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736 Spoiler Resim ve Metinleri

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Source: Ishuhui
Translation: Rio from

- Final round begins.
- Diamante's ability is to turn people into 'flag' (or sense/look/feel like flag).
- Luffy, Zoro and Kinemon have broken into the royal palace.
- Doflamingo is surprised at the real identity of 'Lucy' on the ring.
- Lao.G has suppressed the toy soldier and dwarves easily.
- ''There's no way you can find Doflamingo if you cant beat Pica.''
- Pica is showing up in front of Luffy.

Source: APForums
Credit: Redon

- Diamante ate Hira Hira no Mi. He's a flag man.
- Doflamingo discovers that Lucy is not Luffy. He's very angry.
- Pica appears through a wall. He's a big rock golem.
Source: Ishuhui
Translation: Rio from

- Final round begins.
- Diamante's ability is to turn people into 'flag' (or sense/look/feel like flag).
- Luffy, Zoro and Kinemon have broken into the royal palace.
- Doflamingo is surprised at the real identity of 'Lucy' on the ring.
- Lao.G has suppressed the toy soldier and dwarves easily.
- ''There's no way you can find Doflamingo if you cant beat Pica.''
- Pica is showing up in front of Luffy.

Source: APForums
Credit: Redon

- Diamante ate Hira Hira no Mi. He's a flag man.
- Doflamingo discovers that Lucy is not Luffy. He's very angry.
- Pica appears through a wall. He's a big rock golem.

Kaynak : IShuhui
Çeviri : Rio

- Son raund başlar
- Diamante'nin yeteneği insanları bayrağa dönüştürmesidir.
- Luffy , Zoro ve Kinemon kraliyet sarayına giriyorlar
(burada düz çevirdiğimizde kırarak girdi gibi bir anlam çıkıyor)
- Doflamingo ringde olan Lucy'nin gerçek kimliğini öğrenince şaşırıyor
- Lao G. kolayca oyuncak askerlerini ve cüceleri bastırdı
- "Doflamingo'ya Pica'yı yenmediğiniz sürece ulaşmanın bir yolu yok"
- Pica , Luffy'nin karşısında beliriyor.

Kaynak : APForums

- Diamante Hira Hira no Mi yemiştir. O bir bayrak adamdır.
- Doflamingo arenadaki Lucy'nin Luffy olmadığını keşfediyor . Çok sinirleniyor
- Pica duvarın oralarda gözüküveriyor . O bir büyük kaya golemidir.
kadir t.'nin paylaştığıyla aynı sayılır ama şuan spoiler yorumlarında bayrak meyvesi çokça tartışıldığı için ve bu spoiler'da da bu konu biraz farklı anlatıldığı için paylaşıyorum.

Script: Ishuhui
Translation: @Divvens of Oro Jackson

- The Final round in the Colosseum begins.
- Diamante who ate the “Hira Hira No Mi” can make people feel like they are flags.
- Luffy, Zoro and Kin’emon have entered the palace.
- Doflamingo is upset after learning the that the “Lucy” in the Colosseum isn’t “Luffy” anymore.
- Lao G. has taken care of the Dwarves and Toy Soldier with ease.
- Lao G. mentions that without beating Pica no one can make it near Doflamingo.
- Pica appears in front of Luffy, he is a big rock golem.


From Aohige:

The hira in "hira hira" doesn't explicitly mean flag. It's more like... the sfx for the flapping sound that a flag would make while blowing in the wind.
Take that for what it's worth.
Aohige, Tam Özet.

Chapter 736 Executive Officer Diamante
Coverart is Nami and thief cats with "not thief" flag

The final battle starts, the winners of the 4 blocks and Diamante face off in the center of the ring.
Barto is dissing the crowd as usual.
Sabo takes a mental note of Jesus, while Rebecca wonders who this Lucy she doesn't know is.

Suddenly, bunch of gladiators who lost the D block come rushing in, saying they don't agree to the outcome of the battle.
They want to prove themselves stronger than Rebecca, and charge in

Diamante tells them to accept their defeat, and uses his cape to wave at them like a matador.
He is a "flag-man" who ate the flap-flap fruit. He can turn any solid objects into tangible substance.
For example, the cape he flapped at the gladiators, blocking their weapons, is actually made of steel.
But with his ability he can flap it around like a cape.

He turns a sword into tangible cloth-like object, weave into a shape of an ox, and use it it as a "Corrida Glaive".
The gladiators are attacked by dark colored Battle Fish, who are especially thirsty for blood.
These powerful boss-class battle fish are much more powerful than the normal ones, and one of them carries a treasure chest on its back containing the Mera Mera fruit.

The rule of the battle is simple, whoever snatches the fruit from the fish and is left standing at the end of the battle is the winner!
Says Diamante, while holding the mic and posing like a rock star. STEVEN TYLER MUCH?
As the five combatants get ready, the gong for the final battle rings.

Meanwhile Luffy & co arrives at the outer gate of the palace.
Violet tells them there's another secret passage through here, and no need to alert the guards by forcing their way through.
If Pica finds them, they won't get to Doflamingo!

Zoro and Kin follow Violet, but notices Luffy is missing. Where is Luffy?


Yeah, of course. Luffy didn't listen to any of that, and destroyed the gate, and the guards in one hit.
"See, it opened!"

They have no choice but to go through the front now, as they get to the palace, downed guards alert the palace.
Doflamingo is watching the screen, and hears the report of intruders including Straw Hat Luffy.
Doflamingo is pissed, screams then who am I watching on the screen!? As Lucy (Sabo) dodges the Batlte Fish's attack

In the Lift, Lao G, wearing a tight outfit (kinda resembles space suits in Yamato lol) takes out the one-armed soldier with one punch. He easily dispatches the beetle zoan tontatta as well.
Lao G was instructed to get on the elevator and head to the entrance to assist others (fighting Franky)
He accidentally got back on the lift after he got to the entrance, and ended up running into the Tontattas. G!

Luffy and others rush through the palace, but Pica appears out of the wall (he just kinda oozes out of the stone wall) and stands in their way.
He's a massive Brick-stone man. Massive, like 20ft tall massive.

End of chapter.
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