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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Cilt 93 [4 Temmuz 2019]

Oro'dan etenboby'nin dediğine göre bu seferki cilte ilginc birkaç bilgi varmış.
Gerçekten ilginç mi göreceğiz.
-“Ha!!?” faces of Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Brook
-Whitebeard’s Naginata is call “Murakumogiri(rough translation: Cloud Cutter)” , it’s a Supreme Grade Blade/Sword.
-Kaido can create clouds and he fly as if he’s walking among the clouds.
-This tea pot is the user of Dog-Dog fruit model Tanuki

-Creatures such as Komainu, Kamashiga, Komatori, Komadane are animals with flame-like fur found in Wano.
Please do not post on other sites without asking me first (very important):
:ehe: ayıp ayıp
-“Ha!!?” faces of Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Brook
-Whitebeard’s Naginata is call “Murakumogiri(rough translation: Cloud Cutter)” , it’s a Supreme Grade Blade/Sword.
-Kaido can create clouds and he fly as if he’s walking among the clouds.
-This tea pot is the user of Dog-Dog fruit model Tanuki

-Creatures such as Komainu, Kamashiga, Komatori, Komadane are animals with flame-like fur found in Wano.
Kaido bulut yapabiliyor :/ Bulut kesici ise değişik ironik durmus :S

Ayrıca WB bilgisi Mihawk ve Zoro severler için çok da güzel bi bilgi değil gibi :d

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