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[Spoiler] 1040 Spoiler Metin ve Resimleri

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Thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Little Spoiler, more in next hours ;)

- Chapter 1,040: "Words that has no effect on New Generation".
- In the cover, Niji and Yonji flashback to when they were beaten by Big Mom.
- Big Mom manages to withstand Kid's attack. Then she tries to take lifespans from all those around her. But Law stops her.
- Kid keeps shooting Big Mom until the floor collapse. Big Mom falls down through the armory, taking Kazenbou and all the bombs along with her.
- As Big Mom falls down through the bottom of Onigashima, she thinks about Roger. "Why didn't you just say it before you die, Roger!? What exactly is One Piece and where is it!?"
- Big Mom falls into Wanokuni's hole while she tells Law and Kid not to think that she's going to die this easily.
- We see a huge explosion in the hole. Narrator proclaims Law and Kid winners of the battle.
- Momonosuke tells Yamato that Zunisha is near, Yamato is surprised and asks if it's the elephant that appears in Oden's journal.
- Momonosuke: "Yes! It's Joy Boy's nakama who committed a crime 800 years ago!!"
- Break next week.

PD: Probably I will be unable to post a full and long summary tomorrow as I always do. But I will post a short summary, so don't worry.
Bölüm adı: Yeni Nesil Üzerinde Etkisi Olmayan Sözler
- Kapakta Niji ve Yonji'nin Koca Ana'dan dayak yedikleri sahne varmış.
- Koca Ana, Kid'in saldırısına da dayanmış. Etrafından ruh toplamaya çalışmış, ama Law R Room isimli özel ve ses geçirmeyen bir odaya alarak engellemiş. Burada Rosinante'nin yüzüde görünmüş.
- Kid durmadan Koca Ana'ya ateş etmiş ve zemini parçalamış. Koca Ana bodrumdaki cephaneliğe düşmüş. Ateş yokaisi ve bombalardan birini de yanında götürmüş.
- Koca Ana düşerken Roger'a sitem etmiş ve ona neden ölmeden önce One Piece'in ne ve nerede olduğunu söylemediğini sormuş.
- Koca Ana, Wano'ya doğru düşerken Kid ve Law'a bunun onu öldürmeye yetmeyeceğini söylemiş. Koca Ana yere çarpınca büyük bir patlama meydana gelmiş. Law ve Kid dövüşün galibi ilan edilmiş.
- Yamato, Momonosuke'nin yanına gelmiş ve ondan Zunesha'nın Wano'ya geldiğini öğrenmiş. Yamato, Zunesha'nın Oden'in günlüğündeki fil olup olmadığını sormuş, Momonosuke ise bunu onaylayıp Zunesha'nın Joy Boy'un nakamasını olduğunu ve 800 yıl önce bir suç işlediğini söylemiş.
- Haftaya bölüm yok.
Son düzenleme:
weekChapterScan ReleaseWSJ IssueViz Release
Week 081040February 11, 202211February 14, 2022
Week 09Oda Break12February 21, 2022
Week 101041February 25, 202213February 28, 2022
Week 111042March 4, 202214March 7, 2022
Week 121043March 11, 202215March 14, 2022
Week 13Oda Break16March 21, 2022
Week 141044March 25, 202217March 28, 2022
Week 151045April 1, 202218April 4, 2022
Week 161046April 8, 202219April 11, 2022
Week 17Oda Break20April 18, 2022
Week 181047April 22, 202221 | 22April 25, 2022
Week 19WSJ Break
Week 201048May 6, 202223May 9, 2022
Week 211049May 13, 202224May 16, 2022
Week 22Oda Break25May 23, 2022
Week 231050May 27, 202226May 30, 2022
Additional spoiler from 5ch and translation by ivaannom

- Law stopped BM by deleting the sound around BM as Corazon(there is one panel with his face)
- Only 1 bomb fell


-First question is if Yamato and Momo met face to face which the answer is yes
-The second question is about what's the editor's note(the thing that always appears at the last panel but it's not a dialogue) at the end of the chapter which is "What has been told is~"
-The third question is how did Law use Cora's power and leaker says that he put BM in a closed space called R Room and blocked the sound


Roger's part is just BM blaming him saying things like we are having problems because of the great pirate era you created and to tell them what the one piece is etc

Second question is if the bomb is the final bomb and leaker says that yep, something like that. While BM is falling she is angry at Law and Kidd and when she looks up the bomb explodes she opens her eyes and their part ends
Q: Wagwan with Prometheus & Hera? Why can’t Big Mom fly?
A. Misery tries to go & save here but she’s attacked by both Kidd & Law


source : 5ch
From 5ch:

Q: アラブにリンリンの四肢が四方八方に飛び散る描写ありって書かれてるな


Q: ローとキッドは少しだけ寿命奪われたの?モブじゃなくて
A: モブたち(多分2人のクルー)が取られただけ
Big Mom stole souls which are from mobs from Kidd and Law's crew and this is why Law used the Room.

