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[Spoiler] 843: Vinsmoke Sanji

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Viz bazı yerleri mangastreamden farklı çevirmiş. Bi bakın bakalım. Arlongparkta denk geldim.
After a week off, we're back...and so are chapter comparisons.

  • Opera's "-fa" speech trait is translated as a "thick" voice. ("fwom" for "from" and "Straw Ha' Luffy'sh" for "Straw Hat Luffy's")
  • In MS, Pound just apologizes for "not having more faith in [them] earlier". In VIZ, he more specifically apologizes for "running away and leaving [them] behind". Nami responds to his assumption about losing with, "Well, that's really rude of you, Pound!"
  • Oddly, in VIZ, Luffy doesn't say anything about burning calories faster in Gear Fourth (though it's almost certainly true). He just replies to Nami with "Gear Four uses a lot of energy."
  • Linlin, rather than Cracker, is the one who's stated to be vengeful about Snack's defeat: "Cracker's forces blotted out the seas with their numbers, and Linlin's rage of vengeance summoned a storm!"
  • In VIZ, Luffy's words after Pound tells them about Linlin's powers clarifies that he's angry right now, rather than just talking about his tempers. "Let her be mad...huff huff...I'm the one who's mad right now." And then, his words about Sanji: "I mean, what's Sanji doing? He just leaves a letter and vanishes on us without even giving a reason why!"
  • The second bubble in the last panel with Nami and Pound (asking what time it is, and saying they need to stop the Vinsmokes from reaching the castle) appears in MS (and the panel itself) to be spoken by Nami, but in VIZ, it's spoken by Pound.
  • When briefly talking in the mirror with Chopper, he mentions Brook's team in the official version, instead of just "we". ("If all goes well, both you and Brook's team will be--") And instead of saying it "turned back into a normal mirror", Nami says, "It's just mirror pieces again!"
  • Yonji's reaction to seeing Luffy is "What?! He crossed her territory to get here?!"
  • The cat pun about the coach they're in: The "Calicoach".
  • Some of Luffy's words to Sanji when he's chattering away are different, and there aren't pieces cut off: "Originally I was just gonna come get you myself, but it was a bit much for me alone. So Zoro's group is heading for Wano now, while we've got Nami, Chopper, and Brook. And also, because they wouldn't take no for an answer..." (Yes, VIZ does not say that Zoro's group is "already in" Wano.)
  • Sanji's words about the letter (and after): "Stop taking that letter seriously! I'm not going back!" And when Yonji says he wants to help, Sanji just responds with telling him not to get involved, and then "I'll drive him off!"
  • Luffy's response to Sanji's speech is "Hell no! What are you talking about?! This makes no sense!"
Viz bazı yerleri mangastreamden farklı çevirmiş. Bi bakın bakalım. Arlongparkta denk geldim.
After a week off, we're back...and so are chapter comparisons.

