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[Spoiler] Toriko (Manga)

Hmm acaba menü boylemi toplanacak bizimkiler yakaladiklarini midoraya onlarda yakaladiklarini bizimkilere mi gönderecek?
Midora zaten dil tekniğini deroustan esinlenmişti baya bir önce yazmıştım.Derousun olduğu yere gidip yaralanmış eskiden.Şimdi de rövanş almaya gitmiş babalarından sanırım.
The science of the cells...

[Toriko 305 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 1:
Kaka: The foundation of "Enbu"...
is 'warding off power'----
Title: Gourmet 305 Playtime Preparations!!
Author: Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi
Kaka: It is not done like a technique...
Enbu is something each individual cell does on its own.
Side: Teach us, Kaka-sensei!!
Toriko: Each individual cell on its own?
What do you mean?
Kaka: The one thing that unifies the "Gourmet Cells" we have
is 'a hearty appetite'. [quote bold]
The truth is they each have their own personality and abilities. It's disconnected.

Page 2-3:
Kaka: Clever cells...
Bad cells...
Honest cells and rebellious cells...
Hard-working cells...
and still sleeping cells...
In the body you normally intend to move by your will...
regarding whether each individual cell is being compliant with your brain's orders, they are not.
Enbu training only begins once you control the "wills" of the over 60 trillion cells in your body.

Page 4:
Coco: Why is it that in order to ward off damage...
we need control of all cells in our bodies?
Kaka: It is in order to have a precise grasp on the flow of energy.
Because if there is a gap in the "recognition" of the intention and type of the power added to the body, one cannot accurately cope with it.
If there are vigilant cells that see a sudden squall pouring down from the sky as an attack from the enemy...
there are also joyful relieved cells that take it as a blessed rain...
Things like not having a sense of unease from being pierced with acupuncture needles or having moxa burned on your skin...
or sensing a reflexology massage as a malevolent attack due to the pain...
you will unified recognition of these on the cellular level.

Page 5:
Kaka: If the pace of your cells is united, the stagnation of energy will disappear...
and you will be able to ward off power at high levels of efficiency...!
And that includes the power of gravity...!!
Guys: G...
Sun: HAH!
Now that you mention it, that monkey...
Even when he was right near the entrance to 100G Mountain
he could still hop around like it was nothing!!
The gravity there should've been 10 times normal at least! That monkey's awesome!!
Toriko: Th... THat monkey?!
But that friggin' monkey's just a 'newcomer' at Enbu, ain't he~~?!
Zeb: Which monkey?
Coco: That monkey.
Kaka: He says his name is 'Iai-Aye'. [quote white]
Iai: Uki!
Sun: Oh, thanks for the translation, Kaka.

Page 6:
Kaka: Gravity is a type of energy as well...
It is a natural phenomenon with no malevolence to speak of,
but the cells will still have varying recognitions of it.
There will be cells that sense that as stress and try to rally against that force,
Arrow: Gravity
Kaka: but there will also be cells that do not oppose it and simply ward it off.
But if all of them assume a stance of 'warding it off',
then the power will not stagnate on the body, you will be able to continuously avoid it all the time.
Coco: So if a body is normally like a bowl that accepts everything into it...
this makes it like a colander that sieves power through it...?

Page 7:
Toriko: But how...
do we get bodies that work like that on the cellular level?
Kaka: It can only be done through practice.
In order to learn the foundation of Enbu, we will be using this.
Toriko: What's that?
Kaka: This is a BB Pill Bug.
Asterisk: *Tokyo's 三橋里駒-san's work!
Kaka: All of you will be using these
as "juggling balls". [quote white]
Guys: J...
Juggling balls...?

Page 8:
Kaka: The BB Pill Bug is a weak and cowardly creature, something unusual for Gourmet World.
The moment one is scared, it activates its powerful defense mechanism of rolling into a ball.
In this state it can roll at incredible speeds,
become so heavy it can't be picked up,
as well as sometimes become so light that it gets picked up by the breeze.

Page 9:
Kaka: Given that a large number of BB Pill Bugs are buried in this 100 G Mountain
you could say our Food Luck is good.
And also, the BB Pill Bug is quite a delicacy.
Let's start with one for now...
Please throw it and then try to catch it.
Toriko: ...One?
You want us to juggle with one ball?
Kaka: Yes. Start with just the one.
Toriko: Just one should be...
a cinch.
Toriko: !