Plus she couldn't steal souls from Kidd and Law because as Kidd says, there is no need to be afraid of a old woman who is about to die



On closer look, seems like Fukurokuju might also be knocked out.
Orochi’s goons have all collapsed but looks like Orochi also toppled over coz of the shock to the island.
Fukurokuju calls out for ‘water’ as he collapses so it seems like he lost to Raizo in their endurance battle.
From 5ch-

- Misery tries rescuing BM but it's stopped by Kid and Law

- Big Mom tries conjuring new homies from objects in her vicinity so that they can save her from falling, but Law makes an R-Room inside which no sound can be heard to avoid her from doing that. The power works like Corazon's DF.

- Big Mom punches one of the bombs Yamato had frozen & it explodes. Kanjuro’s Kazenbo gets caught up in the explosion & becomes visibly weakened (or dead?) Lower part of Onigashima gets blown away.

- Big Mom laments Roger for creating the great pirate era (since it has led to her downfall)
Son düzenleme:
Summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,040 summary, it's a short chapter (15 pages). As I told you, I haven't had enough time to write a long summary as always. Sorry if some parts are not much detailed.

Chapter 1,040: "Words that has no effect on New Generation."

Germa 66's Ahh… Emotionless Excursion, Vol. 4: “A being beyond science”. Niji and Yonji remember how Big Mom defeated them.

Big Mom manages to withstand Kid's attack from the last chapter. She then smiles and uses “Life or Slave” to pull the lifespans from everyone around her. Those affected must give her 50 years of their lifespans or they will become Big Mom's slaves.

Big Mom begins to take away the lifespan of some members of Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates but Law manages to stop her. Kid and Law stand between Big Mom and their nakamas. Big Mom tries to take away their lifespans too, but it has no effect on them.

Kid: "There's no need to be afraid of an old lady who is about to die!!"

Law uses a new technique called “R Room: Silent” which is inspired by Corazón's Nagi Nagi no Mi power. With it, Law creates a sphere around Big Mom that blocks the sounds she makes. This prevents Big Mom voice reaches their nakamas or Kaidou's subordinates.

Law: "This move erases all noise you create!!"

Kid keeps shooting his “Damned Punk” at Big Mom until the floor collapse, Big Mom begins to fall. “Misery” tries to help Big Mom but Law cuts it down with his sword (without using Ope Ope no Mi power).

Big Mom falls and reaches the basement armory, taking with her the bombs that Yamato froze and even the Kazenbou. Big Mom tries to grab something, but accidentally punches one of the frozen bombs, which explodes. The explosion destroys part of the lower area of Onigashima and the Kazenbou. Big Mom falls off the island.

Big Mom calls her Homies to help her, but the sphere created by Law prevents her voice from reaching them. As Big Mom falls from Onigashima island, she thinks about Gol D. Roger.

Big Mom: "Roger, why did you make that kind of announcement before you died!?
Now I have to live with all these young pirates coming for my head!!
Why didn't you just say it before you die, Roger!?
What exactly is One Piece!!? And where is it!!?
Is it in “this country” as well!?"

We see the reaction of some characters in Onigashima to the explosion. Zoro falls when island shakes (no sign of grim reaper). Orochi wonders what is going on. On the 3rd floor we see that the battle between Raizou and Fukurokuju is ending. Fukurokuju is lying on the ground screaming and asking for water, Raizou is still standing.

Big Mom falls into the hole Law's attack created in Wanokuni along with the bombs. As she falls, Big Mom says a few last words.

Big Mom: "Damn you, Kid... Law... Don't you dare think I'm going to die this easily!!"

When Big Mom looks up, a huge explosion takes place inside Wanokuni's hole. Big Mom disappears in the middle of the smoke. The explosion is larger in size than the Flower Capital, but thanks to Law's technique, the sound of the explosion doesn't reach the city.

Narrator confirms that Law and Kid are the winners of the battle, their crews celebrate the result.

Cut now to Yamato and Momonosuke, both are talking through a huge hole at the bottom of Onigashima created after the explosions.

Momonosuke: "Yamato! I need to tell you something! Zunisha is near this island!!"

Yamato: "What!? The elephant that appears in Oden's journal!!?"

Momonosuke: "Yes!! It's Joy Boy's nakama who committed a crime 800 years ago!!!"