  • Opera's "-fa" speech trait is translated as a "thick" voice. ("fwom" for "from" and "Straw Ha' Luffy'sh" for "Straw Hat Luffy's")
  • In MS, Pound just apologizes for "not having more faith in [them] earlier". In VIZ, he more specifically apologizes for "running away and leaving [them] behind". Nami responds to his assumption about losing with, "Well, that's really rude of you, Pound!"
  • Oddly, in VIZ, Luffy doesn't say anything about burning calories faster in Gear Fourth (though it's almost certainly true). He just replies to Nami with "Gear Four uses a lot of energy."
  • Linlin, rather than Cracker, is the one who's stated to be vengeful about Snack's defeat: "Cracker's forces blotted out the seas with their numbers, and Linlin's rage of vengeance summoned a storm!"
  • In VIZ, Luffy's words after Pound tells them about Linlin's powers clarifies that he's angry right now, rather than just talking about his tempers. "Let her be mad...huff huff...I'm the one who's mad right now." And then, his words about Sanji: "I mean, what's Sanji doing? He just leaves a letter and vanishes on us without even giving a reason why!"
  • The second bubble in the last panel with Nami and Pound (asking what time it is, and saying they need to stop the Vinsmokes from reaching the castle) appears in MS (and the panel itself) to be spoken by Nami, but in VIZ, it's spoken by Pound.
  • When briefly talking in the mirror with Chopper, he mentions Brook's team in the official version, instead of just "we". ("If all goes well, both you and Brook's team will be--") And instead of saying it "turned back into a normal mirror", Nami says, "It's just mirror pieces again!"
  • Yonji's reaction to seeing Luffy is "What?! He crossed her territory to get here?!"
  • The cat pun about the coach they're in: The "Calicoach".
  • Some of Luffy's words to Sanji when he's chattering away are different, and there aren't pieces cut off: "Originally I was just gonna come get you myself, but it was a bit much for me alone. So Zoro's group is heading for Wano now, while we've got Nami, Chopper, and Brook. And also, because they wouldn't take no for an answer..." (Yes, VIZ does not say that Zoro's group is "already in" Wano.)
  • Sanji's words about the letter (and after): "Stop taking that letter seriously! I'm not going back!" And when Yonji says he wants to help, Sanji just responds with telling him not to get involved, and then "I'll drive him off!"
  • Luffy's response to Sanji's speech is "Hell no! What are you talking about?! This makes no sense!"
Ne gibi değişiklikler var?
Ne gibi değişiklikler var?
Mesela Luffy bi de beni sinirliyken görün dememiş. Pound BM kızınca şöyle olur falan deyince bizimki; "Bırakın kızacaksa kızsın. Şu anda esas kızgın olan benim." gibi bi şey diyor. Zorolar Wanoda demişler ama Luffy Wanoya gidiyorlar diyormuş. Nami Chopperla konuşurken Brooklardan bahsetmiş. Her şey yolunda giderse siz ve Brooklar... diye başlıyormuş cümle.
Bir de Luffy "tek gelecektim ama yalnız olsam benim için zor olurdu" gibi bi şeyler demiş Sanji ile konuşmaya başlarken.
Luffy Sanji'ye dediklerini yemedim değil de "Olamaz, ne diyorsun sen? Bu hiç mantıklı değil." diyor.
Pound size güvenmedim dememiş, bırakıp kaçtığı için özür dilemiş.
Son düzenleme:
Mesela Luffy bi de beni sinirliyken görün dememiş. Pound BM kızınca şöyle olur falan deyince bizimki; "Bırakın kızacaksa kızsın. Şu anda esas kızgın olan benim." gibi bi şey diyor. Zorolar Wanoda demişler ama Luffy Wanoya gidiyorlar diyormuş. Nami Chopperla konuşurken Brooklardan bahsetmiş. Her şey yolunda giderse siz ve Brooklar... diye başlıyormuş cümle.
Bir de Luffy "tek gelecektim ama yalnız olsam benim için zor olurdu" gibi bi şeyler demiş Sanji ile konuşmaya başlarken.
Luffy Sanji'ye dediklerini yemedim değil de "ne diyorsun sen! Bu hiç mantıklı değil." diyor.
Sanıyorsam bir de kalori olayı hakkında bir şeyler yanlışmış?
Sanji bu arc elleri bırakabilir mi acaba ? Aşçı için zor durum tabi de. Arc sonu vinsmoke teknolojisiyle felan halleder belki.

Silinmiş Üye

Big mom Luffy için en kolay rakip. Tüm ada yiyecek sonuçta. Saatlerce G4 açık azına yüzüne vurur affetmez. Bir de H.Haki ile fantastik şeyler yapar alın size power up....
Vinsmoke'lar Luffy'e dalıp düğüne götürebilirler. Ya da Luffy Sanji'yi alır kaçar :D Düğün iptal olur, ortalik karişir. Luffy ordan dövüşmeden gitmez.
Düğün hediyesi olarak Big Mom'a götürebilirler dediğin gibi :D
Hem bu sayede Cracker'in yenilgisinin ardından gelen öfke patlaması düğüne yansımaz ve Charlotte ile Vinsmoke ailesinin bağları güçlenmiş olur.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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