Page 10:
Toriko: Wha?
SFX: FUWA FUWA (Floating)
Toriko: It stopped in mid-a...
Toriko: .........
Wh... What?!
Just when I thought it'd stopped in mid-air...
it suddenly fell to the ground at a super-fast speed?!
Kaka: That is the BB Pill Bug.
It gets heavy, it gets light, it gets fast, it stops, and it gets stinky.
Toriko: It gets stinky, too?!
Kaka: Yes. It expels poison as well...

Page 11:
Kaka: A poison that will melt your hand if you do not let it go within 0.1 seconds.
I need you to become able to precisely deal with the movements of that single BB Pill Bug.
Zeb: Keh. Bullshit. Friggin' juggling.
I'll pass.
Handwritten: Like hell I'm doing that.
Coco: Zebra...
Zeb: We ain't got time ta play around.
I'm doin' this my own way.

Page 12:
Sun: O
Sun: !!
Sun: B-
Coco: !
It got light...
SFX: FU...
Coco: It's like cotton...
It feels like it could keep flying forever if I threw it too hard...
So I'll just... softly...
Coco: Ua!
It's suddenly heavy...

Page 13:
Coco: Th... This is......
The strength to lift it up doesn't make it in time...
By the time that I sense that it's heavy and my brain registers it, it's too late...
With my fingertips... Unless I feel the change with those cells and perform the judgement with the cells themselves...
I'll never make it in time...
So what's sought here is to use each individual's precise sense of judgement...
uniting their wills in cooperation...
Each one has a 'brain', so then higher quality cell tissues can be----

Page 14:
Kaka: By the way, Iai-Aye can already juggle 3 of them.
Iai: Ukiki!
Sun: Uo! Woah! A 'newcomer' can do 3?!!
Kaka: You can tell one's 'Enbu' level by the number of balls they can juggle.
If they can do 3, you can consider them to have mastered the basics.
Or what is known as a 'Newcomer'.
We do not have enough time to master the "secret techniques" of 'Enbu',
but 2 days should be enough time to at least learn the fundamentals.
Toriko: 2 days......
That's really too much time for us right now...
Kaka: .........
I've come to that number with considerable expectations for your talents.
Normally it would take several months for someone to master the fundamentals...
So carefully... and slowly make haste...
What you must not forget...
is that this is not training for the sake of defeating the Monkey King...

Page 15:
Kaka: It is purely preparation to become playmates of the Monkey King...
Because we have one goal...
his testicles...!
Coco: Please don't say testicles.
Guys: Okay, the sun has risen.
We have three more days
to Komatsu-san's limit...!!
Guys: Okay, let's master

Page 16:
Description: ----Halfway up 100 G Mountain----

Page 17:
Narration: The Monkey King......
is still playing hide-and-seek------
Insert: Though he's still quite "out in the open"...!!
Bottom: Toriko
...Gourmet 305
/ End
Next issue, can they conquer the BB Pill Bugs?! Hurry, Toriko!!

Midora ve Starjunun olaylari fake.
Anladım. Kapışma diyince korktum ben de. Midora'nın seviyesi zaten belli de Starjun da tur bindirmesin Torikolara şimdi. Acaba bizimkilerin Air yemiş hallerinde üstün müdür diye düşünüyorum şimdi Starjun için. Zaman atlamasından önce zaten aşmış bir karakterdi. O olaydan sonra Midora ile akmıştır Gurme Dünyasında. Seviyesini görürsek güzel olur.
Onların oraya Joa'nın tarikatı da giderse efsane bölümler çıkar oradan.
Starjun şu an bizimkilerle en kötü ihtimalle denk dövüşür, kazanması daha güçlü ihtimal tabi. 100. bölümde Starjun GW'ye giriyor. Bizimkiler ise 263. bölümde giriyorlar topluca. İçlerinde bir Zebra'nın mazisi daha uzun GW'de işte, onu da mangaka sürekli ayırıyor zaten. Fake Spoiler Recep'in fantezisi olmuş biraz. Bir an bende acaba dedim ama Komatsu bu durumdayken mangaka başka ekran açmaz, mantıklı olan şey önce Komatsu'nun iyileşmesi olmalı. :D
Garibim nasılda heyecanlı arkadaş buldu diye. Şununla adam akıllı oynasın mutlu etsinler gurme dünyasının sonuna kadar peşinden gelir korur la bizimkileri

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