End of the chapter. Break next week.
Kapak hikayesi “Germa 66’nın duygusuz yolculuğu” devam ediyor. Kapağın başlığı “Bilimin ötesindeki varlık”. Niji ve Yonji, Big Mom’ın, kendilerini nasıl mağlup ettiğini hatırlıyorlar.

Big Mom, Kid’in son saldırısına karşı koymayı başarmış. Gülümsemiş ve etrafındaki herkesin yaşam süresini almak için “Yaşam ya da Kölelik” tekniğini kullanmış. Teknikten etkilenenler, Big Mom’a, yaşam sürelerinden 50 yıl vereceklermiş ya da Big Mom’ın kölesi olacaklarmış.

Big Mom, Kid Korsanları ve Kalp Korsanları’ndan bazılarının yaşam sürelerini çekmeye başlamış ama Law onu durdurmayı başarmış. Kid ve Law, Big Mom ve kendi tayfa üyelerinin arasında durmuşlar. Big Mom onların da yaşam sürelerini çekmeye çalışmış ama teknik Kid ve Law’a etki etmemiş.

Kid: “Ölmek üzere olan yaşlı bir kadından korkmaya gerek yok!”

Law “R Room: Silent” adında yeni bir teknik kullanıyormuş ve bu teknik Corazon’un meyvesinden esinlenilmiş. Law, bu teknikle, Big Mom’ın etrafında, yaptığı sesi engellemek için bir katman oluşturmuş. Teknik, Big Mom’ın yaptığı sesin, arkadaşlarına ve Kaido’nun astlarına ulaşmasını engellemiş.

Law: “Bu, yaptığın bütün sesi yok edecek!”

Kid, zemin çökene kadar “Damned Punk” ile Big Mom’a saldırmış ve Big Mom düşmeye başlamış. “Misery” Big Mom’a yardım etmeye çalışmış ama Law kılıcıyla durdurmuş(meyvesini kullanmamış(sonunda bitti galiba enerjisi)).

Big Mom, Yamato’nun dondurduğu bombalar ve Kazenbou ile birlikte cephaneliğe kadar düşmüş. Bir şeyleri tutmaya çalışırken yanlışlıkla dondurulmuş olan bir bombaya vurmuş ve bomba patlamış. Patlama Onigashima’nın zemin katının bir kısmını ve Kazenbou’yu yok etmiş. Big Mom adadan düşmüş.

Big Mom, “Homie”lere, yardım etmelerini söylemiş fakat Law’ın oluşturduğu katman, sesin, onlara ulaşmasını engellemiş. Big Mom adadan düşerken Gol D. Roger’ı düşünüyormuş.

Big Mom: “Roger, neden ölmeden önce böyle bir şey ilan ettin? Şimdi, kellemi almak isteyen bu genç korsanlarla birlikte yaşamak zorundayım. Neden ölmeden önce söylemedin, Roger? One Piece’in tam olarak ne olduğunu ve nerede olduğunu? “Bu ada”da mı?”

Onigashima’daki patlamaya bazı karakterlerin reaksiyonunu görüyormuşuz. Ada sallandığında Zoro düşmeye başlamış(iskeletten iz yok). Orochi neler olup bittiğini merak ediyormuş. 3. katta Raizou ve Fukurokuju’nun dövüşünün bitmiş olduğunu görüyormuşuz. Fukurokuju, çığlık atarak ve su isteyerek yerde yatıyormuş. Raizou hala ayaktaymış.

Big Mom bombalarla birlikte, Law’ın, daha önceki atağıyla Wanokuni’de oluşturduğu çukura düşüyormuş. Düşerken son sözlerini söylüyormuş.

Big Mom: “Lanet olsun, Kid... Law... Bu kadar kolayca öleceğimi aklınızdan bile geçirmeyin!”

Big Mom yukarıya baktığında, Wanokuni’deki deliğin içinde büyük bir patlama olmuş. Big Mom dumanların içinde kaybolmuş. Patlama, Çiçek Başkenti’nden daha büyükmüş ama Law’ın tekniği sayesinde ses şehre ulaşmamış.

Anlatıcı, savaşın galibinin Law ve Kid olduğunu doğrulamış ve tayfaları sonucu kutlamış.

Yamato ve Momonosuke’yi görüyoruz. Patlayan bombanın, Onigashima’nın zemininde oluşturduğu büyük deliğin içinden konuşuyorlarmış.

Momonosuke: “Yamato! Sana bir şey söylemem gerek! Zunisha Ada’nın yakınında.”

Yamato: “Ne? Oden’in günlüğünde bahsettiği Fil mi?”

Momonosuke: “Evet! O, Joy Boy’un, 800 yıl önce suç işlemiş arkadaşı!

Haftaya bölüm yok.
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