Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Cilt 98 [4 Şubat 2021]

Kaido Seiryu imiş.

Gyrados Magikarp olayı da değilmiş herhalde
Seiryu diye boşuna demiyorduk. Kaplan belirsiz sadece. O da Yamato olabilir.

Oda responded to the possibility of 5 gears for the first time, although it is a joke.
As follows:

Q : Will Luffy have 4 gears and 5 gears?

Answer: Will there be 5 gears! The enemy that must be defeated now is the strongest man in the world,
The world is also transitioning from 4G to 5G, "G" means "Gear", right?

Bu mu oluyor şimdi o soru :(

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