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[Spoiler] 1111 Spoiler Metin ve Resimleri

- Kadimler'den biri Labo-Katmanı'na girmek için zorluyormuş.
- Zoro ve Lucci dövüşü sona ermiş, ama Lucci yıkılmamış.
- Luffy ve Kadimler arasındaki dövüş sürüyormuş.
- Devler, Nika'yı sormuşlar, ama Luffy bir şey bilmediğinden onların ne dediklerini anlamamış.
- Warcury büyük bir haki dalgası göndermiş, bu da komik bir şekilde Luffy'nin kafasını karıştırmış.
- Devler, Kadimler'in saldırılarını durdurmuş. Luffy bir beyzbol sopası yaratmış ve Kadimler'e vurarak tam koşu yapmış.
- Hasır Şapkalar adadan kaçmak için devlerin gemisine doğru koşmaya başlamış.
- Denizci askerleri Kizaru'ya dinlemesi gerektiğini söylemiş.
- Bölümün sonunda antik robot uyanmış ve "özür dilerim, Joy Boy" demiş.

3 hafta bölüm yok.
Chapter 1,111: "The Sun Shield".
  • Color Spread in the cover: Straw Hat crew, Vegapunk, Bonney and Kuma are eating french fries on top of a group of jellyfish. Vegapunk is inside a submarine robot and Bonney is using her real child appearance (she's eating french fries with Nami and Chopper).

  • Chapter starts with Mars breaking "Labo Phase" barrier and entering inside.
  • Zoro Vs. Lucci has finished. Lucci is unable to move but he refuses to fall down.
  • Jinbe uses a new Fishman Karate technique called "Go Sen Mai Gawara Shuto" (5,000 Brick Shot - 五千枚瓦手刀) to blow Lucci away. Then he takes Zoro with him to meet up with their nakamas.
  • Mars arrives to the place where Lucci ended up after Jinbe's attack while Lucci is turning back to human form.
  • Lucci reports Mars everything he knows and says Vegapunk's message will begin in 6 minutes. Mars compliments Lucci and flies toward the laboratory.
  • Lucci makes a request to Mars.
Lucci: "I'd like to ask you to spare Kaku's life..."

Mars: "Umm... It may be difficult, since I won't pay attention on what insects I will step on."

  • Cut to Luffy side, he's very happy greeting Dorry and Brogy.
  • Dorry and Brogy ask Luffy why he suddenly looks like the God that was known among giants, but Luffy doesn't understand what they are talking about.
  • Sanji already told Dorry and Brogy to take Luffy to the back of the island. We can see a map with the updated location of all characters on the island (chibi version). All groups are heading toward Giant Warrior Pirates' ship.
  • Now that they found Luffy, Dorry blows a horn to signal retreat to all giants in Egghead Island.
  • Warcury attacks them with a powerful Conqueror Haki roar.
  • Warcury's roar is so strong that Luffy's eyes, hat, clothes (except pants) and even his chest scar, are all blown away from his body. Brogy is shocked seeing what happened to Luffy.
  • Warcury's Conqueror Haki reaches even Marine battleships in the sea, some Marines are fainting.
  • Then Warcury turns 2 of his fangs into blades and attacks Luffy.
-But Dorry and Brogy uses "Svalinn"(Sun Shield - 太陽盾) to block Warcury's attack ("Svalinn" is a legendary shield in Nordic mythology which stands in front of Sun, protecting the world from her heat).

  • Then Dorry and Brogy uses together the attack "Skiljah" (Separation - 隔) to push Warcury back.
  • Saturn attacks Dorry and Brogy spitting venom explosion balls at them. But Luffy "conjures" a baseball bat and cap and hits all venom balls back.
  • Venom balls cause a huge explosion that engulfs Saturn, Warcury, and Ju Peter. Luffy, Dorry and Brogy run as the 3 members of the Five Elders start recovering.
Luffy: "They didn't take any damage again... They must be immortal!!"

Dorry and Brogy: "Umm... We haven't heard of any power or race that can do this."

  • Then we see montages of all groups heading to Giant Warrior Pirates' ship.
  • Bonney's group arrives first, but they see Vice Admirals Pomsky, Guillotine and Redking waiting for them.
  • Mars reaches the room where York is inside the laboratory, and asks her where Vegapunk's broadcast room is.
  • Kizaru is still lying on the Marine battleship, he's covering his eyes with his arm.
Marines: "Kizaru-san !! Please let us treat your wounds!!"

Kizaru: "Indeed I'm wounded... Please just let me rest..."

  • In the last page of the chapter, Marines are reporting something that appeared in the Northwest coast of Egghead Island.
Marine: "Report coming in!! Something far larger than a giant has appeared on the island!!!"

  • We can see that Ancient Giant Robot stands up in the middle of the island, it's surrounded by fire (it seems fire doesn't affect it). Ancient Robot is muttering something...
Ancient Robot: "I'm sorry... Joy Boy."

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