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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Luffy hurries Momonosuke, who cannot fly easily due to his fear of heights.
- Kaidou Vs. Yamato.
- Momonosuke, who cannot get directly to Onigashima's roof because he is flying with his eyes closed, bursts into Onigashima's castle.
- Luffy uses the Snakeman from Gear 4 and his Culverine and simultaneously attacks Kaidou with Yamato.
- Monosuke and Luffy come face to face with Kaidou in dragon form at the end of the chapter
Son düzenleme:
Luffy hurries Momonosuke, who cannot fly easily due to his fear of heights.
- Kaidou Vs. Yamato.
- Momonosuke, who cannot get directly to Onigashima's roof because he is flying with his eyes closed, bursts into Onigashima's castle.
- Luffy uses the Snakeman from Gear 4 and his Culverine and simultaneously attacks Kaidou with Yamato.
- Monosuke and Luffy come face to face with Kaidou in dragon form at the end of the chapter
Luffy, yükseklik korkusundan dolayı kolayca uçamayan Momonosuke'yi acele ettiriyor.
-Kaido vs Yamato.
-Gözleri kapalı bir şekilde uçtuğu için Onigashima'nın tepesine doğrudan gidemeyen Momonosuke Onigashima'nın kalesine dalar.
-Luffy G4 Snake Man formuna girer Culverine atağını kullanarak eş zamanlı olarak Yamato ile birlikte Kaido'ya saldırır.
-Momonosuke ve Luffy bölümün sonunda ejder formlarında Kaido ile yüz yüze gelir. (Görselden bahsediyor.)
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