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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Marco: Houou In! (Phoenix Brand!)
Queen: Guoooo!!
Queen: Gefu...!!
Queen: It hurts, damnit! A shock wave huh...!!
Marco: Aren't you fighting me?
Queen: Marcoo!!!
Marco: If you want to touch those samurais you'll have to take my head first!!!

Queen: Shit!! You annoying bastard!!
Queen: Quickly go die then!!!
Marco: !!

Queen: Jakin! (sfx)
Queen: Just get it over with.
Queen: !!
Son düzenleme:
BP 1 : Wuaa!
Random/Hyogoro (?) : Everyone turns into "Ice Demon/Ice Ogre", but this time even the life of those demons are in great danger!

Hyogoro : it's ok, do it!
Hyogoro : Looks like at the end the heaven seems to have rewarded me.
Hyogoro : As long as I don't put your lives in danger!

Hyogoro : I let you now handle this, guys! ...
Hyogoro : The man "Hyogoro The Flower" has no regrets!

Narrator : He entrusts his hopes!
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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