giantification. Since they are like peas in a pod, she thought that she would suffer badly as well and would be killed one day.

3 hours and 30 minutes till the tea ceremony.
After Luffy and the others finish their bathing, they begin their meeting and discussion with Bege, but for some reason Ceaser appears at the meeting.
Bege has gotten his hands on Ceasar's heart and helped him run away, making him one of his subordinates.

The meeting becomes hectic, but everyone shouts "NO!" to the question of whether they like Jinbe's boss BM. Jinbe declares that everyone here is an ally, and that they are here to seek a temporary alliance.

Luffy: "What's the plan!?"
Bege: "We'll come up with a flawless one."
Ceasar: "Let's do this quickly! It ends here!"

858: Toplantı
Pekoms doğu körfezinde Güneş korsanlarının gözetimi altında.
Jinbe'nin Ana'ya Bege'nin planını söylwyip söylemediğini merak edip endişeleniyor.
Aladin ve Praline ona rahat olmasını söylüyor ama Pekoms gece yarısı elinde Mom'a gidecek bir kargoyla körfeze gelen ve Güneş korsanları tarafından durdurulan elemanın teki yüzünden şüphe içinde.

Chopper, Bege'nin üssünde Luffy ve Sanji ile buluşup Vito'nun isteği üzerine banyo yapıyor. Vito patronunun kirli insanlarla görüşmek istemediğini anlatıyor.

Carrot ve Nami'nin banyo sahnesi:
Nami, Lola'nın ikiziyle konuşuyor. (Bege'nin hatun) Ona Lola ile nasıl tanıştıklarını anlatıyor.
İkizi devlerin neden Mom'dan nefret etmeye başladığını anlatıyor. Elbaf prensi Loki, Lola'ya evlenme teklif etmiş. Dünyanın en güçlü krallığı, ünlü Elbaf krallığının güçlü dev ordusuna sahip olma fikri Mom'u sevinçten ağlatmış.
Ama Lola kaçmış ve Mom da devlerle ittifak kurmaya çalışmaktan vazgeçip devleştirme araştırmalarına yönelmiş. Tek yumurta ikizi olduklarından, onun da çok kötü acı çekeceğinden ve bir gün öldürüleceğinden korkmuş Lola'nın ikizi.

Partiye 3 buçuk saat kala.
Bizimkiler banyolarını bitirince Bege ile buluşup planı tartışmaya başlıyorlar. CC ortaya çıkıyor toplantıda.
Bege onun kalbini ele geçirip kaçmasına yardım etmiş ve adamı yapmış.

Toplantıya telaş hakim oluyor. Herkes her söylenene "HAYIR" diye bağırıyor. Jinbe buradaki herkesin müttefik olduğunu söylüyor ama bunun geçici bir ittifak olduğunu belirtiyor.

Luffy: Plan nedir?
Bege: Kusursuz bir plan yapacağız.
CC: Hemen uygulayalım! Her şey burada bitecek!

Haftaya ara yok galiba. :I
Burada biraz daha düzgün çeviri var son kısım için.

AP'den Redon:

The meeting soon turns into a heated debate, but there is precisely one point where everyone present reaches common ground: When the question of whether anyone likes Big Mom is brought up, everyone shouts "NO!" in unison. It's here where Jinbei declares they're all allies, and should go through with the alliance, even if it's a temporary one. Thus, they proceed to brainstorm a plan....!!!

Anlaşılan daha belli bir plan yok ve bu yüzden karmaşa yaşanıyor. Jinbe'nin uyarısıyla hepsi sakinleşip bir plan düşünmeye başlıyorlar.

Şu kısım da değişiklik gösteriyor.
Big Mom earning the hatred from all of the world's giants: As it turns out, Lola was to be wed to the prince of Elbaf, LOKI!

Loki'nin evlenme teklifi ettiğine dair emare yok, politik bir evlilik planlanmış. Ve olmayınca da Big Mom bütün dünya devlerinin nefretini kazanmış.

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