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[Spoiler] 1007 Spoiler Metin ve Resimleri

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Queen says to his subordinates who are infected virus :
- Pleasures , the trash that laugh because they failed gamble to gain abilities
- Waiters who won't get Smile Fruits regardless of how long they wait.
- You should be better now because you become useful because of the virus
Queen says to his subordinates who are infected virus :
- Pleasures , the trash that laugh because they failed gamble to gain abilities
- Waiters who won't get Smile Fruits regardless of how long they wait.
- You should be better now because you become useful because of the virus
Queen, virüse yakalanan astlarına:

-Yetenek kazanabilmek için girdikleri kumarı kaybeden çöpler, Hazcılar
-Ne kadar bekleseler de Smile yiyemeyecek olan Bekleyenler
-Virüs sayesinde çok daha işe yarar olduğunuz için minnettar olmalısınız.
From 5ch

Pretty much, but the middle paragraph says the very last panel ends with the vassals looking very shocked at him. The last paragraph just explains about the shadowy figure looking like Toki and that she could still be there, but it's Oden who enters the room this time.e

Spoilercıya göre silüet olarak gözüken kişi halen odada olabilir.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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